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We made our way to the crowded bar, pushing through people and trying not to accidentally spill anyone's drink as we went forward.

Once we were there, Nick leaned against the bar, signaling to the bartender to come over. He ordered two shots without even asking me what I wanted or if I wanted anything, cause if he did ask, I'd probably go for something non-alcoholic. But since I wasn't given an opportunity to choose, I thought maybe one shot wouldn't do anything.

Nick slid one of the shots towards me before I could protest, watching as I reluctantly picked it up. He knew that almost every night ended miserably when a drop of alcohol hit my bloodstream, but he probably also thought a little bit of fun was worth the awaiting suffering.

"Come on, you're gonna need to at least have one drink to survive around here." He laughed, taking his shot in one big gulp.

I sighed at his words but didn't protest. I knew he was right - if I didn't at least drink a little bit, I'd end up miserable and bored within the next few hours.

So I downed the shot, squinting as the bitter alcohol ran down my throat. I could already feel the warmth spreading through my body, and I knew that it wouldn't take long for the alcohol to kick in.

"Atta girl," he said with a smirk, signaling to the bartender to bring us two more shots, "That wasn't too bad, was it?"

"That was as bad as it gets," my face was still contorted with disgust, and even after I ate the small slice of lemon the bitter taste still wasn't gone, "I don't want another."

"I don't think one more's gonna kill you," Nick laughed at my reaction, "but whatever you want."

Just because I truly wanted to loosen up and have some fun, and because he had already ordered another shot, I forced myself to swallow it down, watching as Nick gave me a victorious grin and took down his own in one quick gulp.

"I think we go dance now before I pass out," I suggested before he could order one more shot and kill me instantly.

"One more, and we'll go," he nodded, and I did the opposite - shook my head.

"Alright, take your shot and join me when you're done then."

I stood up to go, but Nick grabbed my arm, "Don't go too far," he warned, and I nodded, attempting to leave again just to be stopped, "And if anyone tries anything, you're with your boyfriend." He pointed at himself, to which I rolled my eyes and nodded.

The music was getting louder as I was reaching the center of the dancefloor. It made me cringe and move farther away, ending up in one of the corners, which seemed calm, but was kinda far away from the bar.

The alcohol slowly began to take effect, and I could feel myself becoming more and more relaxed. The music and flashing lights felt less overwhelming as I closed my eyes and allowed myself to move to the beat.

It was actually kind of nice when I started to enjoy the atmosphere. I was getting too carried away, and my head was feeling number and number with every passing minute. I hadn't even noticed that my body was moving against someone else's. Not until the person spoke.

"Hey, my name's Kyle." I opened my eyes to find myself standing in front of a tall blonde guy. From what I could hear over the music, he had an accent. And looked like he knew how to surf.

Feeling a little disoriented and unsure of what to say, I tried to get rid of him before he could even make a move.

"I'm not into guys, sorry." I distanced myself, not feeling so bad about lying because it was half a lie.

"Oh, me too!" The way he smiled brightly made me question if he was just drunk or dumb. Or maybe both, cause what the fuck was that answer, and what was it supposed to mean? But eventually, after a few seconds, it clicked and he stopped dancing, "Ooohh, oh right! Yeah, that's alright! Can't blame a guy for trying, haha!"

No way in hell it took him that long and no way he actually bought it and went down without a fight. Aren't guys, especially drunk ones in the club, supposed to be disrespectful and not take no as an answer? I narrowed my eyes and looked at him, trying to find the catch.

He chuckled at my skeptical expression, "Don't worry, I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise," he laughed, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Honesty, if I were you and looked at myself in the mirror, I'd turn lesbian too."

I laughed slightly at his words, finding him amusing. He was probably too drunk cause it seemed like he had a single braincell doing all the thinking.

"You must be pretty drunk, Kyle." I chuckled.

He furrowed his brows, shaking his head, "Actually, I'm as sober as they come," he shrugged, "Don't tell anyone, but I barely got in with a fake ID and I'm scared to get caught if I try to get drinks."

I raised an eyebrow at his admission.

"How old are you?"

He leaned closer, answering so cautiously as if he was committing a crime, "I'm turning 21 in two weeks and three days."

A grin tugged at my lips as I stared at him, finding all of this exceptionally dumb.

"You're basically 21, got in here with a fake ID, and you're too scared to drink?" I asked, struggling to hold back my amusement. "Are you seriously worried about getting caught?" I realized that I was condoning bad behavior so I corrected myself, "I mean yeah, you should probably get the fuck out of here before things go wrong. Forget what I said."

The guy chuckled at my words, clearly not amazed by my attempt at being responsible.

"Yeah, you're probably right," he agreed, running a hand through his hair. "But I came here from Australia and we can drink there legally from 18 so it's not like I'm not used to it, eh?" It was kinda cute how he was desperately explaining himself, "But the music is good and the girls are cute, so I wanna stay," he glanced around the club with a smirk, "I mean too bad you're not interested, cause you're too fucking cute."

"Yeah, too bad," I replied with mock disappointment. I was about to wish him well and go find Nick when suddenly felt a hand on my waist. I looked over to see thst Nick had found me quicker. He was standing beside me, an unbothered expression on his face as he eyed Kyle up and down.

I realized that I should probably speak and tell Nick that the guy was friendly and there was no need to worry, but before I could get a word out, Kyle frowned.

"Get your hands off her, mate. She's not into guys."

I sighed at this poor man's naivety and tried to tell Nick to just leave him alone, but he raised an eyebrow at Kyle's words and spoke immediately.

"Oh, she told you that? Then better take the hint and fuck off, mate. She's with me." Then he turned to me, "Who the fuck is this kid?"

"Nick, he's-"

"Who the hell are you?" Kyle cut me off.

"Which part of she's with me didn't you understand?" Nick was getting more tensed and I didn't like it.

"Nick, he's friendly," I interrupted, "He's nice, it's fine. His name's Kyle. Kyle, this is Nick."

"What? Is he like your boyfriend?" The poor guy was confused.



Nick and I spoke simultaneously.

"No," Nick corrected himself, groaning in annoyance. "But keep your distance and don't bother her, cause I'm no better than a boyfriend."

"Oh, so you're like a gay best friend type of person to her, eh?"

Nick sighed.

"You got about half of that correct."

"So you're both gay? That's fucking cool, mate!"

Kyle was so special that Nick and I had to look at each other and exchange silent gazes.

"Alright, nice to meet you, Cole," Nick didn't even try to get his name right, "We're gonna go now," he pulled from my arm, taking me away with him.

"See ya!" Kyle disappeared into the crowd.

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