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I felt like I had been betrayed as Nick sided with Clay. I looked at him in disbelief, not expecting it.

"But you did nothing wrong." I frowned, struggling to arrange my words properly. "It's not your job to babysit me."

Nick's expression softened as he looked at me, his eyes filled with guilt. "Maybe not, but I should've been watching you," he said softly, "You know, I could've been better."

Clay muttered something under his breath, and I couldn't tell if I was too drunk to hear it or I just wasn't supposed to hear it.

"What?" I turned towards Clay. I didn't appreciate him muttering behind my back.

"Nothing," he glanced at me, a hint of annoyance in his eyes, "Just saying we should go home."

"I'm going with Nick." I stated.

"Nick's drunk, and I'm not letting him drive."

"Can you stop controlling everyone around you?" I crossed my arms and struggled with my balance immediately, "You're being ridiculous!"

"Stop controlling everyone? I'm trying to keep you two safe! How is that being ridiculous?" Clay's voice rose in frustration.

"Guys, let's just talk about this calmly." George finally stepped in. I forgot he was even here.

"There's nothing to talk about," Clay shook his head, "You're coming with me," he pulled from my arm, "And you're driving Nick's car," he pointed at George.

"Whoa whoa whoa- calm down there, buddy," Nick held his arms up, "I'm not letting this fucker anywhere near my car. He can't even drive."

"I can drive, I just don't have a license." George scolded.

"Anyone can drive, not everyone is good at it," Nick wasn't having any of it, "And I'm better at it drunk than you are sober, so I'm driving."

I listened to the back and forth between Clay, Nick, and George, the sounds blending together in a confusing background noise. My head was throbbing and I struggled to keep my focus. Clay's firm grip on my arm was the only thing keeping me upright and preventing me from falling over.

The argument continued in the background for a while, but I realized that I gradually became unable to focus on the words. Everything seemed hazy and out of focus, and all I wanted was to lie down and close my eyes.

And since there weren't many options, I leaned my head against Clay's arm.

His grip on me loosened slightly, his expression softening as he looked down at me.

"You okay?" He asked, his voice so soft and gentle despite his irritation.

Clay's eyes flicked down to mine as I lifted my head from his arm, a hint of confusion and disappointment flashing across his features.

I remembered to stay mad at him even when my brain finally stopped cooperating.

"Can you walk?" Clay asked another question, taking out the car keys from his pocket.

"Walk?" I repeated the question, taking a moment to register it in my mind. "Yeah," I answered, not very convincingly.

I swear I was doing fine moments ago. Well, not fine, but at least I could understand simple questions. Clay noticed my struggle and tightened his grip on my arm.

"Come on, we're going," he said firmly, trying to guide me towards the parking lot.

"Is she okay?" I heard George's voice coming through the foggy tunnel of my senses.

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