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"Why do you need it?"

He didn't answer my question, just extended his arm and opened his hand for me to put the phone in.

I could tell he really wanted to find the person fast, but I was worried he might rush into something and regret it later. I thought it might be better to wait until tomorrow, talk with George and Nick, or at least let me know what he planned to do before actually doing it.

"Why do you need it, Clay?" I asked again, crossing my arms and gripping his phone securely in my hand.

"I need to text someone." His response completely lacked the details I was looking for.

"Someone?" Raising a brow, I watched him slouch into the couch, defeated.

"Lizzy, please, sweetheart," he sighed, "I don't want to speak to you in a bad tone or raise my voice. Can you please just give me my phone?"

I would have stepped back if it wasn't any of my business, but this case was just as much of my business as it was his.

"You're not going to tell me?" I would return his phone if he said no, but it would also hurt me.

But he fell silent, as if he was deep in thought. The jittering of his leg finally ceased as he took a deep breath. I watched as he sat up straight, placing his elbows on his thighs and resting his head in his hands.

And then he finally spoke.

"I saw my ex at your graduation today. Well, she saw me and approached me."

I always believed I wasn't the jealous type, but his words managed to hit a nerve. I clenched my jaw and bit the inside of my cheek, waiting for him to elaborate more.

"She said she was watching a friend graduate and then she said something about seeing you getting flowers from another guy," his phone was actually about to crack in my grip, "At first, I thought she was just trying to fuck with my head, but then I saw you with the flowers."

I had never had such strong negative feelings towards someone I'd never met. Just the idea of her existence occasionally grated on my nerves, and the knowledge that she had spoken to Clay only added to my irritation.

"And?" I started chewing my lipstick off. Or whatever was left of it.

Fidgeting with his rings and keeping his gaze locked to his own fingers, Clay continued.

"And she said she has something to tell me and I should text her-"

"You didn't just ask for your phone to text your ex," I laughed in disbelief, hating that my frustration bubbled up so much that I had to interrupt him.

"What if she's involved in all of this? It's not just a coincidence that she randomly shows up, says she has something to tell me, and all of this shit goes down."

My intuition to not give him his phone was once again correct. He was genuinely contemplating texting his ex, even though he had to change his number twice due to her repeatedly getting the new one and messaging him.

"Are you being serious?" I spoke slowly, each word loud and clear.

"Listen, what if it's her friend who was graduating?" He started, "It could be the same guy who gave you the flowers and spiked your drink."

"And do you think she'd approach you and ask you to text her if it was her friend?" I questioned. "And even if it is her friend, do you think she's gonna just say, 'oh yeah, that's my friend, sorry about it'? She just wanted to get you to text her, and she almost did."

"It's not like I'm dying to text her, I just don't want to cross my arms and wait to see what happens next."

Even though I understood his concerns and knew he wanted to find answers, I couldn't wrap my head around the idea. It was just terrible. It would do more harm than good.

"It's just a big manipulation that you're falling for," I shrugged, "but it's your choice and I'm not gonna stop you." Well, at least not literally. "Come take it."

I tucked his phone inside my bra and stood there proudly. I had to do it. Maybe jealousy played a role, but the whole situation just sounded absurd to me.

"Lizzy.." he sighed, face softening.

"What? If you want to waste the night texting your ex, that's entirely up to you," I started slowly walking towards the couch, my heels clicking on the floor, "I'm just saying that I had a much better idea in my mind."

I noticed his gaze travel from my face down to my legs, then slowly back up to my chest. He bit his lip when he spotted his phone peeking out from my exposed cleavage, fingers curling over nothing.

I moved between his spread legs, resting my hand on his chest, and leaned down, hovering just above him.

"Take it," I said in a soft voice, our proximity making it unnecessary to speak loudly.

His fingers moved slowly, inching up the fabric of my strapless dress until he reached the upper edge. With a delicate touch, he grabbed his phone, and pulled it out.

Only to toss it across the couch.

I grinned with satisfaction, positioning my knee on the exposed cushion between his legs. His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"See, you can make good decisions sometimes," I teased, "when you're not thinking with your brain." I pushed my knee forward, just barely pressing it against his crotch.

"You're my weakness." He groaned, face burying into my neck before his lips started peppering kisses down to my collarbones.

"Aren't you gonna take my dress off?" I noticed how his hands were roughly gripping the fabric, "There might be a little surprise for you."

It seemed like he had the location of the zipper memorized from how quickly he found it and pulled it down, while his mouth remained occupied with the exposed skin he found.

He pulled away briefly to see me stand up and remove my dress, exposing the daring lingerie I had chosen for today. The sheer lace bra barely covered anything, and the matching panties hugged my hips perfectly.

"My goddess," he parted his legs and made space for me between them, "come take a seat."

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