Best friend

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     Minghao was just on his second glass of wine, watching god knows which episode of Grey's Anatomy on the television when his best friend, Junhui bursts out of the bathroom door. It was a scene that had happened so many times the black-haired boy didn't even bother to look up. 

     "Our anniversary dinner's in an hour and I have no gifts. I'm so screwed!" Junhui flopped down on the couch beside Minghao. The younger male ignored him and continued staring at the screen. He stuffed popcorn into his mouth and crunched down noisily.

     "Okay first of all, how is that any of my problem. And second, don't you think you should be getting ready by now?" Minghao asked, pushing the older off and towards the direction of his room. The latter turned around in frustration. "I have nothing to give Xuanting! I should probably just cancel..." Junhui was just about to fish out his phone when Minghao sighs deeply and wandered into his own room.

     He dropped a fancy paper bag into the blonde's lap. The older peeked in curiously, shocked to find a light blue wool sweater and a bouquet of flowers in it. He raised his eyebrow in confusion. A sigh left Minghao's lips once again. "Your gift for your girlfriend. Sweater in her favourite colour, and a bouquet of peonies to symbolise love. Now get your ass up and go change!" He looked away from the screen and realised that Junhui was quite utterly shocked. He stared at Minghao in dismay for a few seconds. Then, the older male lunged forward to pull the latter into a hug. 

     Minghao froze. He was sure Junhui could feel his heart beating through the fabric of his shirt. "Thanks so much bro. Honestly, I don't know how the hell I function without you sometimes." The older mumbled into Minghao's neck. Junhui clearly had no idea just how much his words meant to the other. 

     Minghao wrapped his arms around the older before replying sarcastically, "You can repay me by keeping your side of the house clean and unlimited Starbucks for the rest of the year." 

     "You're just finding excuses for someone to fund your Starbucks addiction." Junhui whined.

     Minghao shrugged. "Basically. You owe me."

     Junhui let out a laugh. He stood up and placed the bag on the coffee table. "That I do."

     "How did you remember our anniversary though? I couldn't even remember to get a gift." He questioned. 

     "What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't know." Minghao replied simply. I remember the day you met her, the day you chose her over me, even her birthday. What else wouldn't I know. Deep inside, somewhere, those thoughts really hurt. Junhui threw Minghao a small smile that practically sent his entire being into a mini panic attack. Then, he walked off to get dressed. 

     Moments later, the blonde male walked out in a formal yet tastefully modern outfit. A blue silk shirt with a neckline that cut so low Minghao had trouble breathing for a minute, tucked into black long pants, secured low on his hip with a belt. He had thrown a long coat over to beat the late autumn, early winter cold. His blonde hair had long since dried, and Junhui styled into a small middle parting with fringe falling over his forehead. 

     "How do I look? Too much?" Junhui had a sort of insecure look on his face that Minghao wished he could get rid off. 

     The younger male cleared his throat. "Nah, you look nice." Drop-dead gorgeous, was what he really wanted to say. Junhui nodded and took the gift before making his way out of the apartment. 

     "If you need me, I'll be right here drinking my life away." Minghao called after him, earning a chuckle from the older. 

     "Thanks again for the gift, Hao. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you were Xuanting's boyfriend." Junhui said before the door closed shut behind him. Minghao's head snapped up. He looked sadly at the door. 

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