Liar Pt.2

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(emotional happy ending to Liar)

"We should go to that club everyone's been talking about!" Mingyu suggested. He and Minghao were sitting in his car, discussing the plans they intended to carry out now that their last mid-year paper was over. Minghao frowned at the idea. 

"A club? I don't know..." He hesitated as he thought of everything that could go wrong.

"Come on, live a little. We'll ask Wonwoo to be our driver, how does that sound?" Wonwoo was Mingyu's boyfriend, and also happened to be the most trustworthy of the three. They had been friends since way back, so Minghao felt the slightest bit relieved when Wonwoo's name was brought up. 

"What am I supposed to tell Jun? He'll probably say no..." Minghao faced yet another obstacle. 

"So don't tell him." Mingyu shrugged, as though the decision was as simple as that. Minghao's jaw dropped. 

"Just say we're studying for the art history test tomorrow at the library, then you're crashing at my place." Minghao was astonished that Mingyu could conjure up an entire backstory in mere seconds.

He continued to ponder over the idea. "But our test was just over." He said.

Mingyu stifled a laugh. "You're so innocent, you know that? Ever heard of a lie, angel? We'll be fine." Minghao reassured himself with whatever Mingyu had just said, and agreed to the plan. 

Mingyu proceeded to turn on the ignition and drove the two of them back to Minghao's place. When they reach, Minghao was just about to step out of the car when Mingyu reminded him, "Go get changed into something nicer and I'll pick you up at five. Bring along a textbook or something we can leave in the car so it'll be more believable, kay?" Minghao nodded, before lugging his bag into the apartment. There was still three hours to go before 5pm, so maybe he could have some time to binge a movie before heading off. He unpacked his bag and left everything lying on his desk, dutifully keeping the books about art history in his bag as Mingyu had instructed him to. Afterwards, he grabbed some snacks and buried himself under a blanket, the television screen illuminating his face.

Minghao just managed to change into something more suited for the club when the sound of an engine revving pulls him back into reality. He glanced out the window, and thank god it was just Mingyu and Wonwoo waiting outside. He sent a quick message to Junhui and decided to power off his phone for the rest of the night. 

"I can't believe Mingyu managed to pull you into this." Wonwoo whispered to Minghao. The two of them were in the backseat as Mingyu speeds down the road. "Hey! I can still hear you!" Mingyu sulked in the driver's seat. Minghao giggled. It would be lying to say he wasn't at all excited.

As soon as they arrived, Mingyu ventured off on his own to grab drinks for him and Minghao. Wonwoo wanted to feel sober, so that 'at least someone can make good decisions', as he said. Minghao gratefully accepted the cup of unknown liquid from Mingyu, and chugged it in one shot. The liquid burned its way down his throat, ending in him sputtering and coughing. He felt a tiny buzz in his system, and his mind started to fog up. Minghao found himself drifting towards the bar table, chatting to a friendly guy whose name was Jeonghan. 

The time flew by and Minghao couldn't keep track of the number of drinks he had. It might've been three or four. He wasn't the best at holding his liquor. The drunk male slouched over his last drink of the night, barely comprehending anything over the pounding in his ears and the blaring music. He felt something touching the left side of his neck, which he later registered to be a pair of lips. Without any energy left to turn his head, Minghao let it happen for a few minutes, letting out the softest of sounds when the person sucked on his neck. 

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