I'm the problem

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Minghao had noticed recently, exactly two weeks ago, the redness on the back of Junhui's hands. His knuckles, the stretched skin between his fingers, they were both dry and peeling off. He thought it was just a case of dry skin, owing to the unforgiving chill of Seoul's winters. As such, he had thought to buy bottle after bottle of hand lotion, reminding the other to use them every morning and night.  He had even consulted his friend, a dermatologist, with these rather odd symptoms. Not that Junhui ever knew, he was kept blissfully ignorant. 

Despite these remedies, his hands seemed rougher as time continued to pass. Minghao opted to keep his mouth shut whenever they held hands, and the other doctor's skin rubbed against his own. Although, a simple thing like holding hands had become less frequent the past few days, yet another oddity.  Junhui himself didn't seem aware, nor was he concerned. In fact, when Minghao studied his behavior closer, Junhui seemed more inclined to hide them. 

It was remarkably peculiar. A reason for his strangeness didn't seem to present itself even as days went by. Minghao didn't know whether to bring it up or leave the topic alone, hoping it would fix itself. 

That was until the two surgeons reported to work in the hospital on another snowy morning, going their separate ways. In true April nature, the nurse snuck up beside Minghao, nearly frightening him out of his skin. "Good god April, it is too early in the morning for this." Minghao exclaimed, whirling around. He glared at the mischievous nurse, who was smiling a tad too brightly. 

"Good morning Dr Xu," April smirked. 

Minghao narrowed his eyes at her. "I know that smile, what's going on?' 

April shrugged, turning back to her iPad. "Dr Caleb and I are planning a small get-together. Just a few doctors and nurses. You're invited. Oh, and attendance is mandatory," She offered, looking at him with rather expectant eyes. 

He raised an eyebrow at the sudden news. "Dr Caleb huh? Andrew Caleb?" 

April nodded. "The one and only. Why?" 

An exaggerated gasp left the doctor's mouth. "April, you never mentioned Andrew Caleb and you were a thing! How long?" 

The blush that crept up from April's neck to her cheek told him everything he needed to know. "Two weeks..." She murmured under her breath, pointedly ignoring Minghao's even bigger exclaim. 

Minghao nudged her shoulder teasingly. She flipped her hair at him snarkily. "Well, I'll definitely be there." He chuckled, enjoying every bit of embarrassment that showed very evidently on her face. Just then, the pager in his white coat pocket buzzed loudly, startling him with the vibrations. April peeked over at the screen as he pulled it out.

"Looks like your patient over in the ICU," April said after taking one look at the device. Minghao suppressed a sigh. The ICU was all the way on the other side of the hospital. He bid a hasty goodbye to April, then left with his own iPad in his hands. The ICU patient had been here for a few days, and fortunately was getting better day by day. It seemed to be a simple check in and consultation, wouldn't take longer than 10 minutes. Maybe Minghao would even be able to discharge him.

As he navigated through the complex routes of the hospital (being a well-equipped hospital with a large floor plan came with its fair share of downsides), Minghao couldn't help but notice an extremely familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. The man had such distinct facial features, coupled with the greying of hair at his temples. Although he was quite a distance away, blocked by some other patients and staff, Minghao could instantly recognise that man. He looked like Junhui's father. 

Why would Junhui's father be in the hospital? 

Minghao peered a little closer. The man was carrying a small prescription bag. The hospital's logo printed on the plastic was not hard to miss. Huh. The plot thickens.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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