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Context: Massive fluff + a little bit of angst ahead. Little -Junhui. Caregiver/Boyfriend - Minghao

     Minghao was in the midst of one of his best works yet when he felt a slight tug on his hoodie's long black sleeve. He stopped to pause Heaven's Cloud  that was blasting through his headphones. Woozi's heavenly vocals cut off mid-song. He always felt that song suited the vibes of the painting he was currently working on. It was so, extremely colourful. Maybe this was how people with synesthesia felt. The whole thing was mind-boggling to him, really. 

     "Haohao, awe you wistening?" Junhui's voice slowly drifted into Minghao's ears. He pulled at Minghao's sleeve once again. Minghao snapped out of his art-filled daze. 

     "Mm, yes I'm listening Junnie-ya. What was it you wanted?" Minghao asked. He would love to hoist the little up onto his lap and cuddle him half to death, but that was not possible due to the current mess on the artist apron he was wearing. Thank the lord he had decided to wear black that day. 

     "You pwomised to go to the cafe..." Junhui replied innocently. He had on his face the most adorable smile Minghao loved so much. Minghao could tell Junhui purposely did not mention the face that said promise had been made nearly two and a half hours ago. He gazed longingly at the unfinished canvas. Screw it, Junhui's more important. And so, Junhui skipped off to the living room to annoy Wonwoo while Minghao changed out of his clothes and into an outfit more suited for the quaint cafe they were going to. 

     "Wonwon, wonwon!" Junhui bounced excitedly onto their living room sofa. 

     "Woah Junnie, calm down. Where're you going that's gotten you so excited hm?" Wonwoo asked just for the sake of it. 

     "Haohao's bwinging me to get ice cweam! Awe you jeawous wonwon?" Junnie exclaimed like it was the most sacred thing in the world that only he had the honour to enjoy. Of course, to him it probably was. Wonwoo laughed and played along with the little until Minghao emerged from their room.

     "走吧宝贝儿 (Let's go, darling)!" Minghao called. He pulled on a pair of light brown loafers that had an inch of heels, fancy indeed but definitely befitting of his outfit. Replacing his black hoodie and sweatpants was a baby pink cashmere sweater with a cream coloured coat over it to beat the cold weather, tucked into a pair of flared light blue jeans with several rips running down its length. He picked up his elegant Valentino sling bag, one of his most proud buys, and slung it across his body. He had also taken the time to decorate the pants, sprinkling white drops of paint that he intentionally allowed to create a dripping effect.  A huge infinity sign was painted on the jeans near his hips as well, a symbol all carats would find familiar. His recently dyed purple-blue hair was mussed up and fluffy. Not forgoing jewellery, Minghao had a simple sun-and-moon necklace that was matching with Junhui, and just a few piercings here and there. 

     "Haohao, wait!" Junhui called out as Minghao turned to head to the lift. Minghao halted in his tracks, glancing at Junhui. Junhui reached his hand to push Minghao's metal, black-framed glasses up his nose, before giggling and dashing off cutely. Minghao raced to catch up with him, absolutely smitten with the little. 

     Not long later, the two reached the cafe. It was quite hidden from the public, but that was mostly the reason why they frequented the shop so often. They'd get much lesser stares from unknowing patrons, and on the plus side, the owner of the store was very welcoming. 

     "Ah, if it isn't my two favourite customers. Here for ice cream?" The kind owner asked. She got her ice cream spoon out. 

     "Mhm! Could we get two scoops of salted caramel and one vanilla in a cup? Hm, and a lemon tart too please!" Minghao ordered. 

