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As much as I enjoyed lying flush on Clay's chest while his fingertips traced my back, eventually we had to get up. Their flight was in a few hours, and we still had to get some things done.

I quickly grabbed one of his shirts, its fabric soft against my skin, and a pair of shorts from my own closet. The only reason why I cared to wear the shorts was purely practical: having something underneath the shirt just in case George and Nick decided to barge into our house like they usually do.

A quick glance at the mirror revealed that my undereyes were still stained black from the waterproof mascara I had applied 3 days ago and never cared enough to take it off with an oil cleanser. I looked too much like a housewife with three kids, but whatever, I'll do some self care once they leave, and I have the time.

"Did we pack your pills?" Usually, Clay was the one panicking and making sure everything was in order before trips. Yet this time, I found myself running around the house maniacally, making sure I didn't forget anything. And I wasn't even going with them. Everything was for him and him only.

"Probably, I don't kn-"

"We didn't!" I opened the drawer and found the medication I was supposed to put in his bag yesterday and forgot.

"It's not like I'm gonna die without vitamins and adderall," he tried to calm me down, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders, "relax, everything's fine, baby."

I sighed, feeling the botttom of his chin ontop of my head and I couldn't help but notice how my movements were all over the place. I had nearly mixed up all of the pills together. Maybe I'll organize them in a few minutes when I'm done freaking out.

Clay turned me around to face him. I could feel the heat radiating from his body from the lack of distance.

"See, the vitamins worked. You grew taller," I joked, cause my neck was hurting from looking him.

"Or you shrunk," he smiled back, placing his hands on either side of my waist. With a gentle lift, he picked me up and set me down on the edge of the counter, "Better?"

I created some space between my legs, allowing his body to fit snugly between them. Clay's hands traveled up my thighs, and in response, I reached up to pull his neck down for a kiss.

Our noses touched just barely, and the door to our house opened.

We should start locking it. This is getting ridiculous.

"Get a room!" Nick's voice completely ruined the moment. Again.

"You're in our house, sir," I hopped down from the counter, with Clay managing to plant a quick peck on my forehead before I landed on my feet.

"But you're not in your room, are you?" He really thought that was a good argument.

"As if you don't invade our room on a daily basis," Clay jumped into the conversation. Honestly, we couldn't even be mad at it. It was kinda hilarious.

"Yeah, and sometimes it's locked," Nick was struggling to make a point.

"I wonder why," Clay shrugged.

If George hadn't entered the room, dragging all of his suitcases with him, the conversation would probably have continued pointlessly.

And guess what? I ended up having to empty out all of George's and Nick's suitcases and rearrange everything, because as it turned out, they weren't being lazy. They were just really bad at folding clothes.

Now that I had helped them anyway, I realized that I should've agreed to the designer bag deal.

"Shouldn't we take some painkillers, plasters, and other shit that prevents you from dying?" Nick scratched the back of his head an hour before leaving, and I jumped up from my seat.

Clay's pills.

"Yeah, you should- fuck, wait," I hurried back to the drawer and started organizing everything they needed.

If he hadn't reminded me, I would've forgotten again.

Nick was busy doing it himself as if he knew what was what. And squinting at the stuff he was holding, I got flashbacks.

"Wrong pills, Nick," I snatched it from his hands and wondered why this was still in our house, "it's almost like you never learn."

Maybe this is a sign to throw the Viagra away. Which is what I proceeded to do.

"Don't throw it away!" Nick yelled, but it was too late, "C'mon, maybe we'll need it some day!"

We all got silent after his words. Until Clay spoke.

"Who's we?"

"George after he hits 40," Nick tried to save himself, "which is in a few months."

"More like George after living with you for a year," the sarcasm in his accent was intense, "my libido is completely gone after seeing your stupid face every day."

And Nick took that personally.

"Don't act like I didn't fuck you yesterday."

And every single joke. Every single joke goes back to that. He says it so often that I don't even think it's a joke anymore.

Their argument carried on for a while and turned into background noise when Clay walked up to me with a small smile. I realized that they were getting ready to leave and sadly clung to his torso, my heart fluttering when he wrapped his arms around my body in a way that I disappeared into them.

"I won't be here for your final exams," he sounded so sad. I pulled away from the hug just enough to look at him.

"You'll be here for my graduation," I gave him a sweet smile, the voices of George and Nick still loud in the background.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," Clay's low voice sent shivers down my spine. I stretched, getting on the tips of my toes, and he got the hint, leaning down and cupping my face with his large palms, "my beautiful girl."

"I love you so much," I muttered against his mouth before capturing his plump bottom lip between mine, hearing him say it back in between kisses.

"Don't forget to eat properly," Clay pecked my lips, "drink enough water," he placed a small kiss on the corner of my mouth, "get plenty of sleep," finally, a long soft kiss on my cheek.

I giggled, looking up at him with literal heart eyes, too caught up in the moment to realize that George and Nick had finally decided to shut up. At least they didn't ruin the moment.

Just yet.

"Bro, ew-" it wouldn't be complete without Nick's voice.

"What?" Clay glanced back at him.

Nick still had disgust written all over his face.

"I think you getting a vasectomy would help the environment."

And that is too much, even for him.

"At least he has a reason to get a vasectomy. You barely even get laid," George decided to go for Nick's throat, cause apparently they weren't done fighting.

"I got laid yesterday," Nick winked at him.

"What a fucking liar, you've been home the whole day yesterday."

"Yeah, cause I fucked you."

Actually, I'm kinda happy they're leaving.

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