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I kept throwing up. Not because I felt sick, but because anything that entered my stomach seemed to crawl right back out.

I was sweating buckets too, and the fact that the water I was drinking came right back was concerning. I'm not sure if I had a fever, but my skin was glistening and felt hot.

Clay called right after him and George headed back to their hotel room. I couldn't pick it up because I was kneeling in front of the toilet. I texted him back as soon as I was done shaking from throwing up, though.


Cleo❤️: tf

Cleo❤️: what plague?

Lizzy: dude Nick's lizard bit me and I keep throwing up

Lizzy: I got something from it

Cleo❤️: wait what?

Cleo❤️: pick up rn

He called, but I was scared I'd feel like throwing up in the middle of the facetime and accidentally splatter my screen.

Lizzy: I look like shit😭

Cleo❤️: you never do shut up

Lizzy: :(

Cleo❤️: pick up baby

I did as he told and his reaction wasn't very reassuring.

"Holy shit, what happened?" His jaw hung open at the image infront of him and that's when I realized how bad I actually looked.

My skin appeared lifeless, likely due to severe dehydration. It glistened with sweat. Actual holes had formed under my eyes, and my lips were swollen and red from constant vomiting.

I popped a thermometer in my mouth just to be sure, and in fact, I had a fever.

I looked so bad that he had to call George and Nick to look at me. I thought they were worried, but in less than 5 minutes, they all started roasting the hell out of me.

"That's actually karma for everything you put me through today."  I couldn't believe Nick was still upset about the gender reveal of his lizard.

"You put a curse on me, didn't you?" I shook my head.

"Yeah, cry about it." It looked like we were gearing up for round three of today's fights.

"It's probably food poisoning. What did you eat today?" Clay was the only one somewhat worried.

And I forgot that Nick had the tendency to not let me speak sometimes.

"I'll tell you what she ate. An unhygienic, unpeeled cucumber and a peeled, WASHED avocado. One portion of that whatever salad she made was enough to kill a small child, I'm telling you."

Nick's words got under my skin, yet I ended up getting even more annoyed with myself because I couldn't help but laugh at it.

"Liz, listen I love you, but please stop making that shit," Clay rubbed his eye, laughing, "it tastes offensively bad."

"Leave me alone!" I whined.

My face was burning so much and my legs were kinda shaky.

"Oh my god, you know what you look like right now!?" George sounded so hyped while I was over here forcing back my urge to vomit, "You look like Bella in twilight when she was pregnant!"


I actually hate all of them. And what I hate more is that every single one of us took that as a joke, but Nick started doing calculations in his head.

"Pregnant, you say?" He rubbed his beard, and both their heads snapped to look at him.

"No, stop." I interrupted before he could even continue.

My period ended two days ago. At least I didn't have to worry about being pregnant with all of this shit going on.

Clay looked at me with questioning eyes and I shook my head reassuringly, seeing him read my calm expression, nod and sigh in relief.

"Oh my god, that makes so much sense, though." George joined in.

And I decided that letting them know about my ovulation circle was too much information.

"Yes, thank you for diagnosing me. What would I do without you guys."

"Do you have weird cravings? Like do you crave your own salads?" I thought Clay would be the one defending me, but he was just as bad as Nick.

"I'm craving your blood right now."

"Yoo, she's Bella for real!" George was in his own world.

"It's because she was getting gangbanged by mosquitoes these few days!" Nick's wording was so immaculate that it made Clay scream his iconic 'what!?'.

And I let them sort everything out by themselves.

After we ended the call, I took a painkiller, hoping it would actually get absorbed before I'd throw up again.

I thought they'd be asleep by the time I was finished, but turns out they were pretty much awake and alert, filming the stupidest yet funniest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Clay sent me a 5 minute long video they had filmed and edited on his phone, and god, was it a creation.

The video started with a gender reveal montage of blue and pink balloons, posters that said 'boy or girl' and other generic edits that you would see at the start of every single gender reveal video.

Then, the setting changed. Clay was sitting on a chair with a badly scribbled 'boy or girl' sign taped to the background wall, and he began to speak enthusiasticly.

"Hello! I'm your daddy Dream, and I think you're gonna be a sweet baby girl!"

That alone was enough for me to scream, but there was more.

The video cut to Nick sitting on the same chair with an actual cowboy hat, the white noise loud in the background before he started speaking.

"Howdy y'all! Ah'm Uncle Nicholas, and ah sure hope you're a strappin' young boi!"

The overly exaggerated Texan accent, paired with the cowboy hat and his over the top movements cracked me up so bad.

Tears welled up in my eyes by that point, reaching a level where anything would make me die of laughter.

I just didn't think George with a drawn on unibrow was all I needed to see to pause video to catch my breath. The way he sat there, all awkward, seemingly awaiting a cue to begin speaking, pushed it over the top.

"Hi! I'm Uncle George, and I fear you're gonna be a bloodsucking vampire! But don't worry little pal, your mum's garlic-loaded salads will ward you off just fine!"

I was coughing from laughing too hard. Good thing I didn't throw up.

I was definitely not prepared for the final edited clip featuring Clay's sister. She went all in, with an outrageously absurd outfit, badly smeared makeup, and a huge piece of gum in her mouth.

"Howdy, sugar! Aunty Drista's in the house, and let's just say, we're prayin' to the Florida gods that no matter what ya turn out to be, you don't inherit your pop's face! Bless your heart, darlin', here's to lookin' different from your dad!"

I threw up. Laughing.

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