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Clay followed me downstairs, harshly tugging at my shoulder once I reached the front door to turn my body around and face him.

"Calm the fuck down, you're not going anywhere." His grip was strong enough to keep me in place.

"Oh really? What makes you think you get to decide where I go and where I don't?" I jerked my shoulder to free it from the weight of his hand, but it seemed to stay glued there, "Do not touch me." I said through gritted teeth, jerking my shoulder again.

"God give me patience." Throwing his head back, Clay finally removed his hand from my body.

"If I were you, I'd ask for a brain." I threw him a dirty look, but he wasn't very moved by it.

"Yeah, you could use it."

This bitch.

I didn't wait any longer and reached for the door, attempting to open it but failing cause somebody else did it for me quicker. The barrier slowly creaked open, and I saw Nick and George standing there with wide eyes and parted mouths.

"The whole neighborhood can hear you." Nick glanced at both of us, his voice noticeably quieter than usual, "What the fuck happened?"

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes and tried to walk past them. But I quickly realized that now it wasn't Clay who was stopping me, but George. He stepped infront of me confidently, blocking my path with his body, and all I could do was groan once again in annoyance.

They both went in, mechanically pushing my body back inside with them. They were like trained dogs.

"What's going on here?" George closed the door, and I stood miles away from Clay, crossing my arms defensively.

"She's out of her fucking mind." Speaking about Clay, he was making it so hard for me not to slap him across his dumb face.

"Oh my fucking god, just shut the fuck up." I was so mad, annoyed and disgusted that I couldn't even scream at him anymore. All I could do was close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to convince myself that slapping him wouldn't solve any of my problems.

Or maybe it would, but it clearly wasn't a solution. An ethical one, at least.

"Okay, it's just another fight, calm down, let's talk it out," Nick spoke, putting his hand on my back. The number of times this poor guy worked as a couple therapist for us...

"No, we're done. It's over." I shook my head vigorously, not wanting to hear a word from that stupid fucker.

"See? Completely out of her goddamn mind." But he was continuing regardless.

"Shut the fuck up!" I raised my voice again, and just to be sure that I don't jump on him and rip his hair out, Nick repositioned his hand - bringing it from my back to my stomach, using it as a fence between us.

"I'll shut up when you're back to your senses-"

"Okay, shut up." George looked at Clay, and he immediately closed his stupid mouth.

I turned around, "I'm going."

All I heard was Clay mumbling 'go with her' to Nick, and the footsteps starting to follow me momentarily. Even though I wanted to walk in a different direction, Nick's arm on my shoulders was heavy enough to sweep me off my way.

"Let's take my car to the mechanic and then eat something, yeah?" I realized that he was walking me to the garage.

"No, I'm going," I stopped and frowned, still too angry to process any other emotion.

"Where are you going?" He asked.


"I'm coming away with you then," I knew that he wasn't going to leave me alone. Firstly, because he was my friend, and secondly, because anything Clay tells him to do, he makes sure to complete selflessly.

"No, I'm going back to my house," I made the decision on the spot, but pretended that it was my initial plan.

And the lack of certainty was written all over his face when he heard my words.

"You have a house?"

I sighed.

I don't even blame him cause I forgot about it too. The last time I went back there was over a year ago to grab a certificate I needed for college.

"Do you think I was homeless before I met him?" I rolled my eyes, realizing that before we even moved here, I still wouldn't stay at my house. I would stay over at Clay's old place even before we started dating.

"Oh, right," he nodded, "sometimes I forget you existed before dating h-"

"What?" I gasped.

"No, not like that- I meant, like.. like I didn't know you before him."

I wasn't in a good mood to start with, and putting up with Nick's questionable remarks put me through emotional pain.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." At least I had the spirit.

He stopped me confidently, and his expression told me that he wasn't gonna let me go even if I magically gained the ability to teleport away.

"You broke up with him, not with me." Even though his words were nonsense, they still kind of made sense, "And we have two houses here, you're not gonna go anywhere. If you don't wanna live with him, switch rooms with George, live with me till you two sort things out."

"Sort things out? With that hopeless dumb fuck?" I raised a brow, "No way, he's fucking insane."

Nick's reaction was simple. A shake of the head and a disappointed glare, "What did he do?" He asked, but before I could answer, continued, "Actually, let's take my car to the mechanic and have a chit chat on our way, hm?"

Embarrassingly, the running joke about us being each other's only friend were proving to be true. I had no one else to talk to - well, except for George, of course, but he was probably busy talking with Clay.

Just for once in my life, I decided not to be difficult. And if it doesn't improve the quality of my life, I'm gonna go back to my old habits.

"Alright." I finally agreed. His face switched up immediately. He probably didn't think I'll agree this quickly.

"Sweet, let's go," Nick quickly pulled me to his car, as if he was scared that I'll change my mind.

The moment we got in, Clay called him. I rolled my eyes when Nick picked up and started talking, cause the conversation was solely about me.

"She's with me," Nick spoke, "yeah, she's fine," he nodded, "no, I won't," I wasn't sure what the question was there, "don't worry," another indefinite response, "how are you? You okay?" Nick made sure to check on him too before saying the final words of hanging up, "Alright, I'll call you. Love you too, brother."

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