Chapter 33

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Matsuo POV

I watched as Alice walked away with Zhen to leave me alone with Serena. The cop seemed hesitant to leave and looked back at us with concern on her face. Her eyes never met mine, but she turned away fast when she saw Serena'a hand on top of mine.

"So, Matsuo, would you mind a more private setting for us to talk?"

I faked my smile, looking over at her, "I think this place will do just fine."

As we spoke, I took away my hand to take a sip of my whiskey and scoot my chair further away from Serena. I can only tolerate so much of this whore, she really pushed my buttons by the way she spoke to Alice.

Serena has no shame flirting with me eventhough I am a takin' man. It is a fake relationship, none the less it is very shamful of Serena, certainly isn't the first time she's done this from what I've been told. By now the restaurant is empty besides the two of us sitting in the corner of the dinning room.

"So tell me, have you been busy since your father has been away?" I continue the conversation from earlier.

Serena played with her wine glass swirling her drink, "Not really."

She looked deeply into my eyes biting her lip in a seductive manner that is God awful to witness.

"Oh, you certainly do have some free time on your hands since your father is away."

Seren scoffed, "Let's not talk about daddy anymore. I want to talk about you Toma."

Again she attempts to scoot closer to me. I roll my eyes leaning back in my seat and began to grow impatient by the second. Forward woman are displeasing, after having so many throw themselves at me it comes off as easy. I certainly do not desire a girl like Serena who is the very definition of easy.

"Toma, you look so lonely." She purred in my ear rubbing my arm.

I wrench my arm away, "rest assured I am not. My woman is upstairs waiting for me."

Serena pulled away pouting like the brat she is, I'm just glad she's not touching me.

"I don't know what you find that's so great about her, she spent half the time at dinner talking about clubbing."

"You seem to be fond of clubs." I mention.

Serena clicked her teeth, "I have know idea what you mean."

"Are you sure, I do hear things though the grapevine of your activities that I think your father wouldn't be too proud of."

When I speak, Serena suddenly smiles to herself quite devilishly, and the darkness behind her eyes shone. It's like the last screw in her head came loss and this is the physcotic break.

"Wouldn't be proud of, Toma who do you think taught me?" She leaned back in her seat tilting her head like a villain.

A chuckle slipped out and she was certainly not expecting that reaction. I find her absolutely hilarious thinking she can intimidate me. I down the rest of my drink before meeting Serena with an empty gaze.

"Well, it'd be very stupid of you to interfere with your father's business. I, for instance, don't take kindly to a bothersome brat intervening with my affairs." I stand to my feet glaring down at her.

"It can all stop," Serena stood while placing her hands on my chest to play with the buttons of my shirt. "You know what I want Toma."

If the lust in her eyes weren't obvious enough, then it was her hand that snaked down to my groin. I snap grabbing Serena's hand and with my other hand grabbed her throat applying pressure. My fingertips dug into the whore's flesh surely to leave indentations.

Serena seemed to grow excited widening her eyes.

"If I knew you were so rough-

"Shut the fuck up," I growled fighting my temper from strangling her in the middle of the resturant. "If you for one second think I would lower my standards to sleep with you, you're gravely mistaken. If you as so much breath or blink in my direction again, it will be your very last. Do you understand?"

She didn't answer and began to glare at me. I tightened my grip on her neck to encourage a response.

"Do you fucking understand me?"


Serena's hand began to grab at mine that remain around her neck for a while longer. I reach down to grab the knife left on the table and brought it up to our eye level. My other hand gripped harder at Serena's throat close to depriving her completely of air.

"I want this to come across very clear to you," I drag the knife from her temple down the side of her face. "If you ever speak reckless of Alice again, I'll cut your face off."

The fear widen her eyes to the size of baseballs. Tears brimmed Serena's eyes daring to spill out as I squeezed her throat one last time. I released her while pushing her away at the same time. She stumbled nearly falling over.

"Leave my hotel and never come back." I turn my back on her as I exit the room.

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