Secret pt. 4

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Minghao let out a groan as Junhui pulled him up once more. 

"How many more of these do I have to do?" Minghao complained, seating cross-legged on the floor. He huffed like he had just ran 10 miles, which it most certainly did feel like he had. 

Junhui thought for a moment. "Just about two more sets of twenty." He stated, pressing down a laughter when Minghao let out an audible sigh. "Come on, it's just sit-ups." He knelt down to hold onto the other's ankles. Minghao accepted his fate and laid down, doing sit-ups as Junhui counted aloud. 

"It's been almost four months since I joined. You guys have been on six missions since and I've not been allowed to tag along to even one of them." He said between deep breaths. 

Junhui shrugged. "Talking only makes this harder." 

"Yeah well, I want to know when I'll be able to see what happens." Minghao whined, finishing the last of his forty sit-ups. 

"Hm, with the way these sit-ups are going, it might just be another year." Junhui chuckled when Minghao slapped his shoulder lightly.  

"Hey, in my defence, sit-ups aren't useful in anything you guys are doing." Junhui raised a brow at this. 

"Sit-ups train your core. Building up core strength lessen the blow of attacks like these," Right as Junhui spoke, Minghao felt a light blow to his abdomen, "which actually happens more than you think. I've been punched in the guts countless times." The way he passed it off so lightheartedly only served to worry Minghao even more.

Minghao stood up, reaching a hand out to help the other up. "Fine, but can you at least talk to Seungcheol? Maybe put in a good word for me?" He stared down at Junhui with puppy eyes for added effect. 

The older snort-laughed. "Xu Minghao, are you trying to bribe me right now?" He grabbed onto the younger's hand. 

"I don't know, is it working?" 

Junhui shook his head. "No. You'll join when you-" His words cut off when the grip on his hand loosened suddenly, and he fell heavily on his ass. 

"You're evil." He said pointedly, ignoring Minghao's outreached hand and getting up on his own. 

Walking over to where their water bottles were placed, Junhui took a small sip of the ice cold drink. "Take a 5 minute break, then we'll get back to knife-wielding. Honestly, I'd let Mingyu do this but he's off somewhere, probably doing something illegal." 

As he turned to place his bottle down, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "What's up-" A light kiss cut off the end of his sentence. Minghao tip-toed to reach Junhui's height, pushing his own body closer to the latter's. 

The kiss had not lasted close to 5 seconds when they both heard exaggerated gagging which pulled them apart at the speed of light.

"Bring your 18+ somewhere else, there's a child in the building." Seungkwan's disgusted voice reverberated the room. The two whipped round to see Seungkwan and Chan standing in the doorway, Seungkwan's hands over Chan's eyes. 

Minghao stuttered, "We- we were just-"

"Uh uh uh, save it. I don't even want to know." Seungkwan interrupted.

"You're only a year older, might I remind you." Chan said.

"Yeah, and still not old enough to be seeing this." Seungkwan glared the both of them down as he forcefully led Chan out, the latter's eyes still covered. 

Minghao flushed with embarrassment. 

"Hm, now where were we love?" Junhui wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up." He brushed past Junhui to pick up his own bottle. 

Junhui laughed. "Guess I won't be talking to Cheol then..." 

Minghao slammed his bottle down, marched right over to Junhui and grabbed his face, pressing a kiss onto his lips. Junhui's tongue flicked out, running it over the other's lips. Minghao let out a shaky, warm breath before pulling away. 

"There. Now can you please talk to him?" 

Junhui nodded slowly. "I'll see what I can do. But you're sure as hell not killing someone the first time you're out there." 

Minghao jumped at him, much to his surprise. "Thank you Junnie." Minghao giggled, his tight hug squeezing the life out of Junhui. 

"Don't make me regret this."

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