The demon in me

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In which Minghao is a demon, working for his sorcerer master, Junhui.

     Minghao was at his wits' end when it came to Junhui. 

     "Honestly, master. Could you not have chosen less extravagant clothing? You're visiting your mother's, not a queen's lair." A pleasant yet weary voice said as Junhui climbed into his bejewelled, horse-drawn carriage. Minghao attempted to heave the sorcerer's expensively tailored, emerald green cloak that billowed in the wind so as to avoid the mud on the gravel floor. "You've already given me enough work in the manor to keep me busy for a month." Minghao's voice came out in a soft and quiet tone. So much for doing his laundry when Junhui dragged his clothes along the ground as though they were mere pieces of old cleaning rags. 

     "Oh Minghao, if I ever show my face in clothes less expensive than this carriage, it'd feed the gossip mills for a week. The young ladies of this town would be appalled!" The sorcerer cried melodramatically. His servant smoothed at his pristine white suit, rolling his eyes. How he longed to tug at his silver blonde hair in despair, but even that he had spent ages perfecting. It certainly wouldn't do to ruin it. "I'm not sure the young ladies of this town appreciate the sight of you, no matter decently or indecently dressed..." Minghao mocked, his voice lost to the wind as the carriage jerked. The two of them sat, deep in conversation. The whinny of horses and clipping of hooves against the ground filled the air. 

     Minghao's hands remained folded neatly in his lap. His silver hair glistened in the sunlight that shone into the carriage through the windows. It was quite a contrast from his master, whose hair was a glossy black shade of the darkest midnight. It was so disheveled that one would believe it was a nest in which a family of birds reside. They travelled through the bustling marketplace, occasionally stopping for Junhui to take a curious peak. 

     "Wait! Stop the carriage." Junhui banged on the glass window to indicate to the driver, who has since become annoyed at the number of stops they have had to make. Minghao could relate to his frustration deeply. The oblivious sorcerer turned towards Minghao, eyes meeting the brown pupils of his servant. Minghao pursed his lips. "Master, I do so wish you would not slow us down. Your mother will be expecting our arrival in," he stopped to check his pocket watch, "10 minutes." 

     Climbing out of the carriage not so gracefully, Junhui replied, "Be silent. Do you hear that?" Minghao perked his demon senses, and sure enough, a shrill cry could be heard from a far distance. Junhui's featured hardened, green sparks crackling at the tip of his fingers. 

     Minghao sighed. "Master, it is not advisable for you to-" He was interrupted by the sight of Junhui racing off into a dark alley. Of course he'd run off to whatever cannibalistic noise is heard. What more did I expect from him? Minghao thought before snapping his fingers and vanishing on the spot, much to the utter shock of their carriage driver.

     "My my, what is all this about?" Junhui asked calmly, approaching two figures in the shadow. He waved his hand, illuminating the alley. A man in a tattered and torn shirt came into sight, gripping a knife that was pressed against the neck of a young maiden. The girl sobbed, struggling against the man's vise grip. "Step away! This is none of your business!" The man's hoarse voice warned. He clamped a hand to the maiden's mouth, muffling the horrible scream emitting from her. 

     "She's got something she owes me, don't you? Disgusting wench!" The man spat. He smirked, revealing yellowed teeth in desperate need of thorough cleaning. Junhui paced slowly, discreetly flicking his hand and chanting a spell. A few moments passed, yet the air remained still. "Can't use your sorcery against my knife. Pure iron this is, made sure of it." The man sneered. 

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