What is it I want

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What is it that I want
streaming down the cotton field
just the white brushing my cheek
acid against my lip

What is it that I want
when sand flies up in a flurry
salt tears in the ocean
roiling islands sinking deep

Sharp crystals hidden
within the lunging grass
Blood-soiled garments are
the inside joke

Bread and butter, fried with diced up
garlic. Oil is seeping through my
fingers. My garments are soiled. I wait
and wait. Expectantly until you cast
me a look. I wipe the oil. Soiled garments
are the joke

I don't realise I'm breathing hard.
Faster than when the cotton field
winds whipped my hair into
a tangled starling nest

What is it I could possibly ever want
when the icy breaths scratch my skin
bleak bare bones
hurling with such tone

Acid against my lip
an arrow shot over the horizon
Ten more return and I wait patiently
arms outstretched for one of them
to pierce my chosen piece

Gusts are billowing outside my
bedroom door. We are in the ocean. Salt
tears drown the floor. Pulling
me under.

What is it that you want
Soiled garments
are the last
you'll see of me.


I'm so sorry my lovelies for the long break. I've been in such a whirlwind with exams coming up and basically school in general is draining me. Either way, I've decided to experiment a bit with some poetry. This piece has nothing much really to do with Junhao, but it does touch on sensitive topics (d*mestic v*olence and s*icide). I actually really enjoyed this process and I hope you enjoyed reading it too! I'll be back very soon I promise.

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