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It didn't take them long to plan out a whole trip. I would even say that it didn't take them as long as it was needed to plan something like that. They just sat down, said whatever sounded good for each of them, and decided that they were going to drive to Texas in a week to stay at Nick's uncle's farm.

No further things were planned. Only the date and the location. And they thought- no, they were sure that it was enough to call it a day and start preparing from tomorrow on.

After George and Nick finally went to their house to sleep, we spent a little time cuddling with Patches on the sofa. She was snuggled up on Clay's lap and demanded head scratches from me, refusing to let us leave for over an hour. And who were we to protest?

But eventually, the queen moved. And we headed to our bedroom.

"I'm so tired," Clay muttered as he plopped down onto the bed, his face smooshing into the mattress.

"Cause you sleep like once every two days," I chuckled, "you spend more time sleeping with me than actually sleeping."

Laughing at my remark, he lazily took off his shirt, throwing it across the room like he wasn't going to look for it tomorrow and ask me repeatedly where I put it.

"I stand by my words," he was so exhausted that the said words leaving his mouth were barely intelligible, "sleep is for the weak."

"It's funny how you fall asleep every time you say that," I laughed, putting my hair up before joining him in bed.

The light I had broken remained useless, leaving the room almost entirely in darkness. Only the bedside lamp provided some dim rays of illumination, just enough to navigate through the room without bumping into objects.

As soon as my back touched the mattress, Clay rolled over towards me. In a matter of seconds, he buried his head under my shirt and rested his cheek on my chest, his arms wrapping around my waist as if we weren't already close enough.

I giggled as I noticed his curls peeking out from the neckline of my shirt, the fabric stretched in a place where it it had never been stretched before - around my chest. "You're gonna suffocate," I tapped the fabric, the hill his head created with it.

He mumbled something inaudible and settled into a comfortable position, making his intention to sleep that way clear to me. And knowing that he'd suffocate just to lay on my boobs, I sighed and removed my shirt, not concerned about getting cold with his body on top of mine.

I noticed a faint smirk on his face. His facial hair was possibly in the process of leaving imprints on my chest, but I didn't mind. I covered his body, tucking him in snugly, buried my hand in his soft hair and turned off the lamp.

"I love you," he kissed my skin, "so much."

"I love you," I leaned down and kissed the top of his head, "good night, baby."

He was indeed tired, cause not even half an hour later, I felt the pattern of his breathing change against my skin. I removed my hand from his hair and grabbed my phone instead, remembering the notifications lighting up my screen earlier.

I lowered the brightness to avoid waking him up and squinted at the screen, confused as I read the texts from my photographer.

She sent me a screenshot of someone messaging her on instagram from an account with my name and last name, pretending to be me and asking for my pictures, claiming that 'I lost my phone, and everything was deleted.'

She didn't even need to confirm if it was me, as it was evident that it couldn't be. She simply wanted to inform me that someone was pretending to be me and attempting to obtain my pictures - all of them.

Initially, I considered the possibility that it might be someone from Clay's audience attempting something, but then again, the account had my last name in it, which wasn't publicly available information. My last name wasn't mentioned anywhere on my socials, and there was no way a random person would have known it.

She had sent me the profile, but by the time I clicked on it, the user was gone. The account was deleted.

My heart started thumping with worry to the point that I was concerned it might wake Clay up.

I didn't feel safe anymore.

I couldn't understand the reason why someone would want my pictures. Especially requesting all of them, including the behind-the-scenes ones. It was undeniably unsettling and creepy to think about.

I panicked internally, my mind racing through worst-case scenarios and already envisioning our lives being ruined. At the same time, I considered the possibility that the situation might not be serious at all, and I worried about creating unnecessary drama by sharing it with Clay. Knowing how much he loved to panic and how overly protective he was of me, I was certain that it would turn into a whole ordeal if I told him.

So I decided to sleep on it, hoping that the situation would solve itself by morning. We were gonna be busy planning our trip for the week, and with the already existing pile of unsolved mysteries and problems, this one would be the cherry on top and ruin everything.

Therefore, I chose to stay silent and concentrate on enjoying my life without adding more problems to others'.

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