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George's mattress was so damn uncomfortable. It was harder than Clay's-- harder than the actual floor, and because I sleep on my stomach, my boobs were in pain.

I got up early with the bold decision to be productive for once. Their house needed cleaning so bad, that my dust allergy acted up throughout the night. I think the last time it's been cleaned properly was a year ago.

I decided to start from George's room, where I woke up. But before I could touch anything, I texted him to ask for permission.

Lizzy: morning gogs

Lizzy: mind if I clean your room?

Waiting for his text, I brought the cleaning supplies over, wore gloves to not ruin my nails, and finally got a response from him.

Gorg🥰: Morning gliz

Gorg🥰: I'll love you so much if you do :')

Lizzy: anything I shouldn't touch?

His desk had so many random decorations and figurines on it, I just wanted to rearrange them and make them look pretty.

Gorg🥰: Just don't throw away anything or ask me before you do :]

Lizzy: gotcha

Gorg🥰: Ty <3

I started with the clothes. It surprised me how folding and putting them away made the room seem bigger.

I mopped the floors since I couldn't vacuum them for obvious reasons, dusted the shelves, made his bed, tidied up his desk, and everything looked so much better.

The next stop was Nick's room. I texted him just like I texted George.

Lizzy: permission to clean your dirty ass room?

I didn't have to wait for his reply.

St. Nicholas✝️: oh shit

St. Nicholas✝️: why?

Lizzy: there's more inches of dust on your desk than there's inches between your legs

St. Nicholas✝️: and how many inches would that be?🤨

Lizzy: literally one

St. Nicholas✝️: inaccurate, ask ur mom

Lizzy: oh shit my bad

Lizzy: she said it's solid 2 inches🤩

St. Nicholas✝️: its enough to keep ur bratty mouth shut

Lizzy: ayo chill🤨

St. Nicholas✝️: 😘

Lizzy: do I clean your room or what

St. Nicholas✝️: yea but dont go through my stuff for ur own sanity

St. Nicholas✝️: and the socks on the floor are clean I just messed them up while packing

Lizzy: you sure there are no week old babies in them?

St. Nicholas✝️: you can check for yourself if ur that curious

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