Chapter 29

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Alice POV

Before Matsuo let me anywhere near the captive, he made me change into clothes a maid had brought. I take a moment to look at myself in Matsuo's bathroom before stepping out. I was dressed in a simple plain tee shirt and jeans that I'm more comfortable in than Matsuo's clothes.

When I walk out Matsuo sits me down in the living area standing in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. His whiskey-colored eyes watched me with slight concern tugging the corners of his lips into a frown. In the adjacent armchair, Zhen sat wearing the same stupid smirk he had this morning.

"Are you really going to time me?" I sit watching Matsuo set the timer on his phone.

"Yes, I am, you only have five minutes." When he's done, he finally looks down at me. "Don't get too close to him and take this."

Matsuo reaches around his back pulling out a handgun. My mouth hangs open as he stretches it out to me to take.

Is he for real?

I timidly took it out of his hand, grasping the cool steel resting perfectly in my grip. To the side, I notice that smirk dropping from Zhen's face when he sees the gun in my hand.

"Are you sure you want to give me this?" I examine the gun, taking the safety off and load a bullet into the barrel.

With a playful smirk I glance at Zhen, knowing right about now he must be shitting bricks with this thing in my hand.

"Just in case you somehow piss him off you'll have that. He broke away from the restraints a few times when we were interrogating him, so stay alert." Matsuo stares down at me, and gently placed his large hand over mine that's holding the gun. "Don't get any ideas." He warned me in a low voice that sounded worried.

He gave my hand a squeeze lingering a bit before pulling away. I took my hand away, tucking the gun in to my waist band behind my back.

"Anything else I need to know before going in there?"

"We don't know which mafia he works for, but by the way he handles pain he's either Russian or Italian." Matsuo pauses as his gaze shifts to Zhen. "The only thing he knows is that we are the Jade Dragons."

I follow Matsuos gaze to Zhen who rolls his eyes while crossing his arms.

Someone slipped up.

"Alright, don't piss him off and try to get him to talk. Should be easy." My words sound confident, but I felt the exact opposite.

Then, I turn towards my bedroom door while taking a deep breath to steel my nerves as I turn the knob. It was colder than normal inside, and the curtains were closed concealing the room in complete darkness. Could barely see my own hand in front of my face. I close the door behind me followed by a click as Matsuo locked the door from the outside. My heartbeat quickens when my eyes adjust to the black oblivion, and I stare the back of the captive's head slumping forward.

Why am I doing this?

I ask myself this as I walk to the other side of the room drawing the curtains back. The sun poured in, filling the room with much needed light. I'm greeted by the familiar view that I've known since I've been here, but I notice it's not the same as the view from Matsuo's room. His view is much more impressive than this.

With the room now illuminated I can see the captive in better light and boy did he look like hell. His head lulled forward, and his swollen eyes were closed. His dark raven hair is tussled carelessly with spots of dried blood in the strands, clumping together. I glance at his wrists that were rubbed raw by the ropes, binding his hands behind the back of the chair.

Relationship Status:  MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now