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I was done with my shower and almost turned the water off when I saw Clay's silhouette through the frosted glass, slowly entering the bathroom. I stood under the running water for an extra few minutes until he finished washing his hands and face, brushing his teeth and finally leaving.

Luckily, he was grumpy in the mornings and didn't bother talking to me. Well, it wasn't technically morning, but he had just woken up, so it implied.

I got dressed in the bathroom cause I was pissed at him and didn't want to come out in a towel and put up with his morning horniness. And I put on my own clothes on instead of his cause again, I was pissed at him. It's little things like this that matter and make a difference.

I really thought I had enough composure and control over my emotions to act normal around him, but as soon as I entered the room and he smiled at me, I frowned so hard that my face muscles spasmed.

"Any plans for today?" My initial thought was to ask him this. I wanted to see if he thought about going to his ex's house or chose life.

"Don't know yet, why?" His answer was even more frustrating than I could've anticipated. He always knows his plans for the upcoming week.

"How do you not know?" I aggressively started towel-drying my hair, already imagining the fallout I was gonna get because of him, "You either have plans or you don't, it's not a decision you make on the spot."

Clay looked confused. He looked at my hair, clearly concerned, then back to my face, probably scared. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, each time trying to come up with an answer yet failing miserably.

"Is.. is everything okay? Are you okay?" He finally asked cautiously, tone of his voice low as if he was scared to hear my answer.

I chose not to go through the struggle of answering cause lying required energy I didn't have. Instead, I frowned at him and let go of an exaggerated, annoyed huff.

"Liz, what's wrong, baby?" He spoke again, softly, but this time with a lot more determination and confidence.

"Nothing's right. Everything's wrong," I put the towel down sharply, turning my attention to him. "with you."

"Why? What happened?" He asked patiently.

"Nothing, I just found out that my boyfriend is still texting with his ex and thinking about going over to her place after we had a fucking fight over it."

I saw his expression change, the stern and tensed expression turning into a rather relaxed one. But I knew him better than to believe that his face softened from relaxation. It was realization and disbelief.

"You went through my phone?" He raised a brow.

"Is that all you got from that? No way that's the only thing you decided to address from the whole fucking thing."

"I'm not going to anyone's house if that's what you wanna hear. And asking one question isn't considered texting," he shrugged coldly, "now tell me why you went through my texts."

I know I wasn't overreacting. I could practically feel my blood boiling, and if I didn't raise my voice, I would probably explode.

"How do you have the nerve to ask me that!? Are you even fucking for real?" I raised my shoulders, my throat stinging already cause it was damaged to start with and I was slowly starting to scream.

"Maybe because you'd probably fucking crucify me if it was roles reversed? Oh wait, I can remember a similar scenario, and guess what you did? You didn't fucking speak to me for a month after that!"

"Oh my fucking god, you cannot be serious right now." I facepalmed, not believing he had the nerve to bring that back.

"I am pretty fucking serious cause I'm sick and tired of being the guilty one in every goddamn scenario!" Clay raised his voice, "I go through your phone, I'm guilty, you go through my phone, I'm guilty again-"

"I didn't go through your phone, for fuck's sake!" My voice cracked, and soon enough it was half-gone again, "You left your instagram open."

I only bothered to explain to not make the same mistakes we made last time. And now that I was done explaining myself, I was expecting the same from him. Yet I didn't think there was a possible explanation that would make his actions any less unforgivable.

Clay sighed and sat at the corner of the bed, leaning his head against his palms. And I couldn't tell if he was regretting blaming me for nothing or regretting not closing the app. With his audacity recently, I think it was the second option.

His words just proved my point. He lost his fucking mind.

"I'm gonna find out who did it at all costs. I can't and won't let it go," his voice got a lot quieter, "I tried, but I can't. The best I can do is keep you and our relationship away from all of that, and that's what I was trying to do."

Something's terribly wrong with his brain. I think it decayed along with his wisdom tooth.

"At all costs, hah?" I crossed my arms, "I'm the price then. Our relationship is the price."

I saw him look up at me slowly, his hands dropping from his head. The disbelief on his face was evident. But it wasn't shock or anything, it was pure disbelief, meaning he didn't believe I meant my words.

"What are you gonna do? Break up with me?" He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Oh, you think I won't?" Stepping closer to where he was seated, I felt so confident despite my fingers shaking from the adrenaline rushing through me.

"Don't be fucking dramatic, it's just a text," he thought standing up and towering over me would break my confidence. Little did he know it added extra droplets to the cup of my patience, and it was now overflowing.

I looked up at him, pushing away his hand that was trying to touch me, "Answer my question."

"We're not gonna break up over a stupid text, Eliza."

And he was so sure about it, too.

"Don't know about 'we' but I'm so breaking up with you over a stupid text." After pushing his hand away again, I turned around to leave.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, "Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"Who are you to ask for explanations?" I raised my brows, harshly pulling my arm away from his grip.

"I don't know, I was your boyfriend seconds ago."

"That was seconds ago, so don't touch me and mind your fucking business."

Coder Girl 2 /Dreamwastaken/Where stories live. Discover now