Taking care of you

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     Minghao stepped out onto the Seoul streets, gazing in awe at the the lush green trees, on which a bountiful amount of fresh flowers blossomed their soft pink petals. He studied the plants carefully, taking out his mobile phone to snap a quick picture. It had become a habit of his, to capture beautiful memories such as this. Photography helped him appreciate the small things in life that he may not have noticed otherwise. Painting did, too. He was always more of an abstract person though. This may be a sign that it was high time to try out a still life painting instead. 

     He slotted his phone into his back pocket, plugged his airpods in and played soft classical music. Beethoven Romance No. 2 in F major, Op. 50. He loved how the music crescendo-ed and the dynamics intensifies, somehow allowing him to concentrate on taking in the breathtaking spring scenery surrounding him. 

     Minghao turned up the volume. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the violinist's solo. A wet drop landed on his face, startling Minghao. The male jumped a little. A few more raindrops quickly turned into an all-out downpour, much like the piece playing in his ears. Damn it, I didn't even bring a bag to shield the rain. Minghao dashed to the nearest shelter, and quickly took out his phone to book a cab. 

     "Great, now all of the drivers are refusing to accept bookings. Just my luck for there to be a fucking storm on the one day I have no ride." Minghao grumbled. He stared up at the grey sky. The flowers drooped under the heavy weight of the rain, souring his mood further. Minghao tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for the rain to let up. So much for coming for extra practice when he was just going to get drenched on the way back to the dorm. Dorm's just a mile or so away, should I make a run for it? After waiting almost 10 minutes, Minghao was seriously considering sprinting the rest of the way home. 

     You know what, fuck it. Minghao unzipped his black track jacket and held it up over his head, leaving him only in a basic plain tee. Once the street was mostly empty of cars, he stepped out into the rain and ran for dear life. 

     "Ugh! I should've worn more layers if I knew I'd have to run in the rain." The Chinese male complained, sniffling as he finally stumbled into their dorm. Said male was shivering like mad, hugging himself through his soaked shirt in an attempt to stay warm. His shirt was sticking to his body, and Minghao found it hard to even move. Leaving a trail of water as he walked, he trudged to the shower. He clawed off his clothes, infinitely grateful that hot water exists. 

     After an all too long but relaxing shower, Minghao emerged from the bathroom. He felt so much better, but since when did spring feel so cold? He rubbed his reddened nose and sniffed, wrapping a thick wool blanket around his frame. Still feeling slightly cold, Minghao shrugged it off as an after effect of the rain. It was like god was against him, with the way the rain stopped immediately after he stepped under the running water. What perfect timing. He plonked himself down onto his bed and fell into a deep slumber. 

Half an hour later

     "I bought dumplings!" Junhui announced, walking into the room. A frown formed slowly when he noticed a figure was under the blanket, and the room's window wasn't even open. He must've been melting under there! Junhui peeled back the edge of the covers, his eyes softening at the sight of Minghao curled into a ball, asleep. He failed to notice, however, the way the younger male squirmed ever so slightly in discomfort. 

     Junhui decided to take the dumplings out into the kitchen and separate them into bowls first. He'd bought way too many for just the two of them. Maybe he could bring some to Woozi in his studio. "Minghao! Wake up and eat!" Still nothing, not even a sound. Minghao was always a light sleeper, what's keeping him in today? Junhui speed-walked to the side of the bed, and rested the back of his palm against the younger's forehead. The older male was shocked at the heat radiating from the younger. He gently shook Minghao awake. 

     "What do you want? Just let me sleep..." Minghao responded half-heartedly. He rolled onto his stomach and shut his eyes tight. The fever made him want to sleep away the rest of the day. In a few minutes time, Junhui had brought over a thermometer and a wide array of every type of fever medicine he could find from the dorm. "Here, stick this into your mouth." Junhui passed the thermometer over while he dutifully checked the labels on the medicine. 

      Minghao laughed through a cough. "That's usually my line, darling." The remark made Junhui roll his eyes, a hint of a blush blossoming on his cheeks.

     "Just take your medicine." The older instructed. Minghao sighed in defeat. He eyed a pink pill with disgust but threw all of them into his mouth anyway, gulping down mouthfuls of water. After a few moments, his fever seemed to be going down. 

     Junhui placed a kiss on his forehead. He stood up to bring in their lunch.

     Minghao sat up slowly, ignoring the dull throb in the back of his head. He rose onto his feet, yet promptly fell back onto the mattress when the throb escalated into a sharp ache. There was a muffled ringing in his ears that didn't seem to clear even when he shook his head. The younger male groaned out in irritation. "Sit down baobei, you're going to make yourself feel even worse." Junhui said as he carried a portion of food into the room. 

     "Want me to feed you?" Minghao nodded. His limbs suddenly felt like they weighed a ton. Junhui patiently fed Minghao and himself, and the younger gratefully accepted the warm food that tasted so much like home. Junhui got up to wash the dishes at the kitchen sink. 

     Then, he walked back in to accompany Minghao. "I have a headache..." The younger said quietly, grabbing Junhui's wrist and tugging at it. Minghao purred with content when the older snuggled in beside him. The older stroked his head softly, trying to get Minghao to go back to sleep. 

     "How did you even fall sick?" He asked. 

     "I ran home in the rain. Damned Uber drivers wouldn't accept the ride." Minghao nuzzled his face into the crook of Junhui's neck, breathing in his flowery scent.

     Minghao shifted slightly and stared up at the older with innocent eyes. "Junnie, kiss me." 

     Junhui chuckled. "You'll pass the fever to me." 

     "But I have a headache!" Minghao protested.

     Junhui gazed into his lover's eyes. "And how, pray tell, would kissing you help your headache?" 


     Junhui's lips captured Minghao's in a tender kiss as the older moved to envelope him in a loose hug. Their tongues danced around each other, exploring familiar territory. Minghao tilted his head and pushed further, much to Junhui's surprise. Sick Minghao meant feisty Minghao too. The older could feel Minghao's warm exhale when they finally pulled away after a minute or two, a string of saliva connecting their lips. Junhui trailed a thumb delicately over the younger's red and swollen lips. It was an absolute masterpiece.  

     "Now go to sleep."


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