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The heavy footsteps echoing through the whole house made me open my eyes and blink rapidly, asking myself the usual question. Is there an earthquake, or is it just just Nick?

Unfortunately, it was the second option again. Before I could even process the time and location, he was in our room, once again, uninvited.

"Bro, I'm telling you there are actual fucking rats in our garage," Nick's words didn't even make Clay flinch on my chest, "my car is all fucked up!"

Realizing that the only thing covering my bare chest was Clay's head, I pulled the covers up to my neck just to be more safe. And it enveloped his whole head in the process. Now, he was practically a breathing bulge under the covers.

"What?" I blinked at Nick sleepily, already forgotten half of his words.

"I just noticed that my car door is all fucked up! It has scratches on it, I don't even know where they came from!"

As soon as I heard his explanation, I remembered my failed attempts to park his car in the garage next to Clay's. And everything made sense. I was the rat.

Damn it, I should've put black nail polish on it.

"Why are you up so early?" I really thought changing the topic was a good idea, but I don't even think it was early.

"Dude, it's past 1 p.m.," he checked his watch, "wake him up, I need to fix my car."

"What is he gonna do? He can't even fix the fucking lamp..." I pointed at the wall, shrugging.

"I need him to give me the mechanic's number!" Nick was being so loud, and I don't know if it was on purpose to wake him up, if he was just mad that his car door was messed up or my dumbness was pissing him off.

Either way, I groaned, trying to move away from under the weight of Clay's body. But he tightened his arms around me, making it clear that he wouldn't hesitate to break my ribcage if I attempted anything again.

"Clay, c'mon.." I shook his shoulder, far from being gentle, but he let go of a grumpy groan and nestled his face more comfortably between my boobs.

"Bro! Get the fuck up and give me the number." Nick wasn't willing to stand this for any longer. He came closer to pull the covers off and reveal Clay's body, but I stopped him.

"I'm naked, go away." I slapped his hand, making him let go of a deep sigh.

Clay stayed unbothered.

"Unlock his phone, I'll just get the number and leave," grabbing Clay's phone from the bedside table, Nick insisted that I give him access to the contact list.

Even though I was about to say no, a small mumble of "do it" was heard from underneath the covers. So I sighed and typed in his password, unlocking the screen.

Weirdly, it wasn't the homescreen that was on display. His instagram dm's were open, and at the top of the list, I saw an account that I thought was blocked. I'm sure it was blocked.

He didn't unblock his ex, did he? And he wasn't just casually texting with her. Hopefully I'm hallucinating.

I pressed my teeth together, my blood boiling as I saw the recent message she sent.

"Derrick Clark. Come over and..."

And the rest wasn't visible.

The name belonged to that guy. The guy that was dating my ex. The guy Clay was so sure was responsible for the spiking.

"Give it to me," Nick's voice and extended arm snapped me back. I closed the app and quickly handed him the phone.

Without even blinking, I stared at a random spot on the wall while Nick proceeded getting the number. As he handed the phone back to me and left, I found myself staring at the screen for long enough to witness it shut off by itself. I put it back in its place.

I felt sick.

He could easily get that information from me if he just asked. But instead, he decided to lie once again by assuring me that we were gonna move past the situation, just to unblock his ex and ask her about the guy.

Deep down, I knew him better than to think that he was really going to let go of the whole thing. But I didn't think he'd go as far as keep interacting with that.. with his ex, after everything that happened. We literally had an argument because he went to her house. No way his brain is that blunt.

Maybe it is.

I swiftly moved away from underneath him despite his attempts to stop me and went to shower. My head was buzzing. As hard as I tried to keep calm and try to think of things that would justify his actions, I found myself failing hard.

All I needed to do was calm myself down enough to prevent myself from starting a fight. Cause if I did, I don't think the outcome would be good.

Why did I even read it? I shouldn't have looked.

But it was right there, I just saw it without the intention of seeing it.

I still read the message.

But at least I didn't click on it like he did that one time he was on George's account.

She was telling him to come over. I'm gonna lose my shit if he does.

Do I tell him that I saw the message? Communication is the key, right?

But if it is, why isn't he communicating? He should be the one telling me about it. And I'm sure he's not going to.

Maybe he texted her before we had an argument about it? Maybe he'll block her as soon as he wakes up.

But the message was recent..

Maybe she just replied late.

Why would she reply late? I'm sure she was dying to get a text from him. She'd reply in a heartbeat.

I'll just ignore this like I'm ignoring everything else going on.

Somebody was trying to get the photos I took for my socials from my photographer? I don't care. Nick thinks rats scratched his car while in reality it was me? I don't care. Clay's texting his ex? I don't.. I literally don't... I...

I'm going to kill him.

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