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We didn't get much sleep throughout the night because as soon as Nick and George found out that Lizzy was awake, they rushed to our house.

And then we kept talking and talking until the sunrise. Or, to be more precise, Lizzy and Nick debated the lizard's gender until the sun came up.

In the morning, the guys went to shower and prepare for the graduation ceremony. While I should have done the same, I found myself lying in bed, captivated in watching Liz apply her makeup.

"That looks painful," I watched her almost poke an eye out with something that looked like a torture device, "what is that?"

"It's an eyelash curler," she chuckled, "not really painful, but one time in high school, it ripped my eyelashes off."

And she said it so calmly too.

I always ask her what each thing is when she's doing makeup, cause her explanations are so detailed and filled with excitement that it makes me smile. She does the same when I'm watching football, and I think it's pretty cute how it's a mutual feeling.

"I know what that is," I exclaimed as she picked up the funny looking brush.

"Oh, do you now?" She grinned at me through the mirror. "Last time you called it a broom."

I laughed, clearing my throat dramatically to announce my knowledge.

"It's a highlighter brush."

"Oh my god, good job!"

I don't know if she was really surprised or was just cheering me up, but it felt so good to be praised by her.

I stared at her through the mirror, couldn't help but be captivated. Honestly, the glow from the highlighter was pretty satisfying.

"How are you so fucking gorgeous?" My words weren't really meant to be a question. I was simply amazed.

"You're just in love." She shook her head, but I saw her cheeks getting pink.

"I remember you being just as gorgeous the first time I saw you," I recalled the flashbacks of me struggling to believe that George was actually friends with her, "and yeah, you just keep getting more beautiful."

I loved how she became awkward with compliments or anything overly affectionate. She simply shifted the conversation.

"Now come give me a kiss cause once I do my lips, it's over." She twirled in her chair, looking at me.

"Yes ma'am," I practically hopped off the bed in no time.

She stayed on her chair and I knelt infront of her, offering my lips for the promised kiss. I would do the honors, but if I cupped her face and ruined her makeup, she would ruin me.

She held my cheeks and leaned in carefully, sharing a long yet simple kiss. As much as I wished for the kiss to continue, or even get deeper, I held back.

I've waited for two weeks, I can wait another day.

But my heart melted when she gave me gentle kisses on my cheeks, the tip of my nose, and my forehead.

"Alright, go get ready." She playfully ruffled my hair, and I stood up, placing my hand on her head and gently spinning her and her chair around to face the mirror.

"I'll be in the shower," I announced, grabbing a fresh towel from the drawer, "I know you can't join, but feel free to come watch."

She playfully rolled her eyes, and I responded with a wink before leaving the room.

Since I had showered hours ago, I took a quick one, spending more time on trimming my beard and styling my hair.

And returning to the room, my jaw dropped seeing Lizzy in a white, tight mini dress, with her hair and makeup flawlessly done, standing confidently in a pair of high heels.

"Holy fuck?" I was noticeably and literally checking her out.

"Really?" She got so excited, fixing her hair and grinning at me.

How do I tell her that I'd literally let her step on me with those heels and still maintain my dominance?

"You look just wow." That was the best I could come up with, but I don't think it explained how good she looked.

"Thank you, baby." She blew me a kiss, and I just wished the night would come sooner.

Soon, it was time to leave.

It was nice to see that all three of us were wearing white button-up shirts. It felt even better when Lizzy said we understood the assignment. Honestly, we seemed like accessories beside her, but maybe that was the idea.

We took both cars. Nick drove her to the venue because she had to be there earlier than the actual event started, while George and I went to get her flowers. We had already planned what to get beforehand. Since she loved roses, I got her red roses. George got her pink ones, and we grabbed a white one for Nick because that's what he asked for.

And I don't care if that's too many roses; she deserves every single one of them. I also got her a necklace. I would give her the world too, but maybe another time.

And as confident as I felt about being ready for the moment when they called her name and she walked up on stage, my heart was racing the entire time.

I was so proud of her, so mesmerized by her, so in love with her, but most importantly, so scared she was going to fall because of how high her heels were. Yet she walked gracefully, took hold of her diploma, looked over at me, and smiled.

George and Nick were cheering so loudly while filming her that I couldn't even have my moment of tearing up. I just heard Nick scream, "Go, Lizzy!" and "Get it, girl!" while George had his fingers in his mouth, whistling.

It was quite amusing how they weren't the only ones filming her. There were actual strangers recording, probably recognizing her as my girlfriend. I caught people filming us too, but we didn't care.

I thought the stressful part was done, and all that was left was waiting for the event to end so she could rejoin us. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, assuming it was Nick or George returning after they left to get the flowers from the car, but it wasn't either of them.

It was someone I'd never expect to see here. Setting expectations aside, I'd never want to see her ever in general, but there she was, smiling at me.

"Long time no see, Clay."

I simply wanted to understand how my ex ended up here and the reasons behind her presence. Just why.

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