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While Nick's car was getting fixed, we went to get some food just like we planned to. However, my hunger wasn't strong enough to motivate me to eat. I found myself dipping the same piece of french fry into the ketchup until it got soggy and broke, leaving the pathetic half of it between my fingers.

"Stop playing with your food," Nick's muffled words made me look up, his mouth full to the brim. Luckily he sipped his coke to wash some of it down before speaking again, "Eat up."

Nodding, I put what was left of the fry into my mouth and started chewing on it until there was nothing in my mouth. I don't even remember swallowing it.

He was almost done with his food by the time I managed to consume three or four fries. When the silence got too loud, I spoke.

"He texted his ex," either my words were too sudden, or the bite he took of his burger was too massive to swallow. He coughed up a few times and had to wash it down with more coke which went up his nose and made him cough even harder.

"He did what?" The risk of chokingto death didn't stop him from talking. His eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Why? What for?"

I shrugged, looking down at the table, "To ask her for information that he could easily obtain from me."

"Did he ask about that guy? I told him not to." Nick wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Oh, you knew?" I raised a brow, "So he's that dumb. Asks for an advise and doesn't take it."

Nick breathed in deeply, his back slowly touching the chair. And with a long and weary sigh, he released the breath, his shoulders slumping with defeat.

"We even had a fight about it and he promised not to let go of that topic," my voice was low, my eyes fixated on another fry I grabbed that was destined to be bathing in ketchup.

Nick sat silent for a moment, staring down at his plate of food, seemingly losing interest in it completely. Which made it two of us.

After what felt like ages, he finally decided to speak, breaking the silence that had settled over the table.

"I can understand that he's worried, I'm worried too," he shrugged, "but.. ugh, I don't even know, he knows he shouldn't have texted her."

I pushed the plate slightly away from me to make room for my elbows on the table. Sighing into my own palms was all I managed to get myself to do.

"Hey, it's okay," Nick reached out to touch my arm gently, "I'm sure he regrets it already. He'll apologize, and you'll figure it out."

"I don't need an apology, I just need him to stop doing stupid things," I shook my head, "he had apologized for going to his ex's house but then went ahead and texted her the next day. That's not really how truly being regretful works."

"It's... It's gonna be okay. Couples fight all the time, right? He's been a bit tense and tired these past few days.. probably doesn't even understand what he's doing and regrets everything already."

I nodded, hoping Clay was talking to George about the whole thing and getting lectured about how big of a mistake he made. If anything, George's words will surely slap him back to his senses.

Clay's P.O.V.

"She just loves to blame me! Everything that happens in this goddamn world is apparently my fault and I have to apologize for everything!" While Nick and Eliza were away, I was busy ranting to George.

"Well yeah, that's how girls are, right?" George shrugged, making it look like he had no idea what he was talking about. And he probably didn't.

"And she doesn't want to look through it and try to understand why I did it," I continued, "like- I wasn't dying to text my ex, obviously, and if anything, I had her blocked for a reason," seeing George nod at my words encouraged me to continue, "but I did it for her cause I was worried about her safety!"

"She probably wanted you to apologize, and you didn't, so she snapped," his words made so much sense, "you know, that's how girls are."

"And the way she just broke up with me? As if this relationship's a fucking joke to her and she can end it whenever she wants to." The more I was talking, the more my confidence about being right and mistreated was skyrocketing. I just knew that I was so right this time.

"She just said she's breaking up with you cause she was angry, you're fine," George shook it off, "you'll get back together when she comes back, I'm sure. Just apologize, that's what she wants to hear."

"Hell no. I'm not apologizing again. She overreacted, I did nothing wrong," I scowled, "like why should I apologize? For sending a dry ass text to my ex for her own safety? Makes no fucking sense."

George considered my words for a second, his expression changing. But then he shook his head in disapproval.

"You have to apologize either way. Doesn't matter if you're right or wrong. Just apologize. That's how it works."

I groaned, rolling my eyes in annoyance. He was probably correct, but my ego was hurting really bad. To the point where it felt like if I apologized, my tongue would shrivel up, turn to ashes and fall off.

I groaned one last time and hoped for the best scenario in this case.

"Maybe Nick's telling her that she's wrong and she comes back apologizing herself," my hopes were high.

Eliza's P.O.V.

"Anyways, he's a total dumbass, so you gotta be a little patient with him, okay?" Nick parked his now fixed car in the garage, "Give him a chance to speak, and he'll apologize and explain himself, I'm sure."

"George probably made him understand that he messed up, right?" I was really hoping for it.

Nick nodded, "Surely."

I gave him a small smile, unfastening the seatbelt and mentally preparing myself for whatever was about to come.

I didn't even need an apology. I just wanted him to own up to what he did and make it clear that he'll never do such a thing again.

I just didn't have the energy for another fight.

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