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I waited until Nick parked in the garage before showing him the video because I didn't want to distract him while he was driving. As expected, he got as pissed about it as I thought he would.

"Dude, I swear to god," he shook his head and adjusted his snapback, "there's no way everyone's testing my fucking patience today."

"I'm so mad, you have no idea." I looked up, letting go of a breath.

"I might actually hop in and slaughter that bitch," he clicked on the profile that had the popular tweet, "I'm so fucking fed up."

"Did you see anyone filming? I swear, there was no one," I groaned in annoyance, cause the person with the video had an anonymous account with no personal information.

"I wouldn't be shocked anymore if someone was hiding somewhere to film this shit."

I was so annoyed, mad, and scared that this mess wasn't just for one day; it felt like the beginning of something worse. And most importantly, I didn't feel like explaining all of this to Clay.

"He's gonna get so mad," I sighed before we got out of the car.

"I hope you don't mean at you," Nick's resting face now wore a constant frown, "because trust me, I'll beat him up if he does."

I rolled my eyes, "Nobody's going beating anyone up, and no, I didn't mean that."

"Do you want me to come with you, or do you want to talk to him alone?" Nick asked, and honestly, it was really late, and he looked and sounded tired enough for me to see how badly he needed rest.

Besides, he did seem quite upset, and one inappropriate joke or a wrong word might lead to a catfight between them.

"No, you've done enough. Thank you," I gave him a small smile and a hug before we'd part ways, "go sleep, you look dead."

"Thanks. You more." He patted my back, "Drink water to flush those drugs out of your system."

I nodded, laughing, and we went to our separate homes. I didn't like how I was still feeling dizzy and numb, but I was hoping I could sleep it off.

I checked my phone to see if Clay was still streaming on my way to the door, and he wasn't.

As I was getting my keys out, the door suddenly opened, revealing Clay standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, you're alone?" He looked behind me, and before I could answer, he pulled me inside gently, shutting the door by pinning me against it. "How convenient."

"Hello to you too," I joked as his hands started sliding down my body until his fingers reached the hem of my dress.

"Why'd you come back so early?"

With his question, he reached out to securely lock the door. His other hand moved gracefully, slipping underneath the fabric of my dress, fingers tracing a teasing path along my thigh.

And I could tell that he had definitely been on Twitter, judging by the force with which he gripped my thigh.

"You won't believe," I chuckled, trying to make a serious topic feel a bit lighter.

His attention wasn't so much on my words though, it was on my body. He gently raised my leg, guiding it to wrap around him, his hand gliding along my thigh until it reached the curve of my hip.

"Trust me, I'll believe anything at this point." With a playful chuckle, he placed his lips on my neck, immediately bruising the skin with a harsh suck. The aggression in his actions was obvious at this point.

"Have you been on Twitter?" I spoke breathlessly, his fingertips digging into the flesh of my hips.

"Interesting move, holding hands in public like that," he pulled his mouth away from my neck, "especially with a friend."

"It's not like that, Clay." I wanted to explain why we were holding hands, but he was apparently mad at something else.

"I know it's not, but doesn't mean it's okay to do anything in public," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of anger, though his grip got more gentle. "You know some people are just sitting, waiting to start rumors."

I released my leg from his grip, standing firmly on both feet, and placed my hands on his chest. I looked up at him.

"I wasn't feeling well. He was just helping me and we didn't see anyone filming." Halfway through my sentence, I saw his face drop.

"What? What happened? Did you drink?" He asked quickly, his touch on my hips immediately sliding up to my waist.

I shook my head, suddenly realizing how much I didn't want him to know. But Nick was right. I was risking his safety too by hiding it.

"No, my drink didn't have alcohol in it," I started the sentence, taking a breath to finish it, "but it- ugh.. someone spiked it."

Clay's expression transformed before my eyes. His gaze locked on me with a mix of emotions - jaw clenching in anger, but eyes wide with worry.


I didn't know what to say, so I just sighed.

"No." He shook his head, hand coming up to brush his hair back from his face, "Nah."

"I'm sorry," I had no options. Nothing to calm him down.

"Tell me you're fucking joking."

I wish I could.

"It wasn't mixed in, and I noticed it was off before drinking too much," I explained as he backed away from me, taking in an exaggerated breath and throwing his head back, "I got dizzy so I called Nick and.. yeah."

"How are you now?" He got his phone out, quickly finding Nick's contact and trying to call him while waiting for my answer.

I intervened, ending the call before it even started and gently taking his phone from his hand. "Don't call him, he's probably asleep. I'm alright, don't worry."

"Eliza, I swear to god-"

"Calm down, okay?" Probably I was asking for too much, but there was no point in calling Nick in the middle of the night.

Clay went straight to the couch and tiredly sinked into it, palms coming up to hide his face as he groaned into them.

Him getting mad and overreacting would've been better than this silence. It was a silence that spoke volumes, indicating that his anger and frustration had reached a level beyond the usual.

"I'm sorry," I began, "I don't even know what to say or do, but I'm okay, and nothing happened."

Still, silence.

"Nick asked for the security camera footage, but the quality was so bad they couldn't see a face," I continued, "and the person left right after doing it, they couldn't do anything about it."

No reaction. Just his leg jittering like crazy.

"Clay, please-"

"Was it a guy?" His voice would seem calm to someone hearing it for the first time, but for me, it was scary.


"Wasn't it a graduates-only party?"

I never thought of it until he brought it up.

"It was."

He nodded, "Give me my phone back."

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