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Clay's P.O.V.

Even though I kept trying to convince Nick that Lizzy was asleep to prevent him from going upstairs, he still insisted that it was for something important.

I don't know what the important thing was, but it lasted 10 minutes. Nick stormed back down, with a significantly worse mood. His whole face was tense.

"Go upstairs George. Check on Lizzy." He said strictly, and I furrowed my brows.

"Why? What's wrong with her?" George's question was something I was curious about too.

"Just go.. she lost her voice."

Nick said it so dramatically that I had to bite on an apple to hide my smirk.

"That girl never learns, I swear..." and George's disappointed remark was making it harder for me to keep my calm, "I told her don't put so much ice in your coffee. She never listens!"

George went as far as digging up a throat spray from the medicine box before going upstairs.

I felt sorry that she had to endure this once more, especially considering how often she complained about the bitter taste of that medicine. However, I also understood that she'd prefer swallowing poison over revealing what happened to George and Nick.

I was happily chewing on my apple when I noticed Nick's lethal glare.

"What?" I spoke with a mouthful.

"You tell me." He raised a brow.

"Tell you what?" I finally swallowed down the sour apple, my mouth watering even after it was gone and making me regret biting into it.

"Did you two have a fight yesterday?" Nick's glare became sharper, and his voice tightened.

I had to figure out why he was asking that, so I pretended not to know what he was talking about.

"About what?"

"You know, you going to your ex's house.." He shrugged, patiently waiting for my answer, "I knew she wouldn't be happy about it."

From what he said earlier about Eliza's voice and how he acted all uptight, it seemed like he thought she screamed and cried during the fight, which made her lose her voice.

"Uh.." I parted my mouth, realizing I could conceal the reality from him by still telling him the truth, "Yeah, she wasn't very happy about it. But it's okay now, we're good."

Nick took a step forward, expression darkening, "It's okay? You think it's okay?"

I frowned, the last thing in my plans being listening to him lecture me about how we shouldn't fight.

"I said we're fine now, it's all that matters." I tried to take another bite of the sour apple, but he snatched it from my hand and put it back on the counter.

"Who's fine? Cause she's definitely not." He was mad.

"Just let it go, it's fine." I was getting annoyed, and I knew it was my fault, so I couldn't even complain. Telling him we fucked and then having to deal with a pissed girlfriend would've been easier.

"You hurt her, Clay." He raised his voice slightly, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of conversation he had with Lizzy to lead to all these assumptions.

Thinking he was talking about me hurting her emotionally, I shook my head, "She is okay," I repeated my point, this time slowly. But his next sentence made me question alot of things.

"No she's not! You gripped the poor girl's wrist so hard it left bruises!"

My mouth dropped open, and my eyebrows shot up in surprise. Although I found it hilarious and wanted to laugh, I knew it wouldn't be very appropriate to do so while he stood there, concerned about Eliza's well-being and safety.

I took a deep breath, closed my mouth, cleared my throat, and glanced down, preparing myself to break the news to him.

"Listen, Nick... I.." I struggled, "It's not what you think it is." I tried to make him understand, but my words came out stilted and awkward.

"I think it's exactly what I think it is," he shook his head in disappointment, "and I don't even know what to say to you.. that's too far, that's unacceptable."

I sighed, facepalming.

"For fuck's sake, Nick..." I relaxed my shoulders, "You think I'd hurt her?"

"You had a fight, she had a bruised wrist and couldn't talk, she didn't even wanna come downstairs to see her friends, and you're telling me she's fine. I don't know what else to think, Clay."

I didn't want to be too forward with it. But I also understood how bad I looked in his eyes at that moment, so I had no other choice.

"Please," I looked at him, "I didn't hurt her." I spoke slowly, then paused, "And even if I did a little bit... she enjoyed it."

I don't think I've ever witnessed someone go through stages of realization so vividly. First, he furrowed his brows, then I watched as he started to open his mouth to speak. However, the realization hit him hard, and his entire expression just fell.

Eliza's P.O.V.

Nick's reaction to my explanation was unexpected. I expected him to tease and annoy me about it, but as soon as he saw my wrist, he literally ran downstairs in terror. But I was too exhausted to care. Instead, I simply shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to try and rest. Instead, Nick's presence was quickly replaced by George's. And I almost threw up seeing that he held the disgusting throat spray in his hand. As soon as I saw it, I silently cursed Clay in my mind, remembering that over half of the bottle had been used on me when I wasn't even sick.

But it was too late to complain. George heard my voice, and he forced me to open my mouth. Then he stuck his entire head in there cause he really thought he was such an ace at diagnosing things when half the time he had no clue what was going on.

"I'm fine, it's my allergies." And I was even more clueless than him when it came to making excuses.

My words didn't prevent him from forcing the bottle filled with medication into my mouth and spraying the bitter substance all over my throat. As if I hadn't gagged enough today, I gagged again. And then I felt the familiar numbness.

"Now time for ginger juice," he insisted, probably determined to make me throw up.

"What? No!" I argued, my tone firm, "We don't even have ginger juice."

"We'll make some, don't worry," he assured me, standing up, ready to make his way to the kitchen.

"How are you going to make it?" I wasn't curious about his plans, I just wanted to see if there was an ingredient we didn't have.

And unfortunately, there wasn't.

"Just throw some ginger in the juicer, add some lemon juice, and voila!" He replied with a smile.

"Why would you throw Nick in the juicer?"

Even my god tier joke didn't convince him to let me be. We were soon on our way to the kitchen, about to make the most disgusting concoction known to the mankind. And I was willingly there to drink it. All of it because I was too shy to tell him the real reason why my voice was gone.

However, while I was willing to put myself through such an ordeal to avoid sharing the personal details, someone else, a complete idiotic dork, had already revealed everything. Before we even set foot in the kitchen, Nick's words made me slap my hand to my mouth in a mixture of shock and embarrassment.

"You're telling me you've fucked so hard she ended up with bruises and lost her voice!?"

I didn't even want to look at George. Hearing his disappointed sigh was more than enough.

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