Secret (bonus chapter 1)

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"You have to stop babying me!" Minghao yelled. He backed away from the blonde male in front of him, circling around the tables. They'd been at this for hours. Minghao drew a blank when he tried to recall what exactly had triggered the argument, or when exactly it had started. Rain was pattering at the windows, unleashing its ugly side to the rest of the world around them, not uncommon for the early winter days. 

Junhui was fixed on the unwavering man in front of him. He brushed his hand through his blonde hair, tugging in utter frustration when Minghao shouted. "It's not that! You're not safe out there." He reinforced the point repeated multiple times. 

Minghao found it infuriating. He just wasn't listening. "Nothing is safe for me out there." 

Junhui scoffed. "So you're just going to forget that you were kidnapped? That I had to go save your pathetic ass?" 

The words were a stab in the heart. More than that, it felt like someone were doing it over. And over. And over again. Then twisting it deeper. When he looked up, there was a mark of a stray tear escaping through his blinking lids.

"It was months-" Minghao stuttered. He backed away, accidentally hitting a chair and sending a loud crash ricocheting through the room.

"Fresh, isn't it? The memory? Feels just like yesterday." Junhui countered coldly. 

It all came crashing down too quickly. Every shout and hit and drop of blood. It stung like a thousand bees. 

Flashback (1 year after Minghao joined)

Seungcheol cleared his throat loudly. The chatter in the room died down. "We have another mission. His name's Chen," The rest looked at the screen where the man's face appeared in power point slides. "We do not kill him. The police wants us to bring him in for questioning." 

"Aw... Where's the fun in that?" Mingyu called from the back of the room. 

Seungcheol eyed him directly. He tilted his head in a mocking smile. "$5 million that will now not be going to your bank account." The group of them laughed as Mingyu's teasing face evaporated into a sour sulk. 

Before he ended, Seungcheol made one last announcement. "Chen is a dangerous man, so be careful." 

Days later, Minghao found himself strapped in a bullet-proof black vest, and a handgun by his hip. He shuddered at the thought of ever having to use it. If he were lucky, maybe he would never have to use it at all. He clicked the telecommunication earpiece into place, stuffing it into his ear. Over the bug, he heard the faint crackling voices of Wonwoo and Woozi arguing. A smile spread across his face. 

Dokyeom made his way over, nudging shoulders with a tense Minghao. "Calm down little one, you're with me." His light smile and cheerful demeanour didn't seem to make the situation any less scary. 

"Minghao? Wonwoo here checking on status." Wonwoo's voice was smooth and clear this time. 

Minghao cleared his throat. "Fine. Where's the man?" Wonwoo confirmed that Chen was just 20 minutes away from his location. The next few though, was spent in utter silence, except for Dokyeom's light tapping of his foot. He hummed a song the Chinese male couldn't recognise. How in the world Dokyeom was able to remain that calm was beyond him. 

They were hiding out in the alleyway again, a place Minghao was less than happy to be stuck in. However, it gets the job done when it came to ambushing the target, so that was the end of the argument for him. He wrinkled his nose as the pungent smell of rubbish from the chutes near him wafted past his nose. A crinkle of paper caught his attention. Standing up straight, he suddenly was hyper alert for any other noise. 

Minghao kicked at Dokyeom. "Ow what the f-" 

"Shut up! Listen..." Minghao whispered aggressively. He placed one hand on the holster of his gun. Crack! This time, the sound was ringing through his ears. Dokyeom stopped tapping his foot, slowly pulling his gun out. In an instant, gone was his lighthearted nature, replaced of one designed to hurt. 

Dokyeom said in a low, pressed tone. "Do not move. Shoot anyone who is not me." With that, Minghao's partner rounded the corner, leaving him in the lurch. His stomach was roiling, both from the nerves and his lunch. He felt like he was going to puke buckets of anxiety any time. 

He couldn't help but look around warily. Pulling his gun fully out of its holster, Minghao couldn't fathom even holding the weapon with steady hands. His palms were so sweaty it would be embarrassing in any other circumstance. 

"Ah, what a rookie mistake." 

Minghao whipped around. He was poised, ready to shoot. The trigger was never pulled. 

Chen, with his temples grey and wrinkles forming creases on his face, stepped closer. "Stop there or I'll shoot!" Minghao warned. Hands shaking, he pointed it directly at the man's head. Just then, he remembered he hadn't turned on his earpiece, so Wonwoo couldn't hear him. Doing it now would be way too obvious. Minghao swore under his breath.

"Go on then, shoot." The old man's voice was calm. The Chinese male was taking laboured breaths. He couldn't shoot, Seungcheol said not to. 

He screamed as something sharp poked his back. Frozen still in shock, Minghao dropped the gun. In the corner of his eye, he saw someone else younger, holding a gun pressed against his back. It was a person working for Chen. A counter ambush they had not been expecting. What a rookie mistake. 

Minghao inhaled sharply as Chen stalked closer. His chin was forcefully lifted up, such that he was making direct eye contact. "P- please..." Minghao begged, his voice lost to the wind. 

"Scream, and I'll have him blow your guts out." Chen smiled a smile that didn't quite seem right. Tapping the side of Minghao's face, the tight hold left a red tinge on his pale skin the shape of his fingers.

Minghao trembled the slightest bit, turning his face away. Behind his tearful eyes, his mind was racing. Chen backed away, levelling an uninterested look at him. "Aw, don't cry boy. Let me wipe your tears for you hm?" The older man took a handkerchief from his pocket, and a bottle of unknown liquid from inside his coat pocket. Minghao widened his eyes as Chen emptied its entire contents onto the handkerchief, and brought it to his nose. The younger male cried out, wrestling against his captor's hold and biting at Chen's hands.

Bingo. He felt a small swell of joy when blood bloomed across Chen's palm. Chen narrowed his eyes. "Fuck you!" He spat. Minghao felt his head being forced forward, and a strong chemical smell smothered his scent glands. 

He couldn't move. He didn't have the energy too. 

The male witnessed Chen pocketing his gun as his vision slowed into a blur. There was nothing more than a blur. Darkness. 

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