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Eliza's P.O.V.

The last couple of days have been quite a challenge, to put it mildly. With all of the stuff going on, I was torn between worrying about my own problems and trying to figure out what the hell was happening in Clay's life.

But he didn't keep me waiting for long.

I felt incomparably better after talking to him and seeing his face. I trusted him so deeply that his words held far more credibility than the thought of him touching someone else. And after he provided more explanation and told me that those girls were with, or rather, for George and Nick, I felt completely relieved.

Now back to the mess I've created. The whole house was infested with mosquitoes. I don't know how that happened. I had accidentally opened the window which didn't have a protective screen, and now my whole body looked like I had spent multiple passionate nights with mosquitoes.

So I decided to fog the house.

I went to the store and bought an electrical device that let go of pesticide fumes. All I had to do was plug one in inside each of the rooms, and it would create the toxic fog.

The timing couldn't have been better, as I had an exam to attend and wouldn't return for at least four hours. I hope that's enough time to kill all of them and maybe the spiders as well.

Before plugging in the small devices, I relocated Patches to the other house to spare her from inhaling the fumes. I placed her in the same room as the lizard, ensuring they had some company during my absence.

And thank god the chain of unfortunate events broke, and my exam went great. I'd actually lose it if I got lower than what I studied for. It would truly be my last straw.

I gave Clay a call right away, and he was still awake, just as he had promised. Surprisingly, George and Nick were also awake despite getting drunk earlier in the afternoon, and all three of them were outside.

They were all happy to hear about my successful exam, but I found it strange that they were just chilling outside on a random rock. It was too odd for me not to ask about it.

"Why aren't you guys in your room?" My question made George and Nick laugh, sounding beyond unserious, while Clay rolled his eyes.

"I'm waiting for room service to change my sheets," Clay sounded so annoyed, which only made them laugh harder, "cause apparently some people thought that having a foursome on my bed was funny."



"It looked like a crime scene with both our DNA, if you know what I mean," George must have had some alcohol left in his system to say something like that.

"More like an orphanage with both our kids on his bed." Yet I couldn't tell if Nick was sober or not.

"I actually feel bad for the hotel staff that have to clean that up." I couldn't hide my disgust.

"You're supposed to feel bad for me! It's my bed!" And guess who's back to being an attention seeking puppy.

And before I could speak, Nick had some wise words to end the conversation with.

"Relax, it's just cum."

It's right about time I head back home, I think.

"Alright, message me before you go to sleep," I quickly assessed my surroundings before adding one last thing for Clay, "and don't make a big deal out of it, believe it or not, some people even swallow it and are just fine."

I had considered staying on the call a bit longer to savor Clay's reaction, but the moment Nick began with a drawn-out "yoo..," I decided to hang up.

It was time to go back to the warzone and hopefully find dead mosquitoes on the floor.

I might have gone a bit overboard by getting a diffuser for each room; the entire house ended up reeking of chemicals. I quickly navigated through every single room and turned them all off before opening the windows- not the ones without the bug screens this time - and headed to the other house before my lungs would collapse.

And there was an unexpected surprise waiting for me. Patches dashed straight to the door and started trying to climb my leg as soon as I dropped my bag. I picked her up, which was unusual because she doesn't normally ask for that, so I was curious about what had happened.

I think that monster scared her.

I headed to the lizard's room, still holding Patches, and she freaked out instantly. She left a nasty scratch on my neck as she jumped away from me and hurried out of the room, leaving me alone with the lizard-

Actually, I couldn't see it anywhere in the enclosure. Where was it?

"Lizzy?" I can't believe I actually called it by its name- my name- our name.

And with closer investigation, I discovered her in the corner of the room, seemingly hiding.

With a fucking bloody eye.

"Oh my freaking god - Patches!!!" There was no reason to blame the poor cat, especially since I was the one who left them unsupervised in the same room for five hours. "Oh my... let me see."

It was probably the first time where empathy outweighed my fear towards this creature. I knelt in front of it and attempted to pick it up, only to get bitten so badly that my finger began to bleed.

I knew it was thirsty for my blood.

But I never gave up.

Examining it closely didn't ease my nerves. If anything, it terrified me. I couldn't determine if its eye was gone or simply bloody, but both possibilities were enough to terrify me. Without hesitation, I placed the lizard into its travel cage and made the decision to drive to the vet clinic.

The only issue was that I had to take Nick's car since Clay's car keys were in the other house. And I wasn't really used to driving Nick's car. Or just... any car.

All I had was a license and a dream to use it without causing tragedies one day.

But most importantly, I had the dearest memories of Clay getting heart palpitations every time he tried to teach me how to park his expensive car without knocking down the trees of the neighborhood.

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