Secret pt. 5

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"Minghao? Could you come here for awhile?" Seungcheol called the surprised boy to his office. Minghao was in the middle of his lunch with Wonwoo, Woozi and Vernon, the only ones who seemed free enough to make conversation with him. 

"Ooo someone's in trouble." Vernon mock-taunted over a slurp of his dry-as-a-bone noodles. Minghao threw a side-eye over his shoulder and walked towards Seungcheol. He looked nonchalant, which was definitely a better sign than angry. 

Minghao approached the desk cautiously. 


Minghao took a seat. He was confused to say the least.

"So, we're having a mission next week. You've been here half a year, and I think it's time." The words had just landed when Minghao jumped out of his seat.

"Really? Oh my god finally!" 

"Wait." Seungcheol said. His tone was demanding, and so Minghao had no choice but to press down his excitement. 

Seungcheol stood up. "You're going to be shadowing me and Seokmin, which let me warn you, will be extremely boring. The guy knows his way with a knife, so it's too dangerous for any close-contact fighting. I'm not letting you go with Junhui in case you... distract each other. Anyway, it'll be a good learning opportunity." Minghao nodded his head vigorously. He was willing to do anything to get out of there. 

Seungcheol smiled. "Alright, go tell your boyfriend. I can tell you're dying to-" The door slammed shut in his face. He rolled his eyes.

"Kids nowadays..."

Minghao sprinted back to retrieve his lunch before going to tell Junhui, but as it turned out, said person was already there. 

"JUNNIE! Cheol's letting me tag along next week!" He leapt at the latter, arms twining around the familiar figure. The excitement so evident in his voice caused a warm smile to spread across Junhui's face.  

Junhui hummed into his hair. "That's great! It means you're a quick learner." 

Minghao pulled back, his infectious smile still lingering. "Mhm, I can't wait! Though Cheol said I have to shadow him and Seokmin. I can't go with you." 

Junhui had a puzzled look on his face. "Really? He never told me that." 

"Probably because he's afraid you guys will be too busy sucking each other's faces off instead of focusing." Wonwoo interrupted, chewing through a donut god knows how appeared and cringing at the sight of the both of them. 

"Fuck off Wonwoo." Junhui replied snarkily.

Minghao, on the other hand, was focused on other things. "Ooo where did you get that?"

Wonwoo smirked. "Mingyu. You're not the only one with boyfriend privileges around here." 

Minghao's face fell. "Aw. Not even 1?" Wonwoo shook his head, pleased with himself.

Junhui, who was standing by and watching, spoke out, "Don't worry Hao. I'll get you some tonight."

Gagging sounds were heard from the side. "Gross, the two of you."

One week later (Junhui's pov)

A rush of adrenaline pumped through his veins, much more than any other mission. For starters, he was going to kill the target today. He also had more expectations weighing down on him. Junhui's eyes drifted over Minghao, who was nearly shaking in his seat. 

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