Oh, the scandal

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Junhui wakes up to a sliver of the sun falling on his face through the slight gap in the curtains. "Jesus christ." He sits up, swearing under his breath as the sun continues to illuminate the room. Groaning, he pulls himself out of the comfort of his bed and drifts towards the window, pyjama bottoms dragging on the floor and nearly tripping him. As soon as he pulls the curtains open to let light enter his depressing dungeon of a room, Junhui receives a text notification on his phone. He picks up his phone from the bedside table.

Mr CEO❤️

Don't kill me, but I may be 
in a meeting now

Junhui scans through the message before quickly typing out a response. 

No promises.

Isn't your schedule supposed
to be free today anyway?

As expected, when Junhui walks into Minghao's room, it's empty. 

Well yeah

But Nate scheduled some meeting
with these few business people. Guess
my email about taking a day off
didn't get through

Junhui sighs. 

Ugh fine 

What am I supposed to do now

Watch that drama you stayed up
till 2am last night binging?

I heard the tv 

You're not so sneaky Mr stuffing-

In fact, I'm upset you didn't ask
me to join you

Hey! His sister was my favourite
character okay

When are you going to be home

I don't know 

A guy with a weird beard sitting
across me is staring at me all funny

Maybe because I'm smiling at my

Junhui nearly snorts his cereal and milk breakfast all over the couch. 

Well just know when you get back

You owe me

Oh god

What is it this time?

He ponders for a little while, shoveling more spoonfuls of fruit loops into his mouth. 

6 Krispy Kreme donuts and
a caramel latte

Ooo and a pack of
marshmallows too

Junhui waits for a good three minutes before the next text comes in.


It's 9 in the morning

Your sugar overload can
wait a few hours

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