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"Let's go back home," I made sure to grab Nick's arm to stop him from going inside the club.

He kept asking me questions while I struggled to even string a few words together to form a sentence.

"You sure you didn't see anyone?" He asked the same question three times, thinking I was lying to him or hiding something. "Or anyone suspicious? Following you, staring at you, dancing with you, I don't fucking know."

"I'd tell you if... I'd tell you." My lips had this fuzzy feeling of pins and needles in them, and forming long sentences proved to be a challenge.

"Go sit in the car, I'll be back," he handed me the keys, but soon realized that leaving me alone while I was so disoriented I could barely see wasn't a good idea. "Ugh, nevermind, let's go."

He held my hand and guided me out of the building and into his car. I was relieved when he joined me inside, thinking he had given up on the idea of returning to the club. However, he got inside just to provide me with instructions on what to do while he was gone.

"Drink this," he retrieved a bottle of water from the backseat and handed it to me. "And make sure to call me for any minor inconvenience. Do you understand?"

"Please don't go, I wanna go back home, please." I started whining after realizing that nothing else seemed to work.

"We're not going until I get the security footage, and then we'll see," he got out of the car, "if it shows anything, I'll make sure somebody doesn't go home tonight."

Before I could protest, he locked me inside his car and left. And all I could do was drink the lukewarm water that had probably been sitting in his car for months and wait.

I was so glad Clay was busy. Cause if Nick reacted this way, I could only imagine what he would do.

Some time passed, and I received a phone call from Nick. I quickly answered it, the background voices of men talking filling my ears before he spoke.

"Liz, you bumped into someone when you came back inside, right?" He spoke, and I immediately got flashbacks. "Do you remember that?"

"Yeah.. I do." There was no point in lying.

"Do you know that person? All we can see is that he's in a black shirt and wearing a hat," his description was something I hadn't even paid attention to earlier.

"No, I don't.. I don't know, Nick, I was looking at my phone, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'll talk to you in a bit." He hurriedly spoke, and I expected him to hang up.

But he forgot to. I could clearly hear him losing his composure while talking to the people there with him in the room.

"What is this fucking quality? My microwave films better than this, and it doesn't even have a fucking camera!" I heard him yelling, the anger in his voice evident.

The distant sound of the staff members trying to calm him down was unintelligible.

"Did you at least have security at the door when that moron left? Anyone?" He asked, and judging by the sound of his sarcastic laughter, I guessed the answer was no. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

One of the staff members must have approached Nick to calm him down because I started hearing their voice clearly.

"We'll make sure to notify the police to help us find that person-"

"You better make sure to notify me after you find that person," I was about to hang up cause I heard ruffling noises and guessed that he was coming back, "and you better do it quickly."

I hung up, placing my phone between my thighs and silently sipping my water until I saw him coming back, eyebrows pulled together.

The frown on Nick's face softened as he entered the car, and the first thing he said was that the club security is useless. He didn't need to tell me that; I had heard it all, but he still shared almost everything with me.

"Alright, it's whatever, let's just forget about it." I just wanted this day to be over so I could go back to never leaving the house again. And now I had valid reasons to do it.

"What? It's not whatever." He frowned again, his voice gaining a hint of anger.

"Nothing happened, and I'm fine, so it's whatever," even though I knew that it wasn't, I still didn't want this to become a whole ordeal.

"Nothing happened because you got lucky," Nick raised his eyebrows. "If your drink had alcohol in it or he had the time to mix it, you wouldn't even have had the chance to text me."

I understood that he was correct, but I had a single worry in my mind.

"I know, just... don't tell Clay about this."

I don't know why I thought he'd agree to my request, but I genuinely didn't expect him to refuse.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Liz," he shook his head, "your safety is his safety. He needs to know."

I could already imagine the sleepless nights he'd have if he found out about this. I leaned back into the seat, purposefully bumping my head against it, and let out a frustrated grunt.

"I hate this so much."

He might've sensed that the tension and the nerves got too intense, cause I heard his voice change tones immediately to make me feel better.

"We'll be fine, relax," he playfully pinched my cheek, and it hurt so much that I almost kicked him. "I mean, you're so tough even ketamine doesn't work on you, what more do you have to worry about?"

I laughed half-heartedly, "Yeah, right? They should've just given me wine, that'd work better."

We drove away, and I fought the urge to fall asleep the whole time. It was unusual for Nick not to play music while driving, and the silence only added to my drowsiness.

To keep myself busy, I went on my phone. Opening Twitter was the best idea I could have at that moment because what I saw immediately woke me up.

There was a low-quality video of me and Nick getting out of the club just an hour ago, and we were holding hands.

Taken in context, it wasn't bad because I was literally drugged, and he was helping me out. But on Twitter, there's no context. If there is any, it's made up.

The most popular tweet read:

"Eliza clubbing with Sapnap while her boyfriend is streaming💀"

And there were a dozen others calling me a homie hopper.

I just couldn't understand how the video got filmed when there was no one outside.

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