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Warning: Mentions of slight violence. Brace yourselves.

     "Welcome home." 

     Minghao's heart nearly thumps out of his chest at the voice from behind him. He sucks in a deep breath, closing the door carefully. He turns around with a forced smile on his face. Junhui stands in the dimly lit hallway of their apartment, arms crossed. 

     "Hi." Minghao doesn't speak another word and pushes past his boyfriend, making a beeline for their bedroom. Please don't ask, please don't ask, please don't-

     "Where were you last night?" Now Minghao's heart really jumps. 

     The younger answered shakily, his eyes darting wildly from Junhui's sharp gaze to the floor before finally landing on the table behind the older male. "I... uh... I texted you last night. I was studying for an art history test with Mingyu in the library. Then I crashed at his place. If you'll excuse me, I'm dead tired from today's lectures and really need to shower." Avoidance. That was his strategy. The older hums, letting Minghao walk away to the bathroom. 

     "Except, do correct me if I'm mistaken, your art history test was just yesterday, wasn't it? Funny you'd be studying for it right when it's over." The younger male's eyes widened. The sound of footsteps pad closer to him, until he could practically feel the warmth radiating off the older.

     Junhui continues. "Your test schedule was placed on your table when you left yesterday. Imagine the confusion when I was just about to congratulate you on finishing your test, and then your message came in. Oh, but don't worry, this cleared everything up." Junhui fishes his phone out of his back pocket, all while Minghao gapes at him. The latter chokes back a whimper when Junhui shows him a video of a club. Somewhere in the background, Mingyu's slurring voice could be heard shouting over the music. Yet, in the corner of the frame, was Minghao slouched over a drink at the bar table, and another man's face inches away from his neck. It was obvious, since he was the only one there with fire engine red hair.

     "This was from Mingyu's story last night. If you're going to lie to my face, at least get a reliable alibi." Junhui's voice deepened. That was when Minghao knew he had utterly fucked up. 

      "Wait Junhui, I... I can explain. I didn't-" 

     Junhui cuts him off. "Oh right, it also explained this that I found in your desk drawer." He pulls a stick of foundation out, dropping it onto the floor. The loud clatter made Minghao flinch. There was no way out of this. Minghao was going to have to confess to everything. 

     "Forgive me, you were saying?" Junhui steps closer, backing Minghao into the wall. 

     "I didn't want to go. Mingyu dragged me there to celebrate the end of our test. You wouldn't have wanted me to go, so... so..." The younger male trails off. He braces himself for the shouting. But then there were soft chuckles. Junhui laughs so hard that tears were glistening in his pupils, and he had to wipe them away.

     "You know, I can't remember the last time you lied to me. Such lies coming out of those pretty lips of yours. It's hilarious." Junhui reaches his thumb and wipes gently at Minghao's neck. Foundation begins to rub off, revealing the remains of what seems to be harsh hickeys on the left side of his neck. The older's lips curled up in disgust. Minghao freezes entirely. 

     "Did you like it?" 

     Minghao's jaws drop at the unexpected question. 


     "I said, did you like it? The man coming this close to you," Junhui ducks his head down slightly such that his mouth was right by Minghao's ear, "and sucking on your neck." The younger feels a shiver travel down the length of his spine as the fluttery breath of a whisper brushes past his ear. He swallows the bile rising in his throat. 

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