Secret Pt. 2

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     Minghao bolts.

     He dashes straight to his room. He tries to slam the door behind him. Anything that could put distance between him and Junhui would suffice. 

Junhui's pov

     A sharp pain shoots up Junhui's foot. It is the result of sticking his feet between the door and its frame in an attempt to chase after the younger male. He limps in agony into the room. Minghao is seated on the edge of his side of the bed, backfacing Junhui. 

     "Please get out." Minghao whispers. He refuses to turn around to meet Junhui's helpless gaze.

     "Minghao, love. Just let me explain." The older pleads. Minghao finally faces him. Junhui tries to walk forward.

     "No. Explain, but do it from there. I want to know everything that happened last night." Minghao demands. He is not panicking anymore, but there is still a hint of suspicion in his tone. Junhui starts talking. From his friends, to the corporate party, down to the CEO's death, Junhui explains it as calmly as he could. Minghao gives no reaction. He remains unwavering even as Junhui mentions about stabbing the guy.

     There is no response for a long time when he is done. Junhui doesn't know what to expect. An outburst, maybe. "How long have you been... killing?" Minghao asks.

     Junhui replies. "7 years." Minghao finally lets his guard down. He is staring at the older in utter shock. "That's... that's before you even met me!" Junhui nods. Minghao can't believe his ears. 7 years. 

     "And... and how many people?" 

     "27. 28, if you count last night." 

     Oh god. Minghao sucks in a breath. Junhui goes on to explain the cause of the organisation. He tells Minghao about all the wrongdoings those he had killed had committed, but the latter was barely processing anything. "Do you feel guilty? Killing them?" There was no energy left in his voice. 

     "No. They die for a reason, Hao. I don't kill them for fun." Junhui reiterates. 

     Minghao shakes his head slowly. He gets up and pushes past Junhui to the door. "I... I need time to think alone. I'll sleep on the couch. You can have the bed." He walks out of the room. Without thinking, Junhui reaches out and grabs the younger's arm, pulling him into a hug. Minghao is completely still. The older hates the invisible wall of mistrust between them. Junhui lets go after awhile and allows Minghao to walk away. 

     The night is silent. Darkness shrouds the apartment once again.

The next morning

     Sizzling of bacons in a pan pulls Minghao out of dreamland and back to the real world, where his lover is a killer. He perks up at the delicious scent of breakfast. Junhui is in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of them. 

     "Morning darling." Junhui smiles widely at a sleepy Minghao. 

     The younger picks up a piece of bacon and nibbles at the corner. "You can drop the act, you know."

     "What act?" Junhui is back-facing Minghao again.

     "Acting like nothing happened. Like everything is normal." Minghao stresses on the word. He pulls out a chair and tucks into breakfast at the kitchen island. 

     To which Junhui responds with, "Everything is normal Hao. I've been living like this for 7 years." 

     Right. He has. I just never knew. Minghao thinks to himself. "Anyway, I've been thinking last night. It's hard to come to terms with it, but I think I can accept whatever you're doing on one condition." Minghao musters the courage to say. Junhui is pleasantly surprised. He puts down the pan and backhugs Minghao. The older rests his head on the latter's shoulder. He never realised how much he enjoys the soft physical contact with Minghao.

     "Thank you." Junhui wound his arms around Minghao's torso even tighter. Minghao starts to lean into the warm touch. 

     "I want to go with you." The bombshell drops.

     "What?" Junhui is starting to think he's hearing things. He spins the chair that the younger is sitting on around so that they're now facing each other. "You heard me." Minghao shrugs.

     "Hao hao I don't think you realise how dangerous this line of work is." Junhui tries to explain. 

     "Believe me. I do." Minghao gazes sadly at the bruises and cuts on the older's face. 

     "Exactly. I've had much worse than just these when I first started. When you kill someone, you live with the guilt for the rest of your life. I can't stand seeing that happen to you." Junhui continues, "There's shooting involved. Fighting too-" 

     Junhui barely finishes his sentence when pain explodes in the back of his legs. Within a second, he is forced into a kneeling position, arm twisted behind his back and held firmly in place by none other than Minghao. Minghao bends down. "If there's one thing I can do, it's fighting." The words are a flutter next to Junhui's ear, sending shivers down his spine. 

     Junhui recovers quickly and catches Minghao offguard. Junhui stands up and pulls Minghao's back flush against his front torso, gripping both of the younger's arms with his left hand. The force is unwavering, and much too strong for Minghao to even budge an inch. His right hand comes up to Minghao's neck in a mock strangle. Minghao yelps in shock. "Is this how you killed the CEO last night?" Minghao asks. Junhui frowns, and lets go. 


     Minghao pouts when he realises Junhui had just defeated him without much effort. "I want to do that. What you just did."

     Junhui tosses the small kitchen knife up into the air, and swipes it out of the air with his bare hands. Minghao looks on in awe. 

     "Then finish your breakfast, and I'll show you how."  

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