Secret pt. 4.5

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Seungcheol, Seokmin and Minghao hid in the back alley where their mission was supposed to be carried out, wary eyes watching every single silhouette that roamed the street. The guy was supposed to walk past any moment now, then Junhui would snipe him from the roof of a building a distance away. Hoshi was in the building backing Junhui up, while Mingyu followed the guy and sent constant information. The rest of them were waiting in case he put up a struggle or fled. It was a quick and simple assassination.

Minghao nearly jumped out of his own skin when Seungcheol's phone vibrated loudly in the almost dead silent alley. Seungcheol picked it up and held it to his ear.

He whispered aggressively, "Hoshi what did I tell you about calling-" The sentence never came to an end.

Then all of a sudden, Seungcheol started barking orders, "Seokmin stay here and keep watch. Minghao follow me," Minghao was dazed. "Now!"

"Wait... what happened?" Minghao dashed to catch up with a sprinting Seungcheol.

"Junhui was stabbed."

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