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Clay's P.O.V.

I'm unsure about the pills George got for me from the pharmacy, but the speed at which they put me to sleep made me think they were horse tranquilizers. I fell asleep at 10 p.m. and didn't even wake up once all night.

Waking up in the morning wasn't easy as well. George had to practically pull me out of bed because he had found a nearby dentist and scheduled an appointment. I was skeptical, yet considering the alternative of enduring another week of this pain, taking the chance seemed like the smarter choice.

Brushing my teeth with the rock hard hotel toothbrush put me in so much pain that my day was already shit.

And then a taxi scammed us, we had trouble finding the dental clinic, narrowly escaped an odd older man who said he could guide us, and eventually reached our destination. Which unsurprisingly enough, looked like a place where organs were taken out to be sold.

"What is this?" I whispered to George while we sat in the waiting room under flickering white lights, waiting for the dentist to call us in.

"I don't know, the reviews were in french," he shrugged, "don't worry, I got a knife on me."

I wasn't sure if that made me feel safer or more concerned that he thought bringing a knife was necessary. All I knew was that there was a patient being treated inside, and their screams of pain were concerningly loud.

"Uh.. should we just leave?" I whispered, shifting in my seat uncomfortably.

"Don't be a pussy," it was almost like he wasn't the one about to get his mouth abused by a butcher that worked part time at a dental clinic.

"If I text 'I love you' to Liz, will she get suspicious?" I was seriously considering it.

"That's just disgusting," he scrunched up his face. It's like he has an allergic reaction to anything associated with the word love.

Finally, a nurse came out of the room and said something that was supposed to be my name. I only responded because George nudged me to get up.

And he couldn't have chosen people with taller and thicker language barriers. They couldn't understand the words I was using, I couldn't understand the words through their accents. Even getting on the checkup chair was a struggle.

But we got there eventually. And I think the clinic was for kids, cause my legs were halfway dangling from the chair.

"Say aaa," the dentist, a middle-aged man, instructed and switched on the lamp. Luckily, he changed his gloves after the previous patient.

I opened my mouth wide, expecting him to begin the checkup, but he insisted I say "aaa" before he proceeded. I had no idea sound effects were a vital part of this process, but then again, I'm not a doctor.

Then he was asking me a question. No idea what it meant, but he kept repeating the word.

"Arts?" He asked while touching my teeth with a metal tool, and I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding the question.

What does he want? Fanarts?

"He's asking if it hurts," thank goodness George was here, because I was on the verge of embarrassing myself.

And how did he even understand that?

"No," I tried to pronounce the word with his whole hand down my mouth, but it sounded more like a noise than a word.

Is this how Lizzy feels when I shove my fingers into her mouth and make her beg for it-

Nevermind, I'm getting distracted.

He proceeded to touch every tooth with the tool and ask if it hurt or not, and I ended up making the same animalistic noise as a negative answer.

How does Liz sound pretty though?

Nevermind, I should stay focused.

Then he grabbed a mirror tool and almost shoved his whole bald ass head into my mouth to look.

And I almost choked hearing what he was saying. It sounded something like this.

"No dick, eh."

I tried to look at George to find answers, but the man's head was blocking my whole view.

"No dick, eh.." he repeated, looking at every single tooth and seemingly being disappointed about not finding dicks in my mouth.

When he said it for the third time, I began to wonder if his treatment approach involved putting a dick in my mouth.

"He's saying there's no decay," I could hear the forced back smile in George's voice. And what he said brought so much relief to me that I slouched back into the chair.

I never imagined I'd feel so self-conscious about having no dicks in my mouth.

Out of nowhere, the doctor pulled out a massive needle and aimed it at my gums. I looked at George, terror and uncertainty in my eyes, trying to find an answer on his face. But he just shrugged, coming closer to watch me get pricked as if it was a form of entertainment.

I shifted in my seat, about to close my mouth, but he shoved a tool inside and pulled my lips open.

"Oo, scary," the dentist giggled before positioning the needle, and I couldn't tell if he was making a joke, being serious, warning me, or mispronounced 'you're going to die'.

All I know is that while I was distracted by the pain of having a needle pushed into my gums, George was talking to the nurse on the side. And then more nurses appeared out of nowhere, carrying additional needles, an IV stand, and tools.

I should've sent that I love you text to Lizzy.

"Whah?" My whole jaw was numb from the injection, and I couldn't process why one of the nurses was rolling up the sleeve of my sweater.

"It's your wisdom tooth," George leaned down to talk to me, chewing on his lip nervously, "they're gonna have to remove it. Stay strong, I'll be there when you wake up."

Wake up?

I think they should've at least asked for my consent before shoving another needle into my arm vein and sedating me. Unless George was the one who made the decision for me, which I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even hesitate.

I didn't get to process anything. I saw the IV bag, felt the needle in my arm, the heart rate monitor pinching my finger, and what was the scariest part, the nurses leading George out of the room.

And you know it's bad when George's presence gives you comfort.

My vision got blurrier with each passing second until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. The sound of my own heartbeat beeping on the screen subsided, and everything faded to black.

But I found my comfort after that. It was as if I knew I wasn't in a real place, but my imagination took me home. I was lying on Lizzy's stomach, my arms wrapped around her waist and my cheek pressed against her delicate skin. Her hands were in my hair gently playing with every curl.

Patches was there too, all snuggled up into a fluffy ball and sleeping on her small bed. I could hear George and Nick laughing in the background, so happy and carefree that it made me smile.

Even though it almost seemed like a normal day we would have in real life, there was a strong difference in the way I perceived everything.

It felt different in the best way possible. It felt like what was happening wasn't just for the day, but for every single day till there were none. There was a reassuring sense of comfort and certainty that kept the thoughts of this ever coming to an end away.

I felt like I was with my forever person, and I was gonna be happy forever.

And that's when I acknowledged the difference in the placement of the rings on my hand.

There was one on my ring finger. It was an unfamiliar ring, one I didn't own yet. But in my dream, it just made sense. It made sense cause Lizzy had one too.

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