Bad day

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     Minghao starts his day with a spilled coffee and a soiled dress-shirt that's been stained to the point of no return. The cashier's clear annoyance and obvious eye-roll certainly isn't the first thing on his mind when he races to the office in brand new attire, only to realise he is already a half hour late. 

     Happens to the most of us, he assures himself, stepping into the building with no coffee in hand. Black with milk, no sugar is how he likes it. 

     "Minghao, boss wants these docs checked and returned by Thursday morning." Daniel, a colleague, all but dumps a stack of folders with a thump, on Minghao's desk. That must've been what looked like a week's worth of work, and he wants them done in three days? The Chinese man reaches up to rub his temples, already feeling a migraine incoming. And it hasn't even reached 9am yet. Minghao sighs deeply. This is going to be one hell of a long day. 


     "I'm disappointed, Minghao. You've done presentations way better than this. You should have been more prepared." Minghao wrings his fingers tightly as his boss reprimands him. Of course. Of course he has to forget that today was the product introduction meeting to one of their biggest clients. What else did he expect? 

     "Yes, boss. I'm sorry. I will work harder on our next meeting." Minghao apologises softly. His confidence is long gone, self-esteem lower than that of his grandfather's grave. He is dismissed with a mere wave of his boss's hands, and Minghao knows better than to aggravate him further. 

     The clock shows 7.30pm, and the brunette male is the only one still at his desk, sorting through folders. His hair has since been mussed up completely, what with the tugging in frustration. Daniel, along with almost everyone else was probably at home, enjoying a night with their family or significant other. Minghao is stuck in a dim office table, contemplating whether lugging the folders back home is going to be worth it or not. Just as he flips through the second of the five stacks, the buzzing from his phone interrupts the silent atmosphere. 

     "Hello?" Minghao notices the way his voice sounds pathetically weak. 

     "Hi darling. I'm waiting for you here. Are you stuck in traffic?" A sweet voice comes from the other side of the line. Minghao recognises it as his boyfriend, Junhui. 

     A crease forms on his forehead when the words reach his ears. "Waiting for me where?" 

     "At the restaurant. We booked it for dinner tonight, two weeks ago, remember?" Junhui's confusion can be heard through the phone.

     Minghao squeezes his eyes shut. "Shit. I'm sorry Junnie, I can't make it. I have tons of work to sort through..." His excuse is lame, and he knows it. There's silence for a brief moment. 

     "I'm sorry, really I am. We can go out another day, I promise. Please don't be mad." Minghao half begs through the phone, standing up to stuff the remaining work into his bag. 

     An audible sigh travels through the phone. "No, it's fine...  I'll cancel it. I'll meet you back home." The line cuts off before Minghao has a chance to respond. He turns his desk light off before heading out into the streets to hail a taxi. 


     When Minghao reaches home, the first thing he does is open his laptop and haul out the thick folders from his bag. Junhui hasn't arrived back yet, and so the younger male takes the opportunity to get some work done, although he really doesn't feel like it. He is dead tired when the second folder is completed, and the clock reads 9pm. 

     Minghao leans back in his chair and closes his eyes. It turns out to be the wrong choice, however, when the stress sets in as darkness overwhelms him. All he could think about was work, work, and more work. There is barely any space left to consider Junhui and his missed dinner, in no way meaning that that part of the guilt isn't tugging at his heartstrings. 

     Sometimes, it was scary. The places his mind can travel to when Minghao is left alone by himself, just thinking. The thoughts would sneak through his eyes and roll down his cheeks. They would compel him to do unimaginable things. Things that one has to hide with bandages and longer sleeves. That's why it is imperative he does anything to pull himself out of that misery. And so, he can only pinch himself awake, letting his eyes wander over the excel sheet on his laptop. 

     Minutes later, Junhui enters the apartment. The click of the door and padding of footsteps to their room doesn't distract the younger man from his work. Only when the older's arms circled its way around Minghao's body does he notice Junhui's presence. Junhui pushes his face into Minghao's hair, inhaling deeply. 

     "Bad day?" He asks softly. There's not much of a response from Minghao. He only feels something wet dripping onto his arm awhile later. Junhui sits heavily on the bed and spins the chair around. 

     Tears pooled in Minghao's brownish black eyes, escaping down his face. No matter how much he blinks them back, there's no stopping the emotions struggling against his grip. "You haven't showered yet, have you?" The man in question looks down at his hands, shaking his head. 

     "Go and do that first, darling. Then come to bed with me." Junhui says. He purposefully avoids the topic of work, knowing damn well that neither of them was in the mood for it. Minghao stands abruptly, aggressively brushing away his tears. It startles Junhui a little. The both of them head off to separate bathrooms, each with their own heavy feelings lingering in their heart. 

     The two males are tangled under the sheets, only their heads poking out from the blanket. Minghao is half atop of Junhui, arms sprawled across his chest and face pushed into the base of his neck. The contact is comforting, especially when the last thing he wants is to be left alone. "Wanna talk about it?" Junhui whispers. His voice is never loud when Minghao is sensitive.

     The response is almost immediate. "N...No- Not really." Minghao's voice crackles. Junhui hums in acceptance, his thumb caressing the younger's cheek. There's no conversation for a long time, while the two lie there.  

     Then a small voice is heard. "I just want it all to end." 

     Junhui remains quiet, so Minghao continues. 

     "I don't know what... what to do." Minghao sniffles. 

     "It'll go away soon, my love. I'll be here to chase the monster away." Junhui embraces the younger male fully. 

     Minghao looks up with tearful eyes. "Promise me you won't go." 

     Junhui leans down to kiss the tears away. 


Sometimes one bad day evokes the worst emotions.


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