Perfect flaws

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College AU - Ballerina Minghao and pianist Junhui


Minghao is good at most things. Ballet, essays, catching (and rejecting) girls left and right. There is a reason why he was most well known in the dance faculty for having an ice-cold nature. The ice prince, they liked to call him. Yet, there is one thing that never made sense to him.

"You want me to what?!" Minghao nearly screams his thought aloud when the professor standing in front of the group of them announces the new assignment. When he looks around in panic, he realises everyone around him seemed almost excited.

"Yes, you heard me right." The professor continued. Minghao swore the old man eyed him for a split second.

"The 10 of you have been chosen simply because you are the best dancers and musicians in your year. Now, in Juilliard we not only strive for you to reach your utmost potential, we also insist that every single one of our graduates leave this school knowing how to work with others. There is no point in having a degree if you cannot play in time with your orchestra. Likewise, there is no pas de deux without teamwork. Hence, there will be an additional assignment for you lot, as previously agreed upon by both the music and dance departments. One musician will be paired with a dancer. In a month's time, each pair perform in front of all of us. As for one outshining the other, I assure you we will be looking out for both the dancer and the musician, so I highly recommend none of you slack off. Are there any questions?" Once the professor had finished, a buzz of chatter filled the air. Minghao watched as the group of female dancers talked animatedly amongst themselves, pointing and likely discussing which musician they'd want to be paired with. He followed their line of gaze, and landed on a particular boy who was sitting with a brunette girl. Minghao didn't recognise the blonde boy, but by the way he was quietly observing the room instead of filling the already noisy atmosphere with even more unnecessary talking, Minghao decided that he liked him. As in, not like like him, obviously.

"Alright, settle down. I'll be announcing the pairs now, because choosing your partner will not be a privilege available to you." Minghao's attention drifted away from the professor's droning voice, and instead towards the boy. He was listening to the brunette beside him, yapping away without a care in the world. Cynthia was her name. Minghao could vaguely remember her winning 2nd place with her cello suite in an inter-school competition. Minghao frowned when he noticed the boy's bored expression. Was he also as disinterested to be here?

"The next pair will be Xu Minghao and Wen Junhui." Minghao's head snapped up at the same time that the blonde boy's did. So, Junhui is his name...

Junhui pov

"The next pair will be Xu Minghao and Wen Junhui." Junhui lifted his head at his name. Beside him, Cynthia let out a chuckle, "Damn bro, tough luck."

Junhui cocked his head at her words. "Why? What's so bad about him?" The boy asked genuinely. He noted that people around him were starting to stare.

Cynthia widened her eyes in mock horror. She whispered aggressively as the professor gave more administrative information. "Uh, hello? Xu Minghao? Only the best ballerina in the school? Though, I heard he has perfectionism issues. Super famous for giving the other students a mega hard time." Junhui steals a glance at him, looking away just in time to not get caught.

"I'm actually kind of relieved I'm paired with Mike. Like look at his legs. I'd bet he could squeeze a whole glass of orange juice with those thighs..." Cynthia trailed off, dreamily drooling at the other male dancer in the room. Okayy... Junhui backed away just a little from the girl. Before he could help himself, he peeked again at the black-haired boy who, apparently, was Minghao. Even his sitting posture graceful. The blonde Chinese male quickly looked away in a hurry when Minghao returned his gaze.

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