Christmas spirit

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Winter weather was truly spectacular, specifically when one was huddled up in the comfort of a sheltered, indoor space and had the luxury of blasting the heater at its fullest functionality. One could gaze out at the soft layer of snow atop the branches of barren trees, as well as the dirtier layer of snow lining the gravel footpaths people step on everyday. Perhaps the most fascinating thing of all, is how one could plaster themselves onto a clear window pane and exhale a hot breath, watching the invisible moisture condense into a hazy patch on the glass. Then, one would have no choice but to trace silly characters and words, all within the 5 seconds before it disappeared. After all, you could do it again and again until you finally get bored and go away to busy yourself with some other mindless activity. It so reminded one of childhood, with a glass of hot chocolate sitting on the side table, if you're lucky, topped with whipped cream and marshmallows, and if you've been a good kid, even a candy cane to stir up the delicious concoction. 

So there he was, his back leaning against the window pane he had spent the last five minutes  forming smiley faces and heart eyes, a Tim-tam halfway through his mouth and eyes staring at the gorgeous sight in front of him. 

Oh, the little kids building a snowmen all the way over at the playground? No, not them. Though they did make for a cute sight.

"How's the book?" Junhui asked, putting down the weights he'd been lifting. Minghao snapped out of his trance, which of course meant examining the older's arms, and cleared his throat. 

"Riveting." He answered, quickly lowering his eyes onto the book he was reading. Or at least, he was meant to be reading. The blush quite evidently on his cheeks deepened when Junhui crossed over to where he was seating and observing. He crunched into the Tim-tam, trying to cover up the last of his embarrassment. 

Junhui chuckled. "Is that right?" He stopped in his footsteps directly in front of the younger. Without a word, he silently but gently picked up the book that had long since been laying forgotten on his lap, and flipped it such that it was right-side up again. 

Minghao facepalmed internally. So the entire time his book was upside down, great. "You know," Junhui started, "when you said you'd come down to the gym with me, I didn't think you meant eating Tim-tams and watching me." He was panting from the exhaustion, so he took a seat beside the younger, pressing close. 

"Ew you're all gross and sweaty." Minghao complained, shriveling his nose and moving away slightly. He smiled when the other shot him a death glare. 

Junhui eyed the chocolate biscuits. "Want one?" The younger spoke through a full mouth. He spat a few crumbs out, which the older grimaced teasingly at. With a swift move, Junhui glanced down at his lips and darted forward, kissing the corner of his mouth. 

Pulling away, he grinned. "They're sweet." Minghao turned away, flushing. "Where'd you get these anyway? I thought they don't sell them here." He asked as he stood up to fetch his water bottle. 

Minghao shrugged. "I think they're from Chris." 

Junhui paused. "Chris? Your colleague?" 

The younger nodded, totally unaware. "He went to Australia for vacation last week and probably got these for Secret Santa at work. Actually he was my Secret Santa so I kind of already knew- hey what was that for?" 

Junhui listened intently to the younger raving about Chris, but his expression steadily descended into darkness. His pupils flashed threateningly as he snatched the biscuit out of Minghao's hand mid sentence and threw it remorselessly into the bin. The younger, in a state of utter shock and longing, watched his Tim-tam pitifully lying in the bin. 

"Why'd you throw it away?" He exclaimed. 

Because I'm ridiculously jealous. However, Junhui just replied calmly, "They're unhealthy. Too much sugar. Besides, at the rate you're going through the entire thing, your little face is going to swell up like a marshmallow." Leaning down, he pinched both of Minghao's cheeks with two fingers. He carefully shifted the package of Tim-tams away from the younger before walking back to the weights. 

Minghao opened his mouth to say something, but didn't have the chance to when Junhui walked away. He softly laid his hand over his cheek. Like a marshmallow...


The little patisserie cafe a few streets down from their apartment wasn't ever crowded, which made for a perfect hangout spot for hot coffee and scrumptious pastries. Again, winter weather was wonderful when you could warm your hands with a cup of peppermint mocha and enjoy the ambience that only ever happened once a year. 

Junhui entered the cafe in a rush after the younger, who had waddled in before him, tucked underneath his own winter jacket and Junhui's coat. A light smile spread across his face when he spotted Minghao sighing in relief at finally being in the cafe, breathing in the enticing aroma of sweet drinks and treats. 

"Ah, if it isn't my two favourite lovebirds. What's it going to be for you both tonight?" Samantha, who they usually call Sam, called from behind the counter. 

Junhui stepped forward. "Just a black coffee for me. What about you love?" He turned around to see Minghao examining the menu. 


The older did a double take. "Same as in your usual caramel latte?" 

Minghao shook his head. "No, same as you. I'd like a black coffee too." 

Junhui frowned, his mouth forming an O-shape. "But you don't like-" He never got to finish his sentence as Minghao quickly shifted away to their usual seat in the cozy corner of the cafe. 

Turning back to Sam, she only gave him a long look. What did you do this time? I don't know.

Holding both cups of black coffee, Junhui settled into the cushioned seat opposite the younger. The cafe had redecorated for Christmas, so above every table, there was a pretty wreath and Santa hats hanging from the ceiling. 

Minghao took one sip of the coffee, wrinkling his nose out of reflex. 

"Ok," Junhui set his cup down, "Is something wrong?" He stared long and hard at the younger. He had to admit, despite Minghao's long-standing dislike for the bitter taste of black coffee, he was faking it very well. 

The older continued. "You hate walking, and can't stand the cold, but insisted on walking here tonight. And you ordered black coffee, so something is definitely wrong, because you hate black coffee." Junhui slid out of his seat and joined Minghao on his side. He gently lifted the younger's chin to face him. 

"Fine, I'm just trying to be healthier. Since you said I was growing fat..." Minghao whispered. 

"Did I say that? When?" Junhui frowned. He couldn't recall anything of the sort. 

Minghao sighed. "Well, when you threw away my Tim-tam and said my face was swelling up like a marshmallow... That time, at the gym." 

Junhui's eyed widened. Oh, that he remembered. He cupped the younger' face carefully. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean that. I just said it because you'd gotten the Tim-tams from-" He cut himself off. 

The younger giggled. He leaned in closer, eyeing Junhui's guilty blush. "You were jealous."

"No!" Junhui defended quickly. He peeked at the younger's innocent face. His voice lowered, "Ok, yes, I was jealous." 

Minghao smiled triumphantly. Taking a huge swig of the coffee, he coughed and hacked after. "Ugh, I really hate black coffee." 

Junhui laughed, placing a small kiss on the younger's nose. "Wait here." 

Minutes later, he was waltzing back with what Minghao guessed had to be the sugar-iest drink on the menu. "Gingerbread oatmilk latte, with extra whipped cream. For you, my black coffee-hating love." 

The younger giggled, emitting the most adorable sound that made Junhui's heart melt. It seemed only diabetes loaded drinks could do the trick. Minghao snuggled closer into the other's body, gathering all the warmth he could get. 

"You're the best." With lightning speed, Minghao tilted his head up and pecked the older's lips. Junhui gripped his hand tightly. Bless the Christmas spirit. 

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