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I headed to the kitchen, cleaned up, and then tackled the fridge.

To my surprise, along with the cans of soft drinks and energy drinks, I also found vegetables – and they looked fresh too. It was surprising because the only person in this house who would willingly put anything green in their mouth was George, yet he was too lazy to prepare something himself.

This was probably all for Lizzy, and since I'm Lizzy too, I might as well make a salad. I'm kinda hungry.

I washed the vegetables, placed the cutting board down, and just as I was ready to start, my phone began ringing. Seeing that it was Nick's video call, I settled my phone comfortably. I'm probably in for a ride.

I was expecting him to show me the Eiffel tower and tease me about being stuck in Florida while he was enjoying Paris, but he was actually in the hotel room, lying on the bed.

The moment I answered, it felt like one of those calls after a fight; none of us said hello, both of us wanted to laugh, none of us wanted to break character.

"Weren't you supposed to be outside?" I raised a brow, barely keeping a straight face at his dramatically serious expression.

"I twisted my ankle and had to come back," he said with a frown, "and it's all because you jinxed me, you witch."

"I did. You better be careful with me next time, you bitch."

He smacked his mouth. And I took the cucumber I had just washed, drying it with a paper towel. Soon, I abandoned the up-and-down motion and started tapping it dry instead, cause he made one of those fuckboy faces.

"Are you trying to seduce me right now, babygirl? Cause damn, it's working."

I chopped the cucumber in half.

"Yes." I chopped it in quarters.

"Peel it and I might actually cum."

I tried my hardest to appear unfazed by his stupid comments, but he managed to outdo himself every single time.

"I'm not gonna peel it," I transfered the cucumbers into a bowl, "I don't like my cucumbers peeled in my salads."

"Probably one of the many reasons why your salads suck ass."

We were not going to have this talk again.

"My salads are good, you just hate vegetables." I got so pissed every time he shit-talked my cooking.

"I think your salads are the reason why I hate vegetables."

"And you're the reason why I'm not straight, so shut the fuck up."

I went to wash my avocado when he came closer to the screen and started dramatically freaking out.

"Are you washing a fucking peeled avocado!?"

I finished my job and came back, drying it up with a paper towel again.

"What about it?" I raised my voice to match his.

"Who the fuck washes a peeled avocado!?"

He's actually getting on my nerves.

"It had some stuff on it!"

"What stuff? Flavor?"

Oh my fucking god.

"Listen, it's my salad and I'm gonna do what I want to it," I pointed my finger at him, annoyed that he was judging my every move, "I like it this way, shut your mouth."

"At least you like it, cause no one else does," he started laughing, "I mean even Clay hates your salads, and he worships the ground you walk on. That should tell you something."

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