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A sharp cry from a pesky bird perching itself right outside Junhui's window pierced through the room. He awoke with a startle, tumbling right over the edge of his bed. He frowned as he rubbed at his sore bottom. 

"Your majesty, are you okay?" A guard's voice called from directly outside his door. He'd almost forgotten there were guards stationed everywhere in the palace.

Junhui called back, "I'm fine! Don't come in, I'm indecent right now." It took him just a few moments to change out from his nightgown to clothes that were presentable to others, partially motivated by his early morning hunger. He strode down the hallway, servants making way and whispering in even more hushed tones as he passed. Junhui let a small smile sit on his lips, greeting each and every one of them. 

There was someone missing at the table when he arrived for breakfast. "Where's Minghao?" He asked. The two guards with him glanced at each other with a long look. 

Junhui's frown deepened, a crease forming between his brows whenever he got worried. "Liam, Thomas, What's going on?" 

Liam cleared his throat. He hesitated before saying, "Your majesty, uh..." Junhui gestured for him to continue. "Minghao, he- the king sent him to the dungeons." 

 A screech reverberated throughout the room. Junhui had shot up from his chair, advancing closer to the guards. "Why? On what grounds?"

This time, Thomas replied. "I overheard treason." 


Junhui, forgetting his breakfast that was going cold, stalked to the court room. His father, King Wen Ming, perched on the chair at the head of the table, stared at him as he burst through the doors. Junhui looked around. The various ministers were seated, gaping at the person who had just interrupted them. 

"Father, we need to talk." Junhui said calmly. 

The king sighed deeply. "Out. All of you." Everyone in the room shuffled out, including Liam and Thomas. 

Junhui advanced closer. Without giving the king a chance to speak, he kept his voice low as he confronted, "What did you do to him?" 

Wen Ming remained still in his seat. He narrowed his eyes at his son, as if examining him in a new light. "I don't know what you mean." 

"Bullshit, Father. You sent him to the dungeons on the ground of treason. I've known him my entire life! If he wanted to commit treason, he would have done so ages ago!" 

Wen Ming rose. Pacing the room calmly, he replied, "Perhaps you know him too well." 

Junhui stilled. He froze in his steps, a chill running down his spine. "What?" 

Wen Ming rounded the corner. He stood directly in front of his son. In that moment, the prince felt like a small child all over again. His father was towering over him, lecturing him about all his mischievous doings. 

"All the sweet love letters never sent out of this palace, the discreet looks you cast at one another, your rooms right beside each other. Do you take me for a fool? I am your father." Wen Ming said coldly. Junhui stiffened even further. 

"You can't send him away for that!" He shouted. 

"Section 13c under the laws of this country. Mages are to be officially registered by their parents at birth. Those without legal guardians are to register themselves on their 18th birthday. Failure to do so will result in harsh punishment. Your servant did not report that he was a mage when he turned 18 last year, so I have every right to send him away." Wen Ming recited. His eyes were stone cold, his heart even more so. 

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