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I never would think a trip could be so horrendous.

I had stitches in my gums. They made it painful to even sneeze, let alone try to eat something, and my face was still swollen.

I thought about telling Lizzy what happened now that it was over, but since she had an upcoming exam and my pufferfish face could potentially traumatize her, I decided to keep my mouth shut until she'd be done.

Coming up with lame excuses every time she mentioned facetiming was getting on my nerves. I kept saying we were busy outside, even though I was just lounging on the hotel bed, completely bored. We couldn't even go out with me looking like this.

Mine❤️: I miss your dumb face🙄

It was so cute to me how she still, after more than 2 years, struggled to show affection and had to water it down with random jabs.

And only if she knew how dumb my face really looked after having that bald guy do construction work inside my mouth.

Clay: call me after the exam

Mine❤️: it's gonna be very late there

Clay: it's fine, call me

Mine❤️: no you're gonna be asleep

Clay: I am not

Mine❤️: I'll just text you

Clay: do I really need to repeat myself again?

I thought it came out a little bit harsh. But I forgot that she's into that.

Mine❤️: damn okay

I smiled at my phone. I just love it when she listens to me.

Clay: nervous for the exam?

Mine❤️: a little bit yeah

Clay: nail it and I'll give you a reward when I come back ;)

Mine❤️: oh really

Mine❤️: what reward?

Clay: whatever you ask for

Mine❤️: can we get a dog?

Is she being for real.

Mine❤️: and maybe a clock?

Clay: you misspelled doggy and cock

I'm just so extremely funny sometimes. I know she was rolling her eyes at that.

Mine❤️: all that effort just to say you're gonna fuck me

Clay: nail it and I'll rail it❤️

I laughed at my own joke.

Mine❤️: so poetic😍

While I was smiling at her texts, George entered the room with a tray of soup and bread. I wonder where he got it from.

"I brought you onion soup and you better eat it," he'd been forcing me to eat something the whole day, "and before you whine, it's liquid, it won't hurt your stitches."

Even though I had no appetite, I was well aware that I had to eat something eventually. And Lizzy's text was perfectly timed.

Mine❤️: have you eaten today?

Mine❤️: cause George told me you haven't been behaving

I'd be surprised if George kept his mouth shut for once.

Clay: I'm eating rn

Mine❤️: what are you eating?

Clay: onion soup🤢

Mine❤️: isn't it soooo good?

She knew I hated onion soup. And anything soup.

Clay: I've eaten better things

Mine❤️: ik I set the bar too high

I knew that her words weren't about her cooking cause every single soul agrees that cooking isn't her strongest suit.

Clay: I haven't come across any other meal as sweet and delicious ever since😔✌️

Mine❤️: yo I was talking about my vegetable salad🤨

Clay: I enjoy your fruit salad more

"You remember about tomorrow, right?" Nick's voice drew my attention from my phone screen to his face.

"No?" I finished my soup finally and was feeling noticeably better. Even the swelling was starting to go down. "Thanks," I handed George the tray, and he was kind enough to put it away.

"Those girls are coming over."

Nick's words jogged my memory about the two French girls who had been sitting next to us at the restaurant every day. They had casually mentioned their cocktail-making skills, and Nick was immediately sold on the idea, inviting them over without a second thought.

"I'll leave, you guys have fun." Nothing could convince me that his idea wasn't the dumbest thing to ever exist.

"Oh, c'mon.. they're friendly, they won't bite you." As hard as he was trying to convince me, I knew that if a drop of alcohol got involved, everything would quickly go downhill.

"I'm gonna be there too. You don't have to worry." George added, ignoring the fact that he'd undergo a complete transformation after just one shot of alcohol.

"Nah, I'll go explore the hotel," I shook my head, "I've heard they got a nice pool here."

The thing about Nick was when he said something, he made sure to repeat it over and over again until you'd agree for the sake of your own sanity.

"We won't tell Lizzy if that's what you're worried about," he brought an argument which made me not want to agree even more.

"It's not about whether Lizzy finds out about it or not, I just don't wanna be involved in that." I groaned. And they both stood there watching me like lost puppies.

"It's not gonna be fun without you.." George's voice dropped, "C'mon, you won't drink if you don't want to."

I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes, remaining silent. They interpreted my reaction as agreement, buts I had already decided to leave the instant things started to feel uncomfortable.

"And besides, that blondie was eating you up with her eyes. She'll be disappointed if she comes and you're not here."

I just want to know what made Nick think that what he said was a good argument that would convince me to stay. Sure, it felt good for my ego, but I wasn't interested even the slightest.

"I have a girlfriend."

I brought it up again, but the expression on his face indicated that my words had little impact on whatever thought process was happening inside his head, assuming there was any at all.

"She has a boyfriend." He shrugged.

"Just hush."

I was so worn out that I didn't have the energy to keep up with that conversation. I let out a breath, took off my shirt, and rolled over in the bed to catch some sleep.

Knowing I'd be staying up late tomorrow to talk to Lizzy after her exam, it was essential for me to make the most of my rest.

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