Chapter 6

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_____ALICE POV____

I stared back into his cold, threatening eyes that examined me closely with a scary amount of precision. His whiskey-colored eyes almost appeared black as coal from this close-up. I also notice a small, dark, faded scar that is no bigger than an inch resting just above his left cheekbone. He creased his brows with intrigue settling on the smooth features of his face. My eyes wander further down to the straight-cut and freshly shaven jawline that twitched ever so slightly with contempt.

"Done?" He asked, arching up a brow.

"No," I answer firmly, "I will never be done. So go ahead, pull the damn trigger."

It's stupid of me to taunt this mafia leader holding a gun to my head, but I was never known for being subtle. This time I think I shouldn't tease this bull with a red cape right in front of his eyes.

"Unfortunately, I cannot fulfill your request," he droned out as if he were bored.

Out of sorts, I creased my brows at him just as Zhen grabbed my arm, pulling me behind his leader. I'm pondering why he would pull out a gun without intending to kill me. It must have been another scare tactic; too bad for him I'm not a coward like Mr. Han.

Speaking of Han.

"I'm taking the girl." The leader stepped closer to the table, putting away his gun in the waistband of his pants. "However, for next month, I expect full payment."

"Of course, thank you for-.

"And the money you've been siphoning off for the past year."

Han ceased his excessively annoying excuses when the leader spoke, cutting straight to the point. I even looked around him to watch Han gape after being caught red-handed. If this wasn't such a poor time to laugh, I would be wheezing right about now in Han's face from how pathetic he looks.

"I-I assure you I would never do such a thing, Matsuo, I'm an honest businessman. My profit strictly comes from my restaurant and-and-

Matsuo simply raised his hand, grimacing at Han's fountain of lies spilling from his mouth. That old man has no shame telling such bullshit, and pretty stupid to try to convince these men with lies. Matsuo looks straight ahead at Han with a blank expression.

"Don't finish that statement when we both know it is a lie. Your main profit comes from the drugs you sell in the back of this... rat-infested shit hole," Matsuo clarified with disgust. "Have the money by next month, or this place will be under new ownership."

He turned back to Zhen, and they exchanged words with each other in Japanese. Matsuo's dark eyes fell on me shortly after speaking and I can safely assume he was talking about me. At that, Zhen gripped my upper arm tighter, pulling me toward the exit with the rest of the men following behind. I'm manhandled out of the kitchen into the back alley, where two black SUVs are parked.

Zhen held my arm tightly, dragging me to one of the vehicles by force. I tried to pull away, yelling at the top of my lungs until Zhen muffled my voice with his hand. Then, instinctually, I chomped down on his hand, causing him to pull away immediately.

"Where are you taking me?" I blurt out as we get closer to the car.

The shock and the realization of what was happening finally hit me, causing fear to blossom in my chest.

Relationship Status:  MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now