     "The lemon tart's been out here for quite awhile so it's gone stale. I'll have another warm batch out in no time." The owner smiled sweetly. Minghao nodded, and requested for Junhui to sit at their favourite window-side spot while he waited for their food. Junhui sat in the cozy booth with soft cushion-lined chairs and perched his hands on the table while swinging his legs restlessly. He stared out at the scenery outside the shop. It was nothing much at all, just the more secluded areas of a park. That was exactly when Junhui spotted a small and skinny beagle puppy right outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, pawing at the floor in a sort of random intrigue only puppies seem to have. Cute doggy! Junhui gasped. He sprang up from the booth and dashed outside to satisfy his curiosity over the puppy. Minghao failed to notice the shock of blonde hair flashing past his peripheral vision and continued staring at the display of fresh baked goods. 

     "Here you go Minghao! Have a wonderful day." The owner beamed. "Same to you." Minghao returned the warm gesture. He received the cups of ice cream as well as the plate with the lemon tart on it and turned to walk to their table.

     "Junnie darling! Here's your-" Minghao stopped short as he took in the sight of a fairly empty table where he swore Junhui was sitting just a moment ago. Oh god, where is he? Minghao panicked, placing the food down and running to ask the owner if she had seen where Junhui ran off to. Unfortunately, the owner response did not help, which left Minghao no choice but to search for him outside the cafe.

     "宝贝! Junnie where are you? Junnie!" Minghao yelled. Wind whipped through his hair as he ran down the streets, accompanied by more than a couple odd stares from strangers Minghao bumped into. Once he had searched the busy streets to no avail, he was on the verge of a huge breakdown. How stupid am I to lose a whole god damn being?! Minghao was agitated. Without thinking, he ran straight into the park on yet another adventure seeking high and low for Junhui. For someone more than 1.8m tall, he sure was hard to find. 

     Minghao approached a street vendor in the park. "Excuse me, have you seen a tall, blonde man. Bright baby blue sweater." Minghao asked for the 7th time, exasperated. The vendor raised a brow but nodded slowly nonetheless. This immediately perked Minghao's senses. "Well, where is he?" "I think I saw someone similar to your description following a tiny puppy going that way not too long ago," the vendor lifted his finger to point at the direction, "He was muttering something about a 'Haohao', whatever that may be."

     Yep, definitely his Junnie alright. "Thank you so much!" Minghao shouted at no one in particular as he sprinted along the path the vendor had pointed out. As he dashed past, a small thing of blonde appeared in the corner of his eyes, hiding behind a tree. "Junnie is that you? Junnie!" An unknowing Junhui looked up at the sound of his name, and was met with a panting, furious Minghao. Junhui didn't even have time to respond as he was harshly pulled up from his crouching position.

     "But... but... doggy!" 

     Minghao dragged him along the path, only stopping when he heard cries of pain from Junhui. He let go off the wrist. "Wen Junhui! How many times have I told you it's dangerous to run around on your own when you've slipped! You got me so fucking worried!" You see, it was not often Minghao swore at all, much less so in front of Junhui when he slips. So you can likely imagine Junhui's fear when the word flew out of Minghao. Junhui burst into sobs, stuffing a fist into his mouth to drown out the sounds. He knew Minghao never liked him crying too loudly. "I... I'm sowwy..." Junhui hiccuped, trying to get his apology out. He choked on his tears and sniffled continuously.  The older boy fell into a sitting position on the pathway, earning himself yet more stares.

    That seemed to do the trick with the ever relenting caretaker as he scooped the little into a tight embrace. "Shh... it's okay sweetheart. I'm not mad at you anymore." Minghao brushed the back of his fingers gently against Junhui's tear-stained cheeks. His right arm went around the elder's waist, and the left patting his back rhythmically. Junhui's sobs subsided slowly. Minghao sighed in part relief, and part weariness. 

     "Didn't you promise me before, darling?" Junhui nodded in response. Guilty as charged. 

     "But you still ran off on your own, didn't you?" Minghao continued in a measured tone, so as to not frighten Junhui again. "I can't always be here to find you or fend for you, Junnie. I'm giving you a chance now to pinky promise you won't do that again. If you break it, no ice cream for three months, okay?" Junhui lifted his hand to hook his pinky onto Minghao's. A warm smile spread on both of their faces.


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