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Clay's P.O.V.

I woke up early from a confusing, nightmare-like dream where Lizzy went to a party and didn't respond to my calls. And it was a perfect reminder of yesterday, and also a sign to text Nick.

We talked about the incident, although much of the conversation felt somewhat pointless as there wasn't much new information to share. However, when I brought up my concerns about my ex, he agreed that talking to her was a good starting point.

And that's where we were going. Well, I was going to meet up with her and try to have a conversation, while Nick was heading back to the club to check for any new information.

It felt a bit weird not letting Lizzy in on our plans, but George suggested we hold off to avoid worrying her in case the whole thing turned out to be a dead end. Of course, if we found anything worth sharing, we'd fill her in.

Going back to my ex's house after literal years was unsettling, to say the least. But it was my only choice since texting her was too risky in terms of leaked screenshots, and meeting in a public place was also problematic due to the high chance of being photographed or filmed together.

I also didn't warn her before showing up, thinking she might plan something in advance. So all I could do was hope she hadn't changed her address and was home.

Fortunately or unfortunately, she opened the door after I knocked. I had expected her to appear more surprised, yet she chuckled, "You won't believe it, but I was just thinking about you."

"I do believe it," I looked behind her to see if she was home alone, and it seemed like she was.

"Ah, still as cocky as I remember," she stepped aside, "Come in."

I tried to shut my brain down as I entered, but the memories kept coming back. She closed the door, and it made the atmosphere feel even more suffocating.

Ignoring everything, I settled onto the couch, my eyes wandering around the room, taking note of all the changes that had occurred since my last visit. While I could clearly see the alterations, an overwhelming sense of familiarity still choked me.

"Anything to drink? Water, coffee, tea... alcohol?" She sat in front of me, crossing her legs.

"I'm good." I probably sounded emotionless.

"Don't worry, I won't slip anything in it." The smirk on her face as she said it made me clench my jaw. "But before you jump to conclusions, I wasn't involved in whatever happened yesterday."

I knew it.

"How do you know what happened yesterday?" I struggled to keep my voice calm.

"My friend told me the party got shut down because a special someone got drugged," her smile while discussing a topic like this was incredibly irritating to me. Well, everything about her was irritating to me.

"Who's your friend?"

"Don't know about you, but Eliza will definitely know her," there was so much ignorance in the way she said her name, "but her identity isn't really relevant to what I'm about to tell you."

I furrowed my brows, already confused about the connections she was making.

"I don't have much time," I checked my watch, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible, "make it quick."

She sighed heavily, clearly annoyed with my words, and shifted in her seat before starting.

"So.. I hope you're aware that your girlfriend was in a relationship before you," she began, "with another girl."

I cleared my throat to get rid of the choking feeling. But it stayed.

I won't deny that it was unsettling she had access to that information. Still, I kept a blank stare, awaiting her next words.

"And that girl left her for a guy, right?" She smirked.

I started cracking my fingers, leg jittering, and giving away how nervous I was.

"And then your Lizzy got so pissed about it that she started sleeping with that guy," she laughed, and then paused, seeing my puzzled reaction, "oh wait... you didn't know that part?"

My fingers instinctively wrapped around my thumb, applying pressure to calm myself down. I had no information whatsoever about whatever she just said, and I had no way of knowing whether there was any truth to it or not.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I blinked, face still not holding emotion.

"Aw, I'm sorry. If I knew you didn't know, I'd approach the topic slowly."

"Where did you get that information?" I pressed my teeth together, knowing well that it wasn't something public.

She looked satisfied, tucking her hair behind her ear before speaking.

"You see... My friend... she happens to be Eliza's classmate. Both in school and college," her words were beginning to strike a nerve. "What a coincidence right? And it's kinda funny that she has known your girlfriend longer than you have."

"Honestly, I can't even force myself to believe anything you're saying," I was trying to force my mind to stay true to my words.

"Oh, Eliza's not as innocent as you think, Clay," she laughed. "I mean, sleeping with your ex's boyfriend for a whole year just to get back at her? That's some serious dedication-"

"Okay, that's enough."

Grabbing my phone from the table, I tried to stand up and leave. Whatever she was making up made no sense and had no connection with what I was here for.

"That guy graduated yesterday," she raised her voice, making sure her words left an impact. "And he's still pretty much obsessed with your girlfriend. Even after she rejected him multiple times."

What the fuck.

I didn't want to trust anything she was saying. I had no concrete reason to believe her words. However, they still hit me like a cold shower, leaving me frozen in my spot.

"Did you make all of that up yourself? Or did your friend help you?" I asked, "Or is your friend also made up?"

"Why would I lie, Clay?" Her face tensed up, the smirk finally disappearing.

"Out of habit, you're used to that shit," I couldn't hide the anger in my voice no more, "just making up random lies and accusations to get a reaction."

"What? I'm not even accusing your girlfriend of anything. It happened before you two met, it's not like I'm saying she's cheating on you," I hated the genuine tone in her voice. "I mean, if we're being honest, I'm sure whatever they had went on for a while, but who am I to make accusations like that, right?"

I was clenching my fist so hard, trying not to punch anything or anyone.

"Are you gonna give me a name? Preferably not a made up one." I was ready to leave.

She remained silent, rising from her seat to guide me toward the door.

"Ask your girlfriend first. If she doesn't, I will."

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