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In which Junhui has been keeping a secret

     The door swings open. A dark figure creeps in silently. He brandishes a knife, the edge of which glints in the moonlight. His hands are covered with blood. The blood does not belong to him. 

     "Fuck." Junhui mutters. He tries to close the door gently without it making too much noise. He doesn't want to wake his lover. Unfortunately, blood gets on the door handle. Yet another thing to clean up. Death is always so messy

     The male steps into the kitchen, turning the lights on. He strips off the blood-stained coat. It is ruined beyond hope, so Junhui chucks it into a plastic bag before throwing it down the rubbish chute. He remembers to retrieve his knives from the pocket first and places it onto the marble island. Junhui turns on the tap and starts rubbing at his hands, getting dried flakes of blood out from under his fingernails. Then, he scoops some water into his palm and brings it up to his forearm, chin and temple. He hisses at the sharp pain when the water comes into contact with his injuries. 

     Perhaps he should explain. Junhui is secretly part of an organisation, specialising in crime. Crime that would ultimately strengthen society. That included murder. It is all very twisted, but it depends on your view. Tonight, Junhui, Mingyu and Soonyoung were tasked to take down the CEO of a famed company at their annual corporate party. Don't get them wrong though. They weren't doing it out of jealousy or hopes of earning big money. The CEO had been dabbling in extremely illegal money matters, which he had no business doing. Now you see what I mean.

     Junhui had never been a hands-on killer. The background scene was more his expertise. Sniping, to be more specific. Knife work was Mingyu's job, but count on him to be too distracted with flirting at the party and briefly letting their mission slip his mind. And so, Junhui had to abandon his post and take on the dirty job. 

     All was going well. Mingyu was en route to assist Junhui and Junhui seemed to be taking the upper hand in the fight. But no one had told him the CEO knew how to fight back. Junhui emerged from the battle victorious, having stabbed the man and smacked Mingyu round his head a few times after until he was satisfied. He also left with more than a couple injuries. 

     Junhui swears under his breath, running the bloodied knives, his gun and everything else under the tap. He makes sure not to drop anything. It just wouldn't do for Minghao to find out about any of this. The longer Minghao stays blissfully unaware, the better. He grabs a few paper towels and goes around the apartment to wipe all the surfaces he had touched. Number one rule: never leave traces. 

     After that was all done, Junhui carries his gun and array of knives to the leaving room. He opens the bottom most drawer under the television with the key in his briefcase. He had always told Minghao that the drawer contained confidential work information. It is the truth. Well, half of it. The full truth would be that a false bottom revealed all the equipment he uses. Junhui is in the midst of putting everything away when the light in the living room flickers on. 

     On pure instinct, Junhui whips around. He grips his knife tightly, ready to attack the intruder. Said intruder stands frozen to the spot. His eyes widens at the sight of the metal blade. 

     "What the hell." The three words leave Minghao's lips in barely a whisper. Nothing could describe his feelings any better than pure terror. 

     "Lord, Hao hao. You scared the living daylights out-"

     "You... you have knives." Minghao is trembling very hard now. He tries to move back, but it feels as though he is physically incapable of doing so. 

     "Hao hao, let me explain..." Junhui starts.

     "And guns too." Minghao's face is white as a sheet. He points at the drawers like he's seen a ghost. There were guns in his house, and he has never known. Junhui is suddenly calm, like nothing is happening.

     "There's blood on your shirt."

     Damn the blood for seeping through his coat.

     "There is."

     "Is it yours?"


     Minghao finally stumbles back. He realises there is no where else to go when his back comes into contact with the wall. Junhui quickly comes to the conclusion that Minghao is positively spooked. He drops the knife behind him. The younger male flinches when the knife meets the floor.

     "Minghao, darling. Please-" Junhui steps forward. Minghao throws out a hand, and cries, "No! Stay away from me." His eyes wells with tears. They are tears of fear, betrayal and anger mixed together. 

     "What... what did you do, Junhui?" Minghao's voice is soft. Broken.

     A pause.

     "I killed someone."

     Minghao bolts.

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