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All of my energy, or what was left of it, was drained with the shower I finally took after lying lifeless on Clay's body for an hour. The hot water did a wonderful job soothing my sore body, but it also almost put me to sleep.

Clay was already finished with his own shower, waiting on the bed for me as I entered the room. I refused to shower with him because every time, despite his claims of it being just a shower, it ended differently.

"Thought you fell asleep in there," he smiled.

"You know what, I almost did," I grabbed a fresh shirt to put on and saw him forcing back a grin at my voice, "What?"

He shook his head, "You just.. have a sensitive throat."

The number of times this had happened was enough to confirm his words.

"You're laughing. George is gonna make me suck popsicles again," I sighed tiredly as I flopped onto the bed, hearing his laughter draw nearer as he pulled me close.

"Little does he know sucking is the problem, not the solution."

I tried to give him a playful kick, but I was so tired that it felt like I was moving in slow motion, and my kick probably didn't even tickle him. Instead, it made him pull me even closer, spooning me.

As Clay planted a kiss on my shoulder, I remembered that I had something to share.

"I tried reaching out to Olivia, by the way," I began, my words hanging heavy in the air, and I appreciated the silence, "she still hasn't responded."

A few more seconds were spent in silence. And then he finally spoke.

"What should we do?"

I was already pleased that he was seeking my opinion and using "we" instead of "I."

"Let's just leave it," I turned around to face him, "The more we interact with it, the worse it gets. I'm done with college and will probably never see those people ever again, so let's just forget about it."

I saw him struggle silently, his chest rising with the deep breath he took and falling just as dramatically as he exhaled.

"I know you're probably right, but it's... it's just.. you know me," he sighed.

"I know. And you know that you're not in a position to afford doing stupid things, and meeting up with your ex was stupid enough already."

He sharply exhaled through his nose, lips pressing into a subtle smile. Before saying anything, he pulled me closer, tracing his fingers along my back, "Yeah. You're right."

There was nothing better I could ask for than hearing those words. I could go to sleep in peace now and never wake up.

I was almost asleep when Clay's phone started ringing. I groaned, wondering why he had the volume up at night, and then realized that maybe it was because we hadn't planned on going to sleep, and it had just happened while we were cuddling.

Clay opened his eyes heavily and reached his arm over my head to grab his phone.

"Hello?" He sleepily spoke, voice not half as loud as the one coming through the line.

Loud enough for me to hear that it was Nick.

"Dude, you won't believe! Put it on speaker so Lizzy hears it too!" He was speaking loud enough for me to hear without the need of the speaker.

"What?" Clay's eyes were closed, and his words were barely intelligible.

"So I had to piss real bad, but I was streaming, so I decided to just hold it till I'm done, right?" And it started off already as bad as I thought it would be, "Like my balls were filled to the fucking brim, I was in pain."

I didn't think it was the right time to explain to him that that's not how it works, so I remained silent.

"Bro, what?" Clay was slowly waking up. I think he was either too confused or already invested in the story.

"Then I went downstairs to pee and the lights were off. So you know the lightswitch next to the door? I reached for that in the darkness and my hand touched something fucking disgusting and hairy."

I can't lie, at that point I was invested too.

"Was it George's balls?" Clay asked, making me question if it was just a joke or he really knew how George's balls looked.

"Nah bro, George's balls are not hairy," Nick sounded so serious, "it was a fucking dried up tarantula, I'm not even kidding."

I remembered the huge spider I had sprayed and left dead on their wall, and I was pretty sure he was talking about it. But the thing is, it wasn't a tarantula; it was just a big spider, and he was being dramatic.

"You're making no sense. How was it dried up?" Clay was way more interested in the details than he should have been.

"I don't know, it was dead. But that's not the important part," Nick started laughing, and I could hear George laughing as well in the background, "I got scared so bad and had to piss so bad that I didn't make it to the bathroom."

"Did you fucking piss yourself?" Clay sat up, voice resonating in disbelief, "No way!"

As if he's never done it before.

They laughed about it over the phone for 10 minutes, and then Nick decided to share his experience with the rest of the world by tweeting it out. After that, he said they were coming over, even though it was past midnight.

"Can I stay here?" I couldn't force myself to get up even if I wanted to. And to be honest, I didn't even want to.

"Of course," Clay leaned down and pecked my lips, "we'll keep quiet, try to sleep."

"It's okay, I just don't wanna leave the bed," I hugged his pillow as he got up, "and my voice is gone, so.."

He nodded, giving me a smile, "I'll tell them you're asleep then."

We were dumb to think that Nick would care. Not even five minutes after they arrived, Nick stormed upstairs. I could hear his heavy footsteps approaching our bedroom, so I hastily turned off the bedside lamp and closed my eyes.

The darkness didn't last for long because soon enough I squinted at Nick, who was shining his phone's light onto my face.

"Are you asleep?" His voice was meant to be a whisper, and I appreciated the effort despite the outcome.

"Yes," my voice barely qualified to be called a voice. It just sounded like a sound.

"Holy shit, did you get possessed again?" He started shining the flash into my eyes, making me groan and reach my arm out to turn on the lamp.

Right at that moment, I saw his eyes widen as he looked at my hand. With a more in-depth perception, I realized that he was staring at my wrist. Which had a nasty friction burn on it from Clay's belt.

Even though I was hoping his mind just wouldn't go there, he made a simple remark along with a pair of widened eyes and raised eyebrows that were enough to prove me wrong, "Yo..."

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