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This chapter doesn't contain anything that adds to the overall plot, feel free to skip


I laid nestled between Clay's legs, his warmth enveloping me from behind. The sensation of his strong arms finally wrapped around my waist sent shivers through me, making my heart race in anticipation.

It felt like I waited forever to feel him like this.

His fingers traced across my stomach, burning my skin with his touch until he reached the swell of my breast, cupping it over the fabric of my bra as his lips pressed to my temple.

"Missed you so much," he pulled the material down, exposing my heaving chest, "everything of you."

My breath hitched as his palm made contact with the delicate skin, his warm touch paired with the coolness of his rings, igniting a wave of tingles that spread through me.

"I missed you more," I tilted my head barely, and captured his lips with mine, "especially your hands," I smirked.

Softly chuckling against my lips, he cupped the soft flesh with a hint of roughness, pinching my nipple and making me whimper into the kiss.

"Oh really?" His lips moved to the corner of my mouth, then close to my ear, "Where do you want them, baby?"

I felt a rush of heat taking over my body from the sound of his voice. When his lips pressed tender, lingering kisses onto my temple, my cheek, and then trailed down to my neck and his mouth latched onto the sensitive skin, I already felt the need to press my legs together.

"One on my throat and one between my legs," I was not afraid of being bold with my requests. But I still decided to be nice about it too, "Please."

Clay hummed against the skin of my neck, one of his skilled hands wasting no time to travel down and teasingly cup my heat through the revealing lace.

I had been touch starved so bad - no, starving for his touch specifically, that even the lightest contact through the material made my knees close against each other, trapping his hand between my thighs.

"You asked for it, didn't you?" He had to use his own legs to secure mine open, "Gotta take it like the good slut you are."

And then came the other hand, gently wrapping around my neck and forcing my head back to his shoulder so that his lips could press against my forehead as his fingers finally dipped under my panties and into my wetness.

He watched me closely, his gaze fixed on my face as he teased me, sliding his fingers up and down slowly as if he was appreciating how much my body reacted to him, tracing delicate circles around my clit and pressing kisses everywhere on my face as a way of silent affirmation.

I grew impatient and bucked my hips, pushing off my underwear in a swift motion, feeling like it was the thing stopping him from taking the next step.

His hand tightened against my throat in response, which was supposed to be a warning, but it made me drip for him more than I already was.

"Did I tell you I wanted them off?" He asked a question and I parted my mouth to answer it, but he muffled me with a kiss, "You better take everything I give after all of this."

"I will."

It sounded like a promise and a challenge at the same time. He pulled my legs apart with his stronger ones and made sure I wouldn't be able to close them even if I tried to.

Coder Girl 2 /Dreamwastaken/Where stories live. Discover now