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Minghao felt really, really confused. One moment he was still on good terms with Junhui, talking until the wee hours of the night, and then all of a sudden he wasn't. Just like that, a total 180 switch in less than a day. Junhui just stopped talking to him altogether. It was very weird indeed. 

He couldn't understand the switch. Why was Junhui pushing him away? It wasn't as though Minghao had done anything to trigger him, or at least not that he would know of. After 3 years of dating, he knew the older was the type to talk about his feelings, even more openly than Minghao himself. So it just didn't make sense, Junhui couldn't have been ignoring him the entire morning for no reason at all. Despite wanting to brush it off as the older in a sour mood, Minghao couldn't rid himself of the feeling that he had done something wrong, though he had no idea what.  

The younger Chinese male sat in the living room, peeking through the crack in the kitchen door where he could see Junhui pacing around, probably finding a snack. Minghao thought long and hard about the events of the previous night and that day, but to no avail. As soon as Junhui walked out of the kitchen sipping on a yoghurt drink, he stood up and followed behind, a little upset at the way his boyfriend pretended he wasn't even there. 

Minghao took a few big paces to catch up to him, and grabbed his arm just in time to enter their shared work room before the elder nearly slammed the door in his face. Junhui shrugged his arm off, still refusing to face him. "You've been ignoring me all day Jun, what's wrong?" Minghao asked, intimidated. He cowered slightly under Junhui's heavy gaze. He had never seen Junhui so... pissed

Said man scoffed slightly, rolling his eyes. "I don't know Minghao, you tell me." Behind his eyes, Minghao's mind was working, back tracing his memories to every event that had happened in the past week. Still nothing. He reached forward to hold Junhui's arm again, frowning when Junhui pulled back rather aggressively.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Jun, if I've done something-" Minghao's words were cut off by the other's raised voice. Junhui stalked a little closer to him.

"Done something? For goodness sake Minghao, stop with the lies," Junhui said, his voice deepening by the second. His pupils darkened from the increasing rage. 

Minghao froze, bewildered. Nothing could have prepared him for the absolute fury radiating off the man in front of him, nor his trembling fear. "I'm not- I haven't lied to you." He whispered, taking two steps back and creating space between the two of them. He edged closer to the door, swallowing hard. Not only was he utterly confused, but also terrified. Junhui could be scary when he was angry, but it would be unimaginable when he was really pissed off. 

Junhui turned, picking up an object that Minghao could barely make out. "Does this look familiar to you?" He asked. The younger peered a little closer.  Grasped in Junhui's hand, was his favourite digital camera, which was also extremely broken. The lens had shattered, some parts of the glass still intact while majority of it had fallen off. The edges of the camera were dented, and the black screen had severe cracks all around it. 

"What- what happened to your camera?" Minghao stuttered. He hadn't touched the camera since a long time ago, how did it get to this state? Junhui placed it down gently, though it was already so broken there was no point. 

"You broke it, didn't you?" He asked. 

Minghao widened his eyes. "Jun I didn't do anything, I swear." His voice was pleading, but it didn't seem like Junhui believed him. 

"You're the only one who's been in this apartment all week. The last time I took it out, it was fine. Now I can't even retrieve the pictures I took anymore!" He said, volume raising at every sentence. "You could've at least told me." 

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