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I stayed at the cafe for a while, just sitting there, playing with my food and not knowing what to do next.

One thing I wasn't worried about was getting a phone call from Lizzy while my phone wasn't on me, cause it was still early back home and I highly doubted she would have woken up that early on an exam day.

But as the hours passed, the possibility of her waking up increased.

As I was getting ready to leave, a guy walked up to my table, engrossed in his phone. He eventually looked back and forth between me and the phone lying infront of me and said something in French.

I thought the guy looked familiar, but I couldn't tell exactly where I've seen him.

"Sorry?" I asked, hoping he'd switch the language.

He frowned at me and tapped on the screen of the phone laying on the table before me. Then we both had a moment of realization. He was the guy from the lockscreen - most likely tracking his girlfriend's phone.

"Where is Elise?" He asked, grabbing the phone and putting it in his pocket, "Where did you get this phone?"

And I almost forgot how bad I was at lying. I just looked at him like an idiot, as if his words were still in a foreign language and I couldn't understand.

"Uh.. who?" I thought I was buying myself time by acting dumb. But in reality, I just looked dumb.

Though I really felt for the guy and wanted him to know, I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.

"Uh, the phone? It was already on the table when I got here. Looks like someone must've left it behind." And that's pretty much the best excuse my brain could muster.

The situation made me realize that I inadvertently helped that girl. If I hadn't mistakenly taken her phone, this guy could've tracked her and ended up barging into our hotel room. Plus, I ended up telling a little lie about her forgetting her phone at the café to back her up.

Of course, none of it was really about the girl. It was more for those two fools back in the hotel room who would likely have gotten in trouble if this guy caught them passing his girl around.

What I didn't realize was that the real target was me and not them.

It was like this guy was seeing right through my lies. He yanked the collar of my shirt, his grip tight, and asked the same question again, this time with a slower, more intense delivery.

"Where is Elise?"

And I'm not an aggressive person, but c'mon.. who did he think he was putting his hands on me like that without having certain information about what had happened?

I stood up and towered over him, his hand already dropping from my shirt because of the height difference. He was around Nick's height, but.. bulkier.

"I already told you. Now step aside." I might've given him a bit more of a shove than intended while trying to get past, but the fact that it scared him enough not to follow me outside, made me not regret anything.

One thing I did regret was going back to the hotel room. Even though I could feel that something was going on there before I even held my key card against the door, still, nothing could prepare me spirituality for the scene unfolding before my eyes.

I feel the disgust even trying to phrase it. To put it nicely, both girls' mouths were occupied. And to put it accurately, George and Nick were balls deep into their mouths.

Good thing the angle blocked their dicks and balls from my sight. All I could see were two heads - one blonde, and one with colorful hair.

Probably the funniest part about it was that while Nick was really into it, grunting and guiding the girl's head, George looked bored. He was literally scrolling through his phone.

I guess Elise was all talk and no skill.

"Oh, you're right on time! We're about to do the Eiffel tower, wanna film?" George didn't even give me a chance to react to the scene infront of me cause his question was just as big of a shock.

I didn't want to be dramatic or involved in whatever was happening in any way possible, so I tried to keep the interaction as short as possible.

"No thanks, I'll just grab my phone and leave," navigating was hard when I was trying my best not to look at them. And when I saw it next to George and leaned to grab it, I tapped Elise's shoulder on my way, "Your boyfriend's looking for you, by the way. And he has your phone."

She was too wasted to react, and her mouth was busy too. So I just left to free my ears from Nick's groaning and all the other disgusting sounds.

Honestly, I handled the situation better than any of them ever could. I remember Nick almost having a cardiac event that one time he walked in on me in the shower naked, and George passes out every time he sees hickeys or even mosquito bites on Liz. I can only imagine the spectacle they would orchestrate if they were in my shoes.

Anyway, before seeing what I missed, I checked if my phone had bodily fluids on it, and luckily, it didn't. At first, I was happy to see that there weren't any missed calls or texts. But then when I tried to text Lizzy, I saw that there was an accepted call. An hour ago.

I started sweating so bad. My hands were clammy, there was that unpleasant feeling in my stomach, and my heart was beating out of my chest.

I genuinely didn't know what to expect, but I knew one thing. The outcome could either be bad, horrendous, or straight-up traumatic.

I found a quiet spot to sit before facetiming her. And she declined the call. It's already going bad.

Clay: Liz?

I was hoping she'd genuinely be busy. But she didn't want to pick up my call and that's it.

Mine❤️: Nick? George? Random french prostitute?

Oh god.

Clay: pick up the call?

I waited and waited.

Mine❤️: fuck off

For nothing.

Coder Girl 2 /Dreamwastaken/Where stories live. Discover now