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I thought I was mature enough to move on from arguments and fights without any issues and go on with my day. Yet, I found myself lying on the bed, tapping my nails aggressively on my phone screen.

I was still pissed at him. As the minutes passed, my attitude grew. Some details of the things he said kept resurfacing, and I started to realize how much of it I missed due to how angry I was.

"Trying to crack the screen?" He spoke laid next to me as my nails hit the screen again, with more power.

I said nothing, even though I was dying to make a remark about how much better it would feel to crack his skull instead.

The room was silent, only sounds of my nails clicking and him trying to start a conversation occasionally.

"What happened to the light?" He pointed at the lamp I had broken with the bouncy ball, and I bit the inside of my cheek to contain the smile that came with the flashbacks.

"It got tired of your bullshit and offed itself." I kept my gaze locked to my phone, not seeing his reaction but hearing the sigh. I bet he shook his head too.

And then he tried again.

"Who needs a light when the light of my life is next to me," I knew he wasn't being serious, and it made me even more furious.

"I might actually follow the light's footsteps and off myself."

I wouldn't even say I was hurt or upset; I was just on the verge of beating the shit out of him for being the dumbest idiot out of all the dumb idiots that ever existed.

"Aw, you're so funny," he tried to pull me closer by my thigh, but I jerked it away and threw him a warning look. He rolled his eyes, "oh c'mon.."

I scooted a few inches farther away from him, crossed my legs, and kept my face turned away, refusing to look at him.

"Lizzy..." his tone was both pleading and warning, yet it once again failed to get a reaction out of me. "I've apologized thirty times in thirty minutes already."

"And?" The only way to hide the expression in my eyes was to keep them locked on my phone.

"Don't be like that.." he was still looking at me, "I'm trying my best."

I felt a little bit bad, but not bad enough to stop being salty, "And?"

He sighed, taking out his own phone, "Nothing."

I snapped my head to look at him finally, and he gave me a taste of my own medicine, typing something on his phone instead of looking at me. He had a small smile on his face, fingers moving quickly over the screen. It looked like he was texting someone and smiling, which made me gradually sit up straight, growing more curious.

"Who are you texting?" I asked with a frown.

He had the nerve to smile and not answer my question, clearly satisfied with the attention he was receiving.

But then, when I saw a notification pop up on my screen, I rolled my eyes so hard that I got dizzy.

'Come sit on my face' the text said.

"Ugh," I rolled back to my side of the bed, and he started laughing, "just don't speak for a while and I'll be okay."

"You can keep my mouth occupied with something," the suggestive tone in his voice annoyed me even more, but this time not because I was mad at him, but because I was mad at myself for finding it hot.

"Shh~ hush." I pressed my finger to my lips.

He nodded, going back to his phone. I saw him typing and was expecting another text to pop up on my screen, but nothing happened. I tilted my head to look at him again, narrowing my eyes.

"Who are y-"

He smiled, sending the text immediately. He had been holding it off just to get my attention.

I opened the text and-

'Ride my face till you drip down my chin.'

-and locked my screen immediately, almost screaming.

My eyes widened as I looked at him, seeing that he was casually scrolling like he didn't just type out and send that monstrosity to me. I just couldn't wrap my head around how he could look so calm.

"Oh my god, just shut up!" All of the sexual frustration morphed into anger and added to the existing pile, making me sound more aggressive than I should've been.

"I didn't even fucking speak?" He played so innocent and clueless that I almost believed him.

"Send me one more stupid text and I'll-"

Just by looking at his face I could tell that something even more stupid was coming, "What? Punish me for it?"

I hit him with the heaviest pillow, and it landed so perfectly on his face that his head bumped against the headboard from the impact. I giggled with satisfaction.

"You like your punishment?" I put my knees on either side of his legs, a smaller pillow in my hand, "Want more?"

"That's not what I meant-"

The pillow landed on his face again, lightly, but enough to satisfy me. Turned out, beating him up with a pillow was quite therapeutic. I wasn't mad at him anymore.

"Okay, stop it," he spoke, and I attempted to hit him again, but he stopped the pillow mid-air with his hand. He snatched it from my hands and threw it on the floor, but I grabbed another one, managing to get a good smack before it joined the first pillow.

"I'm having so much fun!" I giggled, trying to grab another one.

"You're having too much fun," was all I heard before he flipped us over - my back hitting the mattress.

"I can still get you from here-" I extended my arm to the side to grab a pillow, but he roughly pinned it down.

"Or not," he crossed my wrists above my head and pressed hard on them, "aww, not having so much fun anymore, are we?"

"Ugh, you're so annoying," I tried to cope with how bad I wanted him by blaming him, "look at your seven foot ass being proud of pinning two wrists down."

"Awh, still salty you can't do the same to me?"

I hated how he was kinda correct.

"Yet I still have you begging for me to sit on your face, don't I?"

I felt his hand tighten on my wrists, a smile on his face even though the lust in his eyes was evident.

"Someone's got an attitude, huh?" He leaned down, face hovering over mine.

I smirked, "What are you gonna do about it?"

His gaze intensified, "I'd offer to talk about it but since you don't wanna hear me, I only have one option left, baby," as he leaned in closer, his lips came dangerously close to mine, "and I need your verbal consent for it."

It was written all over my face, and my eyes were just begging for it, "Don't you dare hold back."

Coder Girl 2 /Dreamwastaken/Where stories live. Discover now