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______Alice POV_____

"Okay, let's start from the beginning," I rubbed the temples of my head as a headache approached. "You were buying heroin-

"Meth," Kenny corrected me.

"I'm sorry, meth." I can't believe he's correcting me on what drugs he bought. "So you were buying meth and you claim that Han gypped you out of a full ounce?" I repeated back to the unsatisfied customer of a drug dealer.

"Yes! That is exactly what that son of a bitch did. I have the meth to prove it." He dug into the bottomless pits of his ripped jean pockets. 

Kenny, who is clearly an addict, layed out a spread of drugs onto the table in the interrogation room. The marks and sores on his hands had redden from digging into his pockets.

I used a pen to keep from touching the other things and fish out the bag of crystal meth. It didn't look like much, but it's enough to fry every last brain cell Kenny has left. It's not every day that a addict walks up to your desk wanting to snitch on his dealer. So I'll take a bite into an interesting situation that has presented itself to me.

"How do I know Han sold this to you, and you didn't get this from some other dealer?" I questioned further while pointing with the pen at the little baggie.

"I-I don't have proof, but-but I do know the delivery boys are in on it." Kenny rushed out.

His eyes were dialted from using, which probably gave him the courage to walk into a police station. Just by observing this man in the last five minutes, I can tell he's been a long time user. As I've learned before, they are not the most reliable source. However, Kenny was giving me some kind information none the less, so I'll play along and see where this goes.

"You got a name for me or some other way to prove your claim against Han?" I fished for more intel.

"Muyang Ye, he'll talk to ya." Kenny was exceedingly confident.

I leaned back in the uncomfortable metal chair, crossing my arms in the process.

"Why do you think he would speak to the cops?" I was very intrigued at this point.

Kenny leaned forward, using his hands to hide his mouth so that I could only hear.

"He may or may not be here illegally." He whispered and nodded his head discreetly with a wink.

I shook my head, "Do you know for sure, Kenny? I can't go off on assumptions."

Kenny sat back, "Trust me. You can use that as leverage on Muyang. He'll tell you anything."

I sighed and stood to my feet, collecting my papers, "Last I check extortion is illegal, and I can't operate on what ifs."

Kenny stood up so fast when he saw me prepare to leave that his chair fell back with a loud thud. I looked back at him, who was leaning over the table in a panic.

"It's not like the NYPD hasn't done it before! Com'on man, I-I mean woman. You have to get him. Word on the street was that you were after Han anyway. Don't you want to get'em?"

Kenny is partially right, I am building a case against Han, and it has taken some time. None of the evidence I collect ever stuck because of the fancy lawyers behind Han. I know he can't afford them alone, so he has a partner that I have yet to identify. It was no coincidence that he slipped away so easily.

Han used his disgusting restaurant as a front for the drugs that he makes and sells. Both the restaurant and illegal business needed to be shut down. I was doing everything I could to do just that, and Kenny may have given me a golden opportunity. Although I can hear my farther saying in my head, "Alice, drop this case," for the millionth time.

"Okay, I'll bite Kenny." I motion back to his seat as I take mine. "Say that I do listen to you and talk to this Muyang. What are you looking to get out of this because I doubt you just want to lock up Han?"

Kenny took in what I said as he picked up the chair, coming down from his high, "I did have an idea."

I waved my hand to encourage him to spit it out.

"I want to be your CI, I need the protection." He rushed out.

There it is, the motive behind the snitching. Unfortunately, that position is already filled by a reliable CI.

"I already have one." I state plainly.

"Look, after giving all this information away from the kindness off my heart, you can do this solid for me?" He pleaded desperately with his hands clasped together.

"If the information that you gave is good, I can look into making you a CI for another officer. I think I know one that is currently looking for one." I turned around with a smile, looking at the two-way mirror knowing Blake is watching.

As I looked back at Kenny, he was reaching to grab all of his possessions.

"Um, I can't let you take that. As a matter of fact, I'm going to send in an officer to deal with this." I motioned to the narcotics and stood up from the table.

When I left the interrogation room, the observation room door flew open. As I expected, my partner Blake came rushing. He was already on to me after I spoke to Kenny.

Behind him, an officer went into the room to deal with Kenny and his sticky fingers.

"I hope you aren't cooking up what I think you are, Danvers." He said in a serious near dangerous tone.

I had to look back at my partner, who is still my subordinate by five years. Blake was a young aspiring detective for the past five months.

"Excuse me, Detective Blake, I think what you should have said was thank you for finding me a CI." I halted my pace and pinned a glare to Blake to the point he squirmed.

He was smart enough to back off. There is hope for the young, aspiring detective yet.

As I sat down, Blake hovered over me with a regretful sigh slipping out before he ran a hand down his face.

The stack of papers stared at me as I grumbled to myself. I placed them in front of me as I powered on the monitor of my computer.

"I appreciate the assist in helping me find a CI, but I've got this on my own." Blake tested the waters before approaching me. "Kenny doesn't seem like the right CI for me."

"What do you think this is?" I tossed a ridiculous look at him. "This isn't Tinder where you swipe left or right. A CI is a CI. And this one may have a hell of a lead on Han. Imagine if we bust a drug ring embedded in Chinatown for the last ten years, and your name is attached to that. That will look well to the Sargent. Even the chief would be impressed."

That bait dangled in front of Blake like a block of cheese in front of a mouse. He's unaware of the trap waiting for him, but my trap won't break his neck.

"That does sound nice." Blake scratched his stubble, looking into space, probably daydreaming of recognition.

"It does, doesn't?" I tapped my fingers on top of the stack of papers loud and obnoxiously. "It'll only cost you one small thing."

He understood what I was alluding to as I continued to tap against the papers. The one thing I dreaded most was filling out reports, and I was hoping to pass off on to my partner. Instantly, a frown weighed down his face, still he held out his hands.

"You're evil." Blake mumbled as I dumped the papers into his grasp.

I smiled while turning to face my computer, "pleasure doing business with you, partner."

Now, I had a sting operation to plan using Blake's new CI.
Thanks for reading ;)
             ~Scarlet. V

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