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Eliza's P.O.V.

Because we were hungry, we didn't wait for Clay and Nick to come back and ate the pasta right when it was ready. The flavor wasn't offensive this time, but the viscosity of the sauce wasn't it.

When they returned, I couldn't help but notice the tension on Clay's face. His eyebrows were furrowed, his jaw clenched tighter than usual, and his eyes were dark, avoiding any contact with mine.

"Smells like shit, did you cook?" Nick took off his shoes, not hesitating to insult my cooking when there was an opportunity.

"Obviously," I nodded, "want a plate?"

"Yeah." And he's still gonna eat it after talking shit about it.

I looked at Clay, trying to ask him if he wanted some or not, but he read my expression before I could speak, "I'm not hungry."

I watched him head upstairs after speaking, leaving the rest of us in the kitchen. Despite my best efforts to stay engaged, as Nick and George were talking and laughing, my mind couldn't help but drift away.

"How's the food? I cooked it," George completely lied as Nick took massive bites.

"Uh, it's... edible," I couldn't find a more accurate description than Nick's even if I attempted to.

"All he did was squeeze half a lemon with his unwashed hands." I still can't believe I allowed him to do that, and then I actually ate the pasta with that information in my head.

"I actually can taste his hands," Nick smacked his mouth, "extra salty flavor."

I tried to hide my disgust as they winked at each other but decided to stay in the kitchen with them rather than heading upstairs to check on Clay. I was kinda annoyed at the way he was acting and figured I could do that after they left.

Which they did after Nick finished his plate. They said they had to shower, take care of the lizard, and Nick mentioned he'd be streaming later while George agreed to join him. It looked like they wouldn't be back for a while.

As they left, I locked the door before going upstairs. It was so quiet that I made sure to open the bedroom door slowly, not to make any noise just in case he was asleep.

But as I popped my head in, I saw that he was pretty much awake, lying on the bed and scrolling through his phone.

"Hey," I smiled, going inside and taking a seat on the corner of the bed, "is everything okay?"

He set his phone aside and let out a sigh, sitting up on the bed to get a better angle.

"I don't know." That wasn't the answer I was hoping for. Hearing 'no' would be better, actually.

"Where were you?" I asked, wanting a clear answer. It was obvious that wherever he went put him in a bad mood, and I think I deserved to know.

"Nowhere." The way he was talking annoyed me even more, but I didn't show it.

I looked at him, raising my brows as he kept his focus somewhere else.

"What's wrong, Clay?" I asked again, patiently, my voice becoming stern gradually.

He drummed his fingers on his phone screen, taking in a sharp breath before looking at me.

"Wanna tell me about your ex girlfriend's boyfriend?"


I blinked rapidly, trying to process what I just heard. His gaze was finally turned to lock with mine, and it was making it even more difficult for me to concentrate.

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