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I ended up taking the horse tranquilizers to sleep better. I was still in pain, painkillers weren't strong enough.

The positive note was that in the morning the swelling had gone down dramatically, and the negative one, or one of the negatives, was my lack of consciousness that came with those sleeping pills.

I only woke up when my bed started shaking. It felt like I was lying on a water mattress, and the water had sharks and whales in it.

Gradually, I started to become aware of all the noise in the room - some voices that I recognized easily, and some that were... female.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by the sight of someone's bare back and blonde hair. I blinked a few times, wondering if I was tripping on the pills, but there was indeed a girl sitting at the edge of my bed. Thankfully, she wasn't naked like I thought initially. It was a backless dress.

"You're awake!" George cheered, and a single look at his face was enough for me to understand that he was already drunk.

"Good morning, sunshine," the girl that was sitting on my bed turned around, handing me a glass of something, "here, it's for you."

Before I could even process why she was calling me sunshine and what was happening, I found myself instinctively reaching for the glass she had handed me and trying to take a sip.

But the way it reeked of alcohol before it would even touch my lips woke me up immediately. I quietly put the glass away and got up.

"Ooh la la," I acknowledged that I was shirtless only after the blonde's remark, "hot stuff."

"He's so shy," the other girl spoke to her friend as if I wasn't in the room with them, "such a cutie."

Feeling incredibly uncomfortable, I decided to escape and lock myself in the bathroom for a while.

"Where are you going?" Following Nick's voice, I found him on his bed, the other girl with colorful hair already on his lap.

It's only 2 p.m., what is going on?

"To shower." I made sure to take clothes with me so that I didn't have to come out in a towel.

And I was planning to leave after the shower.

"Do you need assistance?" The blonde girl got up while I was grabbing a towel, and I almost curled, feeling her chest press onto my back.


Freeing myself from her was a task, but I finally found my peace in the bathroom. I checked the door 3 times to make sure it was locked before taking my clothes off.

I stayed under the water a bit longer than usual, partly to avoid that girl. However, I failed to realize that the longer I stayed, the more the bottles around me emptied.

When I finished getting dressed and attempted to brush my teeth without disturbing the stitches, the entire hotel room began to vibrate with the beats of the music they had started playing.

I don't even think that's a legal activity.

I unlocked the door but didn't open it, trying to make my escape without drawing their attention to me. Yet, as soon as I turned the lock, the volume lowered. Although I couldn't see beyond the door, I sensed their presence, as if they were waiting for me on the other side.

I carefully opened the door. And at the exact same moment, I saw George shaking a champagne bottle, the view almost playing in slow motion.

I'm thankful for my fast reflexes, cause if I didn't hold my arm out infront of my face, the cork would give me a black eye.

"Oh my fucking god- George!" I had just put on my shirt. And it's already soaked in champagne.

"Woo!" He kept spraying me with the foam until there was none coming out, and I tried to block as much of it as I could with my hands.

I had just showered.

I couldn't go out looking like this, and I couldn't stay and tolerate whatever was happening.

"You look so yummy," I felt a pair of hands on my chest, the blonde girl pushing me back to the wall, "want me to clean you up, big boy?" I felt the heat of her face inching closer to my collarbone.

I hated how both Nick and George were so drunk that they were cheering instead of controlling the horny monster they had unleashed on me.

"What's your name?" I asked, patiently pushing her hands down from my chest.

"Elise," she smirked, practically falling on my body cause she could barely keep herself on her heels.

"But you can call her Lizzy," Nick thought he did something there, "but seriously, her nickname's Liz."

I was so not going to call her that.

"Elise, my dear," I put my hands on her shoulders and turned her around so that she wasn't looking at me anymore, "I think you should go clean George up, he'll be more than happy."

I gently pushed her body towards George, and she happily wrapped her arms around his neck.

I grabbed my phone, a fresh shirt to quickly change my champagne-soaked one, and made my escape. I didn't even know where I was going or if leaving those idiots alone was a good idea, but honestly, I was just happy to leave.

I could only breathe when I was out of the hotel. I even checked to see if they were following me or not.

I made up my mind to grab some breakfast, even though it was already afternoon, and figured I would think about my next steps afterwards.

I sat at the café next to the hotel, waiting for my order, when I heard my phone ringing from my pocket. It wasn't my usual ringtone, so it took me a few seconds to realize the sound was coming from my pocket.

I pulled out the phone and had a sudden realization - it wasn't my phone. Even though it was the exact same phone as mine, it wasn't actually mine.

The caller's name was "Mon bébé," accompanied by numerous hearts, and I didn't need much knowledge of French to understand what that meant.

The contact had a picture of a random guy, and as the ringing ended, the lockscreen displayed that same guy kissing the cheek of the blonde girl.

Poor guy.

I didn't have to imagine what he was going through because I had already experienced it myself. And it just hurt me to look at the phone and see him call and text his girlfriend repeatedly while she was out there licking champagne off of George's neck.

At least that's what she was doing the last time I saw them. She could be licking other things by now.

I couldn't even enjoy my food because of how bad I felt for that guy, but I also knew that I couldn't do anything about it. It was none of my business.

I'll finish my food, then go return her the phone, take mine, and leave.

Coder Girl 2 /Dreamwastaken/Where stories live. Discover now